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Help - OSH References Field Searching

Each database/collection has an Advanced Search page which allows you to search in the specific fields for that database/collection. Using the Advanced Search page, you can:

  • build your search step-by-step using the boxes at the top of the Advanced Search page,
  • type your query statement, including all appropriate syntax, in the Query box.

To search in a specific field, click on the drop down button next to All Fields and select the desired field, e.g. CASRegistryNumber. The most frequently searched fields are listed first. To find out the appropriate names of all fields, turn on the Field Help from the toolbar and click on the ? help symbol next to the field in any database record. You can now view the field name and its description.

Use the information below as a guide to executing detailed searches using the OSH References Advanced Search page:

Major Search Fields
Search Examples
Field Summary By Database (Names To Be Used For Searching)

OSH References - Major Search Fields

These are the frequently searched fields listed in the drop down list on the Advanced Search page.

Searching using name
(or use abbreviation given in brackets):
   Finds information in these fields:
Subject (SU) Title, Original Title, Abstract Text, Descriptor, CIS Descriptor, Industry Code Description, Priority Area NORA, Summary, Universal Decimal Class, Abstract Text French, Contents, Keyword, Mesh Heading and Major Mesh Heading
 Title (TI) Title
 Author (AU) Author, Editor, Corporate Author and Organization Name
Source (SO) Source, Organization Name, Corporate Author, Coden, ISSN, ISBN, Performing Organization, Publisher, Address, Part Chapter, and Journal Title.
 RecordNumber (REC)  Record Number
 PublicationYear (PY)  Publication Year
Language (LA)  Language 
CASRegistryNumber (CAS)  CAS Registry Number 
Note: All fields have been indexed. Each field has a specific name which must be used for searching. Use the Field Summary to view the specific "field names" to be used for searching.

Tip:   For a complete list of database fields, while viewing a database record, turn on the Field Help from the toolbar and click on the ? help symbol next to the field in any database record. You can now view the field name and its description, from the complete list of fields for the database. You can easily print this list, by clicking in the field help window, right-clicking and then selecting Print.

OSH References - Search Examples

Tip: For searches from the Advanced Search page, multiple words are automatically treated as a phrase. For example, a search for welding fumes will find all forms of these words as a phrase. To conduct a precise search using multiple words, use the Boolean search operator AND, OR and NOT (see the examples below).

 Search Examples Finds all records with
 Note: The best results for chemical searches are frequently found by searching using a CAS Registry Number.
 1332-21-4<IN> CASRegistryNumber
 1332-21-4<IN> CAS
 both searches find this CAS Registry Number
 * <IN> Author  names in the Author field
 "Brown" <IN> Author  the word Brown in the Author field
 "Brown, L." <IN> Author  the exact author in the Author field
 "Brown, L." <IN> AU  the exact author in the Author field (same search as above using field abbreviation/mnemonic)
 2003 <IN> PublicationYear  published in 2003
 program <IN> Title  all forms of the word program in the Title field
 health program <IN> Title  all forms of the words as a phrase in the Title field
 packag* <IN> Title  the words package, packaging, etc. in the Title field
 environmental <IN> Source  all forms of the word environmental in the Source field
 american journal of industrial medicine <IN> Source  this phrase in the Source field
 weld*<IN> Subject  variations of the word weld, in all the individual fields combined/included in the Subject field
 workplace violence<IN> Subject  all forms of these word as a phrase, in all the individual fields combined/included in the Subject field
 workplace <AND> violence  all forms of both words, in the default field (AllFields)
 mould <OR> fungi  all forms of either word, in the default field (AllFields)
 (mould <OR> fungi) <AND> school  all forms of either words that also contain forms of the word school, in the default field (AllFields)
 (RMI <OR> RSI) <AND> computer  either synonymous term, RMI or RSI, in all records that also contain computer, in the default field (AllFields)
 mould <NOT> school  all forms of the word mould but that do not contain forms of the word school, in the default field (AllFields)
 welding fumes <IN> Subject <AND> industrial medicine <IN> Source  all forms of these words as a phrase in the Subject and Source fields
 welding fumes <IN> SU <AND> industrial medicine <IN> SO <AND> "Ross" <IN> AU  all forms of these words as a phrase in the Subject (SU) field where the the Source (SO) field also contains the phrase industrial medicine and that also contain the author Ross

OSH References Search Tips:
  • If searching using CAS Registry Numbers, please note that some databases do not include CAS numbers, e.g. HSELINE.
  • If searching for the proper name of an author make sure to use the <CASE> operator followed by quotation marks, e.g. <CASE> "White" will find White but not white. Or, you can search for "White" <IN> Author.
  • It is important to try a variety of synonymous terms to ensure greater results, i.e. RSI <OR> RMI <OR> "Carpal Tunnel".

