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Past Featured Stories 2006

As things change pretty fast in Pacific Region, this resource archives all our news stories from around the region and across Canada.  Hover over the photos to read about the event.

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Recent policy changes to Civiian Instructors and Civilian Volunteers have resulted in a number of questions from corps/squadron Commanding Officers. Find answers to these questions in a "Questions and Answers" document produced to help clarify some of the issues stemming from these changes.  Cadet musicians from Royal Canadian Sea, Army and Air Cadet Squadrons will improve their music skills at a series of two-day band clinics held throughout the province through to the end of the year. The 10 clinics will be held in 100 Mile House, Terrace, Abbotsford, Prince George, Vancouver, Creston, Victoria, Vernon, Comox, Richmond and Port Coquitlam. Each is an intense weekend of instruction involving the study of music theory and rhythm, instruction in instrument care and maintenance, practical musical exercises, rehearsal and band parade drill. 
1 Oct 2006
Questions and Answers about Civilian Instructors & Civilian Volunteers
Cadet Musicians Meet Pro Instructors at Fall and WInter Band Clinics
Captain Trevor Henderson, Commanding Officer of 2893 Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC) in Port Coquitlam has been awarded the 15-hundred dollar Cadet Instructor Cadre Citizen Scholarship. The Scholarships are awarded annually to two members of the Canadian Forces Cadet Instructor Cadre who are pursuing their first post secondary degree or diploma. A selection is made based on character, and leadership qualities/potential, scholarship, and financial need.
6 Sep 2006
Officer Cadet Dane Nicholson, Administration Officer with 2381 British Columbia Regiment (Irish Fusiliers of Canada) Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC), Richmond, was presented with the Massey Memorial “Sword of Honour” at the graduation parade of the Basic Officer Qualification Course at Regional Cadet Instruction School (Pacific) Saturday (Sep 30). Nicholson was assessed to be the top candidate among the 17 trainees on the course
30 Sep 2006
Cadet Instructor Awarded Scholarship
Former North Vancouver Army Cadet Awarded Sword of Honour
Maritime Forces Pacific and Joint Task Force Pacific presents a showcase of exhibitions, demonstrations, and displays of Canadian Forces Sea, Land, and Air Force equipment and personnel at Ogden Point Cruise Ship Terminal in Victoria. Providing an opportunity to meet the fourth aim of the Cadet Program “To instil in youth an interest in the activities of the Canadian Forces”, this event will also showcase cadet talent from the Victoria area. For more information on this event, visit the Navy Days website at
6-7 Oct 2006
For the fifth year in a row sea cadets representing B.C. have taken first place at the four day National Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Regatta held at Kingston Ont. Aug 19, to 25. Cadets Tyler and Nicholas Kiefer of 81 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) HAMPTON GRAY in Nelson, B.C. won the “trapeze and spinnaker” class and are Canada’s top sea cadet sailors. It is the fifth time that a team from B.C. has won the national competition. Last year Tyler was a member of the second place national team. This year second place went to a team from Ontario, with third place going to Port Moody, B.C. cadets Sebastian Fritz and James Bone of 201 RCSCC GRILSE. Cadets Thomas Eagle and Theresa Szostakiwskyj of 263 RCSCC BEACON HILL of Langford, near Victoria, placed 9th.
26 Aug 2006
Ogden Point Navy Days - Oct 6-7 2006
BC Sea Cadets Fifth Time National Champion Sailors
Twenty sea cadet sailors represented the cadet program at the 2006 BC Summer Games in Kamloops BC 28-30 July. This is the third BC Summer Games for sea cadet sailors (Nanaimo 2002, Abbotsford 2004, and Kamloops 2006). The sailing location (Nicola Lake) treated us to the windiest games competition yet. Day one brought a moderate 8-11 knots and 4 races and day two was 15-20 knots and 3 races. Throughout the blustery wind the sun was shining and spirits were high.
