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Peter Wintonick

Peter Wintonick
Peter Wintonick, winner, 2006 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts (photo: Martin Lipman)

Artist Profiles and Success Stories

Peter Wintonick is a producer, director, critic and editor of independent film, video and new media. His work includes dramatic features, theatrical documentaries, educational and socio-political works. Born in 1953 in Trenton (ON), Wintonick graduated from Algonquin College in Ottawa. He has lectured at Concordia University in Montreal and at universities around the world. A leader in digital documentary production, web work and media literacy, Wintonick is noted for co-producing and directing (with Mark Achbar) one of the most successful documentaries in Canadian history, Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media. It has played in 200 cities, won 22 awards at more than 50 international film festivals and has been broadcast in a dozen languages. He also directed (with the NFB) Cinéma Vérité: Defining the Moment and Seeing is Believing: Handicams, Human Rights and the News. Wintonick contributes to film magazines and advises film festivals and film institutions around the world. He lives in Montreal.

Check out the interactive Flash presentation of the awards!