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Header - Regional Cadet Support Unit


Navigating a website is not always easy, so we have provided this page to help you make the best use of this site! You can also find a Site Map, to quickly find what you're looking for.


See the graphic below and match with the numbers below.

Navigation graphic of RCSU (Pacific) Website

1.  Link to the Department of National Defence Website, which provides further links to Navy, Army, Air Force Recruiting and Cadets.

2.  Link to the Government of Canada Website.

3.  Link to National Defense search engine.

4.  Link to contacts within RCSU (Pacific) for any questions, comments, etc.

5.  Links to main sections of the RCSU (Pacific) Website.  See Below for Site Map.

6.  Links to sub-sections of the RCSU (Pacific) Website.

7.  Displays when the page was last updated.

8.  You may go to the top of the page by clicking on the up arrow.

9.  Information regarding copyrights.

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Site Map

Listed below are the major pages within the RCSU (Pacific) Website, listed by section, with descriptions.

          » Past Feature Stories
                    » 2003
                    » 2002
                    » 2001
                    » 2000
                    » 1999
          » The RCSU's Role
          » Join Us
          » Parents Info
          » News Releases
          » Backgrounders
          » Toolbox
          » CSTC Sites
          » LHQ Sites
          » Regional Gliding School (Pacific)
          » Sea Corps in BC
          » Training
                    » Corps Training
                    » Summer Training
          » Sea Cadet Resources
          » Music Resources
          » Competitions
                    » Regional Competitions
                    » Regattas
          » Summer Employment
          » Scholarships
          » CHAP
          » Related Links
                    » Navy League

Top of Page

          » Organization
          » LHQ Training
                    » Zone News
                    » Star Program
                    » Directed Optional
                    » Optional Program
                    » Training Support
          » Summer Training
                    » Vernon Army Cadet Summer Training Centre
                    » Out of Region
                    » Advanced Training
          » Adventure
                    » Upcoming Expeditions
                    » Past Expeditions
                    » Zone Adventure
                    » LHQ Adventure
                    » CIC Adventure Courses
          » Administration
                    » CIC Personnel
                    » Civilian Instructors
                    » Routine Administration
                    » Awards and Appreciations
                    » Scholarships
          » Virtual Local Headquarters (VLHQ)
          » Logistics
          » Related Links
          » Army Site Map

Top of Page

          » Air Squadrons in BC
          » Training
                    » Squadron Training
                    » Summer Training
                    » Aircraft Sim (CASC)
          » Regional Competitions
          » Air Cadet Resources
          » Music Resources
          » Summer Employment
          » Blast From the Past
          » Scholarships
          » CHAP
          » Regional Gliding School
          » Related Links
                    » Air Cadet League of BC
          » Contact Information
                    » Cadet Units in BC
                    » RCSU (Pacific)
          » Computer Resources
          » Regional Calendars
          » Publications
                    » Online Forms
                    » MROs
                    » PRCIs
                    » CATOs
          » Public Affairs
          » Employment Opportunities
          » Music Resources
          » Regional Advisory Council
          » Related Links
                    » Logistik Unicorp
                    » CadetNet Login