Aug 2006
Petty Officer first class cadet Cory Thomson of 105 "Lonsdale" RCSCC was a guest Aug. 8 when the first of the ORCA Class training vessels was named at a ceremony at Victoria Shipyards. "The young officers, reservists, and cadets are going to have a hull and capability that is leaps and bounds ahead of its predecessor," said Rear Admiral Roger Girouard. In attendance were dozens of shipyard workers; Malcolm Barker, General Manager of Victoria Shipyards; Capt.(N) Bill Truelove, Commander Maritime Operations Group Four; Cdr. Kurt Salchert, Commanding Officer of the Naval Officer Training Centre, Venture and three representatives of the primary user groups A/SLt Melissa Knight, MS Tyson King and Cadet Thomson. Ms. Kathryn Van Dinther broke a bottle of Champagne on the ship's hull. A minimum of six of the new 33-metre training vessels will replace the 50 year old wooden hull YAG training ships over the next three years. They will be named for animals and perpetuate the "armed yachts" of the Second World War; RAVEN, CARIBOU, RENARD WOLF, and GRIZZLY. The first ship will be accepted by the Navy in early November. More information can be found at
8 Aug 2006
Sea Cadets Compete in the 2006 BC Summer Games
Sea Cadet on Hand for ORCA Christening
230 members of the Royal Canadian Sea Cadets from across Canada will perform “The Ceremony of the Flags” at 8 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 5 on the legislature grounds in Victoria. The ceremony, performed annually by teenage sea cadets attending the Sea Cadet Summer Training Centre (SCSTC), HMCS QUADRA located at Comox is an August long-weekend tradition in Victoria. The display is a celebration of national unity. It combines the tattoo, beating retreat, and sunset ceremonies and is focused on a display of the nation’s 13 provincial and territorial flags with the national flag. The 60-member band, 100-member guard of honour, colour party, and two ceremonial gun crews with century old, 12-pound field-guns are comprised of 14 to 18-year-old members of Royal Canadian Sea Cadets from all parts of Canada. Capt.(N) Mike Williamson, Base Commander CFB Esquimalt, is the guest of honour and reviewing officer.
26 Jul 2006
Ten former cadets from BC have been sponsored under the Regular Officer Training Plan (ROTP). Royal Military College (RMC) is Canada’s military university. The objectives at RMC are to develop officers morally, physically and intellectually by focusing on the four interlocking pillars of the RMC experience, namely academics, military training, athletics and second-language
1 Aug 2006
Over 200 Sea Cadets Celebrate Canada In Ceremony of The Flags
Former Cadets Enrol in CF
2276 RCACC in Fort St. John celebrating the Corps 60th anniversary on the May 26 - 27 weekend. The weekend of celebration began with the cadet flag being raised at city hall on Friday afternoon. That evening there was an unveiling of a 2276 RCACC exhibit at the Fort St. John Museum. Maj. Dan Davies, North Caribou Area Cadet Instructor Officer welcomed the guests and with Captain Gregg Nicoll the Corps Commanding Officer unveiled the exhibit. The display includes artifacts and pictures of 2276's 60 years in the community. Several former Commanding Officers from as early as 1949 attended the event.
20 Jun 2006
Canadian Forces Reservist, Officer Cadet Cameron Hull has been commended by Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaelle Jean for his actions in responding to a bullying incident in Surrey, on Oct. 17. 2004. The 32-year-old resident of Chilliwack recently attended at Chilliwack City Hall to receive the Certificate of Commendation from His Worship, Mayor, Clint Hames. The letter signed by the Deputy Secretary to the Governor General, informing Officer Cadet Hull of the commendation adds,  Your selfless actions are an inspiration to others and represent a high form of citizenship of which you can be very proud. The Governor General takes pleasure in extending to you her warmest congratulations.
