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Information About Canada for 
Foreign Army Cadets

The Royal Canadian Army Cadets participate in international exchanges throughout the world. They foster provincial and international relations between participating countries and the larger fellowship of cadet/youth. Each exchange is aimed at familiarising Cadets with the host country's military systems, cultural visits, develop initiative, self-reliance and leadership. The exchanges to Canada aim at providing a similar experience to visiting cadets.

Exchanges visiting Canada vary in duration. Some last approximately 2 weeks, others are 6 weeks.


Cadets visiting Canada will either participate in :

  • a mostly cultural tour (2 weeks exchanges), or
  • a course (6 weeks) at one of our cadets camps.

 Army Cadet rappels down a cliffThe cultural tours usually visit museums, parliamentary establishments and some entertainment venues.

The exchange cadets participating in summer courses attend the Cadet Leader Instructor Adventure course and the Leadership and Challenge course.

Places Visited

Cadets attending courses in the West of Canada will visit Vancouver and/or Calgary in addition to the areas near the camps.

Cadets attending courses in Ontario will visit Toronto, Niagara Falls, Ottawa and Quebec City.

Cadets attending courses in Argonaut will visit Halifax (Nova Scotia) and several cities in New Brunswick.

About Canada

Population (Jan. 2002): 31 185 815, concentrated in the south near the American border.

Official Languages : English and French

Area: 9 984 670 km2

Check out  Canadiana for more information on our country:

For current weather for most cities across Canada, try Environment Canada.

Other interesting sites :

  • MuchMusic, Canada's English-language Music Station
  • Globe and Mail, one of the two national English-language newspapers.