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Kenneth Lochhead

Kenneth Lochhead
Kenneth Lochhead, winner, 2006 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts (photo: Martin Lipman)

Artist Profiles and Success Stories

Kenneth Lochhead was one of the famous Regina Five, a group of Canadian abstract painters who achieved renown in 1961 for a landmark exhibition presented at the National Gallery of Canada that subsequently toured across the country. Born in Ottawa in 1926, Lochhead studied art at Queen's University, the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts (Philadelphia) and the Barnes Foundation (Merion, PA). In 1950, he was appointed Director of the School of Art, Regina College, University of Saskatchewan. While in Saskatchewan, he founded the Visiting Artist Workshops at Emma Lake, which helped connect Regina with the wider art world. After stints teaching in Regina, Winnipeg and Toronto, he returned to Ottawa in the early 1970s; he taught at the University of Ottawa from 1975 until 1989. Since 1953, Lochhead has shown his varied work (his recent focus is on landscape painting) in numerous solo and group exhibitions in both public and private galleries in Canada and abroad. He lives in Ottawa.

Check out the interactive Flash presentation of the awards!