7 Jul 2006
Fort St. John Cadets March in the City to Celebrate 60 Years!
Canadian Forces Member Receives Vice-Regal Commendation
Officer Cadet Mathew Jensen, the band officer of 2618 Rocky Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps (RCACC) in Prince George, and formerly a cadet with 2276 RCACC in Fort St. John was presented with the Massey Memorial “Sword of Honour” at the graduation parade of the Basic Officer Qualification Course at Regional Cadet Instruction School (Pacific) Saturday (May. 20). Jensen, a 20-year old pre-medical school science student at the University of Northern B.C., was assessed to be the top candidate among the 41 trainees on the course.
12 May 2006
Renovations to their building as a result of the roof having collapsed provided 2305 “Rocky Mountain Rangers” RCACC of Kamloops an opportunity to add a proud new display to the interior décor. The Commanding Officer and the officer staff wanted to establish a sense of pride and family unity the cadet corps has with its affiliated unit, “The Rocky Mountain Rangers”. To do this, Capt. Amadeo Vecchio, the Commanding Officer, contacted a local artist to paint a mural of the affiliated unit’s cap badge on the east wall of the building centered with the parade square. The painting consists of the tutor crown, laurel wreath, name of the affiliated unit, the Ranger’s Motto and of course the famous Ram’s head; which if one moves from one side of the parade square to the other, it is as if the eyes move in a manner that the Ram is watching you.It corresponds with the motto: Kloshe Nanitch, “Keep a Good Lookout or Everwatch”
May 2006
Prince George Cadet Leader And Former Ft. St John Cadet Awarded “Sword Of Honour”
Rocky Mountain Rangers new interior
Two sea cadets from 201 Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corps (RCSCC) GRILSE in Port Moody are BC’s top sea cadet sailors and have the opportunity to compete for a fifth national championship for B.C. Region. Teams from British Columbiasea cadet corps have beennational champions four years running. Cadets Sebastian Fritz and Jamie Bone won the three-day BC Region Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Regatta that finished today in Victoria. Nelson cadet, Tyler Kiefer who placed 2 nd in the national event least year led his brother and crewmember Nicolas Kiefer of 81 RCSCC HAMPTON GRAY to second and cadet Thomas Eagle, also a veteran of national competition took third place with cadet Teresa Szostakiwskyj of 263 RCSCC BEACON HILL of Langford near Victoria with a three point edge over the fourth place team. The six cadets will represent B.C. at the National Sea Cadet Regatta, August 20 to 26 in Kingston, Ont.
23 May 2006
Capt.(N) Mike Williamson, Base Commander, CFB Esquimalt presided yesterday at the opening of a new staff accommodation building at the Albert Head Training area in Metchosin. The contractor for the $2.6-million facility was Pye Construction of Victoria. The building replaced a 1940’s vintage building and six 20-year old temporary trailers. The two story building can accommodate 67 people in 1,250 square meters of space providing 30 double rooms, seven single rooms, a common shower and bath room, laundry facilities, and a lounge area
18 May 2006
Regional Regatta Champions head for National Competition
Base Commander opens new staff accommodation building at Albert Head Training Area
On 12 May, 2006, 19 members of 19 Wing Comox held a fundraising event to help raise money for Cadet Warrant Officer Angelica Lauzon in her second quest to represent Canada and the Army Cadet Program by participating on the Cadet National Rifle Team in Bisley England . It was an exciting afternoon shooting competition between this brave cadet and many members of the Wing
12 May 2006
