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Air Cadet Emblem

RCSU (Pacific) Graphic

Royal Canadian Air Cadets

Welcome to the Home of Air Cadets in Pacific Region

Air Cadets on ParadeThe Air Cadet program in British Columbia is as active, exciting and challenging as ever! Currently, over 3600 youth in the province of British Columbia are involved with Air Cadets in 52 Squadrons. The Squadrons are located in both large and small communities throughout the province. Find an Air Cadet Squadron in your area!

To join Air Cadets, you must be between 12 to 18 years of age. The success of the program is the result of a strong partnership between the Canadian Forces (CF) and the Air Cadet League of Canada. Support from Cadet Instructors Cadre officers, representing the CF and many community-minded sponsoring committees, representing the Air Cadet League, ensure the resources required are available to deliver the best program possible.

Air Cadets in BC meet once a week to participate in the Local Headquarters (LHQ) training program, which includes a variety of activities, such as: flying and gliding, marksmanship, effective speaking, leadership, physical fitness, citizenship and survival training. Air Cadets also have the opportunity to attain their private pilots license during summer training!

Many Air Cadet Squadrons in BC also offer a number of optional training activities, such as, music training, drill team, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Program, Air Cadet Fitness Testing, marksmanship teams, biathlon, first aid training and much more.

Please take time to visit our  website, with its information and resources that are available to you.  Feel free to contact the Air Office if you would like more information.

What's New on the Flight Line...

Bullet Graphic 2006 Battle of Britain Parade, Boundary Bay - PowerPoint presentation (6.6mb)
     Right click and select "Save Target" to save a copy to your computer
Bullet Graphic 2006-2007 Gliding Schedule posted     More...
Bullet Graphic New resources on the RCAOps/RGS site    More...
Bullet Graphic Air Cadet Gliding Manual A-CR-CCP-242-PT-005  More...
Bullet Graphic 2006 Glider and CESSNA Exam are now available online   More...

Air Cadets
RCSU (Pacific) Air Office

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