OSH References - Field Summary

You can search all the fields in the database. Each field has a specific name which must be used for searching. The table below summarizes the commonly used fields and gives the syntax of the field name to be used for searching the OSH References collection -- for each database in the collection: CANADIANA
CISILO (English)


Field Name Name/Tag Used for Searching
Abstract AbstractText
Address Address
Author(s) Author
Award Type AwardType
CAS Registry Number(s) CASRegistryNumber
Classification Code ClassificationCode
Coden Coden
Comment(s) Comments
Conference Name ConferenceName
Contents Contents
Country of Publication CountryofPublication
Country/State CountryOrState
Descriptor(s) Descriptor
Final Year FinalProjectYear
Gene Symbol(s) GeneSymbols
Identification Number(s) IdentificationNumber
Initial Year InitialYear
Keywords Keyword
Language(s) Language
MeSH Headings MeSHHeading
Notes Note
NTIS Order Number OrderNumber
NTIS Price Price
Organization Name(s) OrganizationName
Publication Type PublicationType
Publication Year PublicationYear
Record Number RecordNumber
Report Number(s) ReportNumber
Series Series
SIC Codes/Descriptors IndustryCodeDescriptor
Source Source
Supporting Agency(s) SupportingAgency
Title Title
Title Abbreviation TitleAbbreviation
TOXLINE Accession Number TOXLINEAccessionNumber

CISILO (English)

Field Name Name/Tag Used for Searching
Abstract AbstractText
Author(s) Author
Bulletin Category BulletinCategory
CAS Registry Number(s) CASRegistryNumber
CIS Accession Number CISAccessionNumber
Descriptor(s) Descriptor
Document Type DocumentType
General Note GeneralNote
HSELINE Accession Number HSELINEAccessionNumber
Language(s) Language
Organization Name(s) OrganizationName
Original Title OriginalTitle
Publication Year PublicationYear
Record Number RecordNumber
Report Number(s) ReportNumber
Series/Report Number(s) ReportNumber
Specialist Category SpecialistCategory
Summary Summary
Source Source
Title Title


Tip: If searching using CAS Registry Numbers, please note that some databases do not include CAS numbers, e.g. HSELINE.

Field Name Name/Tag Used for Searching
Abstract AbstractText
Author(s) Author
Descriptor(s) Descriptor
Language(s) Language
Organization Name(s) OrganizationName
Original Title OriginalTitle
Publication Year PublicationYear
Record Number RecordNumber
Source Source
Title Title
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) Universal Decimal Class


Field Name Name/Tag Used for Searching
Abstract AbstractText
Accession Number (CIS/NTIS) AccessionNumber
Address Address
Author(s) Author
Available From NIOSH AvailableFromNIOSH
CAS Registry Number(s) CASRegistryNumber
CIS Descriptor(s) CISDescriptor
Coden Coden
Document Type DocumentType
Editors Editor
Electronic Address ElectronicAddress
Full Text FullText
Funding Amount FundingAmount
Funding Type FundingType
GPO Number GPONumber
GPO Price GPOPrice
Identifying Number IdentificationNumber
Link To Full Text LinkToFullText
NIOSH Office/Division NIOSHOfficeDivision
NIOSHTIC Control Number NIOSHTICControlNumber
NIOSHTIC Descriptor(s) Descriptor
NTIS Price NTISPrice
Organization Name(s) OrganizationName
Performing Organization PerformingOrganization
Priority Area (NORA) PriorityAreaNORA
Publication Year PublicationYear
Publisher Publisher
Record Number RecordNumber
SIC Codes/Descriptors IndustryCodeDescription
Source Source
Start Date StartDate
State/Territory StateTerritory
Subfile Subfile
Termination Date TerminationDate
Title Title

Tip:   For a complete list of database fields, while viewing a database record, turn on the Field Help from the toolbar and click on the ? help symbol next to the field in any database record. You can now view the field name and its description, from the complete list of fields for the database. You can easily print this list, by clicking in the field help window, right-clicking and then selecting Print.

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