72nd Seaforth RCACC deployed to Volkes Range during the Queen Victoria long weekend. The weather was poor. Rain, rain, fog and more rain. However, the tough Seaforth Cadets endured, with the helping hand of ASU Chilliwack and some modular tents. Overall, the event was very successful. This was also due to Pacific Region Support Unit transportation support and arrangements working out without a hitch, all timings and objectives being met, and cadets in spite of being tired, still smiling at the end of the weekend.
Mar 2006
19 Wing Comox Supports Local Army Cadet
72 Seaforth RCACC Range Training at Volkes Range
April 2 -15, 2006. Thirteen local Army cadets and officers from 1838 RCACC, attended a cultural exchange and exercise along with British and Hong Kong Cadets at the High Island Training Camp, Sai Kung, NT, Hong Kong. The local cadet corps was invited to this exchange by the Hong Kong Adventure Corps., an Army Cadet like organization with it's roots in the former Royal Hong Kong Regiment (The Volunteers) who fought along side Canadian Soldiers in the battle for Hong Kong in 1941. The trip was highlighted with a wreath laying ceremony at the Sai Wan Bay War Cemetery where Canada's fallen have been laid to rest. A most poignant ceremony which clearly demonstrated the extreme sacrifices made by Canadians on the Alter of Freedom in the defence of Hong Kong
Apr 2006
Competing in a field of fifty Army Cadets from a number of Lower Mainland Corps, 2812 RCACC Seaforth Highlanders of Canada (Surrey) held on to the trophy for their second consecutive year. This years’ competition was held at the UBC Forest Research Park in Maple Ridge on Sunday, April 9, 2006. Despite the drizzling rain, there was a good turnout, some healthy competition, and cheers at the awarding of the medals for individual achievement in the different categories. Orienteering is a sport that combines physical fitness with the ability to navigate through wilderness using a map and compass.  It touches on several aspects of cadet training - physical fitness, leadership, the ability to make quick decisions, navigation, map reading, and traveling in the outdoors.
Mar 2006
Local Army Cadet Corps pay respects to Canadian War Dead in Hong Kong
2812 Army Cadets (Seaforth Highlanders of Canada) Retain Orienteering Trophy
Her Honour Geraldine Van Bibber, Commissioner of the Yukon Territory joins the Lt-Governor of British Columbia, The Honourable Iona Campagnolo with Aide de Camp, Bill Bresser, Deputy Chief Commissioner B.C. Conservation Branch in congratulating the most recent cadet recipients of the Silver Duke of Edinburgh's Award at B.C. Government House on Saturday, 
April 22.
Mar 2006
Vancouver’s 111 Pegasus Squadron celebrated its 67 th anniversary this year with the unit’s annual mess dinner on the evening of March 25, 2006. The Guest of Honor for the dinner was former Air Cadet and Regular Force Ordinance Corps Officer Mr. Leslie Triplett, current of President of Kwantlen University-College. At the conclusion of the dinner, Mr. Triplett and 111 Squadron Sponsoring Committee Chairman Mr. Peter Chui presented thirteen cadets with the newly instituted Air Cadet Long Service Medal, which recognizes those who have proudly served four or more years as Air Cadets.
Mar 2006
Army and Air Caders Among Recipients of Duke of Edinburgh's Award
Thirteen Air Cadets Awarded Long Service Medal at 111 RCACS 67th Annual Mess Dinner
During Spring Break 30 cadets and 5 officers from 205 Collishaw Air Cadet Squadron traveled to Colorado Springs. While in the area they visited US Air Force Academy, Cheyenne Mountain, Air Services Museum, Air Force Space Command, 302 Airlift Wing, and took in the sights of Garden of the Gods and a local Ghost Town. The group was fortunate to meet LGen R. Findley DCdr NORAD twice during this visit. LAC Martin Shook from 205 Collishaw made a presentation to LGen R. Findley as a thank you. In return LGen Findley presented LAC Shook with a General's Coin. They also met with Col Baugh who gave a briefing of his 6½ years as a Vietnam POW. The cadets and staff were treated to a demonstration from a group of JRROTC from San Antonio, Texas who were there for a Multi State drill competition.
Mar 2006

