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Proxy Voting
CPP Investment Board has committed to build an engagement capability and will use its ownership positions in companies to encourage improved performance on and disclosure of environmental, social and governance factors.

On behalf of the Canada Pension Plan, the CPP Investment Board has the right to vote on management and shareholder proposals that could affect equity values. We believe thoughtful voting can constructively influence corporate performance and have a positive impact on the portfolio.

Our proxy voting guidelines give directors and officers of companies in which we own shares guidance on how the CPP Investment Board is likely to vote on issues put to the shareholders. Through the CPP Investment Board, the Canada Pension Plan is the beneficial owner of shares in approximately 2,600 publicly traded companies, principally in North America and Western Europe. We strive to vote our proxies in a thoughtful, uniform manner such that no single company is disadvantaged by inconsistent voting.

There may be circumstances where the directors and management of a company disagree with our guidelines for reasons we have not considered. If you are an officer or director of a company in which we are casting proxy votes, please send us your comments or concerns by e-mail to, proxyvote@cppib.ca. To facilitate our review process, please include all relevant information supporting your request, including deadlines (if any) and contact information. We also welcome comments from other interested parties.

Read the Proxy voting summary report.

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If you are an officer or director of a company in which we are casting proxy votes, please communicate your comments or concerns to us by emailing proxyvote@cppib.ca.

View Proxies Voted


Related Documents

Proxy Voting Guidelines

Proxy Voting Summary

Policy on Responsible Investing