During the March 06 Spring Break, a team of eight army cadets and two officers from all across British Columbia, and two professional guides from Skaha Rock Adventures Ltd. Participated on an Army Cadet Expedition. The Recreational Avalanche Certification course and Winter Leadership Training proved to be both interesting and rewarding. The following are the testimonials from the participating cadets: During the March 06 Spring Break, a team of eight army cadets and two officers from all across British Columbia, and two professional guides from Skaha Rock Adventures Ltd. Participated on an Army Cadet Expedition. The Recreational Avalanche Certification course and Winter Leadership Training proved to be both interesting and rewarding. The following are the testimonials from the participating cadets:
24 Mar 2006

205 Collishaw visits US Air Force Academy
Manning Park Gold Star Expedition

Captain Diane Blain of Lumby was honoured with a Certificate of Achievement at the annual Cadet Instructor Mess Dinner in Vancouver recently for her response to a serious accident on Highway 6 on November, 2004. Presented by Rear-Admiral Roger Girouard, Commander Maritime Forces Pacific, the certificate reads: “For your display of a high level of initiative and your timely and effective application of first aid when coming to the rescue of the injured after witnessing a multi-vehicle accident involving a head on collision on the evening of 8 November 2004.
20 Mar 2006

The B.C. Regional Cadet Honour Band will perform in Richmond, Chilliwack, Victoria, and Nanaimo during the school spring break March 11 to 18. The band is comprised of 50 of the top teenage musicians of the Royal Canadian Sea, Army and Air Cadets selected from across B.C. and is under the direction of Lieut.(N) Camil Bouchard, formerly of the Naden Band of Maritime Forces Pacific.
13 Mar 2006

Vernon Army Officer Receives Award
B.C. Regional Cadet Honour Band will perform in Richmond, Chilliwack, Victoria, and Nanaimo

Nine of the 12 members of the B.C. Region Cadet Biathlon Team brought home medals from the 19th National Cadet Biathlon Championship held at Sault St. Marie, Ont. during the past week. The BC cadets found themselves right behind cadets from the more snowbound provinces of Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec throughout the week.
13 Mar 2006

While thousands of their teenage peers are wondering what to do during the spring school break, hundreds of teenage members of the Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadets in British Columbia will be excitedly busy March 12 to 18. Cadets throughout to province will be traveling, sailing, flying, performing or studying music, and learning more about Canada as well as having fun..

13 Mar 2006

BC Cadets win Silver and Bronze at National Biathlon
Spring Break full of excitement for Sea, Army, and Air Cadets

The Director of Cadets at National Defence Headquarters has formally approved the establishment of 2983 Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps for Fort Nelson, B.C. The new army cadet corps, sponsored locally by the Rotary Club of Fort Nelson is the most northern cadet unit in the province. The new corps was initiated last summer. Since December about 35 cadets have been parading at 6 p.m. Mondays at the Fort Nelson fire hall. Effective as of March 3 the corps is authorized up to 39 cadets. Affiliated to 1 Combat Engineer Regiment in Edmonton the cadets will wear the accoutrements of that unit.
13 Mar 2006

28 Feb 2006

BC's Most Northern Cadet Corps Authorized for Fort Nelson
"Well Done" General Safety Award recipient WO Hobor

On the 25 February 2006, the staff and cadets of 1726 ‘Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s)’ Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps supported the Heart and Stroke Foundation of B.C. & Yukon by canvassing door to door in the East Courtenay area. 1726 ‘Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary’s)’ Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps has volunteered in this capacity for the last four years. To help the kick-off this event, donuts and hot chocolate was donated by the Tim Hortons
28 Feb 2006

On Saturday, 18 Feb, 2006, 2963 Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Army Cadet Corps left the Sunshine Coast on the 6:20 am sailing on the BC Ferries. That meant that some of us had to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning. After 2 ferries, and much waiting and travelling, we arrived at CFB Naden to pick up our lunches from Sgt Tikk, who was kind enough to take time out on his day off to deliver them for us After a scrumptious box lunch, we went to CFB Esquimalt to continue with the day's activities.
27 Feb 2006

Army Cadets from 1726 RCACC Contribute to their Community
Army Cadets from 2963 Seaforth Highlanders visit HMCS Ottawa

On this Silver Star Zone Expedition 1725, 1789, 2822, and 2893 participated in a winter hike to Lindeman Lake in the Chilliwack area. This expedition was focused on developing physical fitness, leadership, and navigational skills. All of the participating cadets contributed to the sucess of the hike through motivation and the ability to challenge eachother as well as themselves. When they return to there units they will be able to assist in the developement of there subordinates in a positive and knowledgable manner about there winter expedition experiences.
22 Feb 2006

Twelve cadets and three officers ventured out into Lynn Canyon Park to complete two day hikes. Before the hikes were commenced all the cadets and staff met up at the North Vancouver Armoury on the Friday night so we could prepare for our arduous journeys that would take place over the next two days. The preparation included a safety briefing about what to expect in Lynn Canyon, as well as, the issuing of all the Adventure gear. Feeling prepared for the next day we all went to bed as soon as the kit issue was done because we had to get up at 6:00 am the next day. 
21 Feb 2006

Fraser Valley Zone Silver Star Expedition
Lynn Canyon Park Silver Star Expedition

The event was held to decide which of the top three corps would represent the SVI zone at the regional competition on the 19-22 May 2006. Competitors were presented with a blustery opening day which, too much of the competitors chagrin, were not permitted on the water due to excessive high winds. However, the variable winds on Sunday allowed the competitors to demonstrate their skills in various weather conditions.
21 Feb 2006

Capt Marv Ferg, Service Support Officer at RCIS (Pacific) recently received his first clasp for his CD in recognition of 22 years of outstanding years of service in the CF. Capt Ferg joined air cadets with 513 RCACS in New Westminster BC in 1955 and has been associated with the cadet organization in many capacities since that time. In 1983, he joined the Cadet Instructor Cadre (then known as the Cadet Instructor List) and subsequently held positions of Instructor, Training Officer, Administration Officer and Commanding Officer of 103 Thunderbird Air Cadet Squadron, in North Vancouver. After a series of temporary Directing Staff positions with the RCIS(Pac), Captain Ferg took up the position of Directing Staff (Air) in 1990. In 1992, Captain Ferg assumed the position of Administration Officer (Service Support Officer) for the RCIS(Pacific) and has held that position to this date.
20 Feb 2006

South Vancouver Island Zone Sailing Regatta Results
Capt Marv Ferg Received his first clasp for his CD

The Commanding Officer of RCSU (Pac) is pleased to announce the selection of Major Steve Deschamps as the Commanding Officer (designate) of Albert Head Air Cadet Summer Training Centre. Major Deschamps began his military career as an Air Cadet at 325 Squadron in Cornwall, Ontario in 1969. He attended Senior Leaders Course where he was awarded TOP Drill cadet. He was also awarded the Strathcona Medal and attended the Glider Pilot Course. After graduating as a Warrant Officer First Class, he returned to the system as a Cadet Instructor List Officer in 1974 and had a pivotal role in the overhaul of the Senior Leaders Course at Cold Lake, Alberta.
10 Feb 2006

Comox - Eighteen year-old Cadet Chief Warrant Officer Dustin Bauch, Regimental Sergeant Major of 1726 Canadian Scottish (Princess Mary’s) Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps, commanded his last parade on 31 January 2006.
10 Feb 2006

Albert Head CSCTC has a new Commanding Officer
Chief Warrant Officer Dustin Bauch "ages out"

30 cadets and 3 officers visited 583 RCACS in Davidson, Saskatchewan during a recent Inter-Provincial Exchange. Including activities such as tours of local museums, an ancient Indian gathering place, a wheat pool, and a John Deere dealership, they also had the opportunity to tour the RCMP Depot in Regina and a series of underground tunnels in Moose Jaw. Although they faced minus 22 degree weather, the cadets spent a day outside visiting a buffalo rank, riding snowmobiles and participating in a tractor-drawn hayride through an elk farm.
9 Feb2006

Officer Cadet Steven MacLean, an instructor with 777 Royal Canadian Air Cadet “Neptune” Squadron of Port Coquitlam was presented with the Massey “Sword of Honour” at the graduation parade of the Basic Officer Qualification Course at Regional Cadet Instruction School (Pacific) Saturday 4 Feb. MacLean, who in his civilian occupation is Simon Fraser University Security Operations Manager, was assessed to be the top candidate among the 16 trainees.
8 Feb 2006

Inter Provincial Exchange to 583 RCACS in Davidson, Saskatchewan
Officer Cadet Steven MacLean presented the Masey "Sword of Honour"

The 72nd Seaforth RCACC deployed on January 20-22, 2006 to Whistler, BC for their annual winter exercise. Advance party had to draw stores early on
25 Jan 2006

On Sunday 15 January 2006, cadets from 72 Seaforth RCACC visited George Derby Long-Term Care Centre during the afternoon tea. They spoke with many veterans who are residents at the facility, and also served them cookies and coffee. Few veterans were actually Seaforth, but there were also airforce and navy members. Some residents spoke very briefly about their World War II experience, but most were keen to learn how cadets are doing at school, what they are learning at the cadet corps, and what was their experience at the summer camp. At the end of the visit, RSM along with senior cadets performed very quick ceremonial drill presentation to the delight of the elderly spectators. The visit is an annual event that has been a tradition at the corps for a very long-time and is usually scheduled around Christmas season.
18 Jan 2006

Cadets from 72 Seaforth have fun in Whisler
Cadets from 72 Seaforth Visit George Derby Care Centre