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Record No 736
CAS Registry No 87-68-3
CAS Search Date 1995-02-01
Common Name Hexachlorobutadiene
CAS Name 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-,
Synonyms Hexachlorobutadiene
1,3- hexachlorobutadiene
RTECS® Number EJ0700000
Molecular Formula C4 C16
Atomic Elements C

Topics Available
01 Properties
03 Manufacture
04 Acute Toxicity - Terrestrial Animals
06 Acute Toxicity - Aquatic Animals
07 Chronic Toxicity - Terrestrial Animals
08 Chronic Toxicity - Human
09 Chronic Toxicity - Aquatic
10 Phytotoxicity
11 Carcinogenicity
12 Mutagenicity
13 Reproductive and Developmental Effects
14 Other Adverse Effects
15 Pharmacokinetics/Metabolism
16 Bioaccumulation/Bioconcentration
17 Transport Process
18 General Fate Processes
19 Transformation Processes
20 Analysis and Treatment
21 References


Physical/chemical hazards:
     Toxic when inhaled, ingested, injected ipr or absorbed through the
     skin. Moderate acute toxicity, but it is more toxic after chronic
     exposure, thus indicating a cumulative effect. (R-1), (R-38) Non
     flammable (R-13)

Molecular weight:
     261 (R-83)

Physical state at STP:
     Liquid (R-12), (R-80)

Color of the pure material:
     Clear, colorless (R-12) (R-80)

Odor of the pure material:
     Mild (R-13) (R-80) Odor of turpentine (R-61)

Melting point  (C.):
     -22 to -19 (R-11)

Boiling point  (C.):
     210 to 220 (R-11), (R-80)

Flash point  (C.):
     None (R-13), (R-80)

Specific gravity:
     15.5/15.5 D=1.675 (R-11), (R-80)

Henry's law constant:
     1 ppm=10.7 mg/m3 at 25 C., 760 torr (R-83)

Odor threshold - water:
     0.006 ppm (R-28)

Other physical/chemical properties:
     Partition coefficient water/air (20 C.)=0.97 (R-59) Spectroscopy
     Data: UV spectra maximum wave lengths at 249 and 220 nm (R- 1)
     Freezing range: -19 to -22 C; refractive index: 1.552; nonflammable
     (R-80) nonflammable (R-13)

Aqueous solubility

Solubility (mg/L):
Temperature (C):
Method used:

Sol        | Temp.(C) | Meas/Est | Method                 | Ref.
2          | 20       |          |                        | (R-54)

Solubility; other solvents:
     Soluble in alcohol and ether. (R-13), (R-80)

Vapor pressure

Vapor pressure (mmHg):
Temperature (C):
Method used:

VP       | Temp.(C) | Meas/Est | Method                    | Ref.
0.15     | 25       |          |                           | (R-54)
         |          |          |                           | (R-59)
22       | 100      |          |                           | (R-11)
         |          |          |                           | (R-80)

n-Octanol/water partition coefficient

Log Kow:
Method used:

Log Kow   | Meas/Est | Method                         | Ref.
4.74      | m        |                                | (R-62)
4.14      |          |                                | (R-14)
3.74      | e        |                                | (R-54)
4.63      | e        |                                | (R-62)


Common uses of the chemical:
     Solvent for natural rubber, synthetic rubber and other polymers.
     Used in transformer fluid, heat transfer fluid, hydraulic fluid, and
     washing liquor for removing hydrocarbons. (R-11) Used for recovery
     of "snift" or chlorine containing gas in chlorine plants. (R-48)
     Fumigant against Phylloxera on grapes. (R-1) Solvent for elastomers;
     wash for removing C4 and higher hydrocarbons. (R-80) Solvent for
     many organic substances (relatively low vapor pressure) used by
     chlorine producers intermediate in the manufacture of rubber
     compounds and lubricants (R- 94) produced deliberately as a
     byproduct in the manufacture of chlorinated hydrocarbons (R-94)

Production of the chemical

Manufacturer (U.S.):
Location (U.S.):
Year (U.S.):
Quantity (U.S.):
References (U.S.):

Manufacturer    | Location             | Year       | Quantity   | Ref.
NG              | U.S.                 |            | 7.3 to 8   | (R-36)
                |                      |            | mill.      |
                |                      |            | lbs./yr.   |
NG              | U.S.                 |            | 14.5 mill. | (R-36)
                |                      |            | lbs./yr.   |
NG              | U.S.                 | 1970 to    | none       | (R-61)
                |                      | date       | produced   |
Dynamic Nobel,  | Imported from        | 1974       | 200,000 to | (R-61)
America         | Germany              |            | 500,000    |
                |                      |            | lbs sold   |
                |                      |            | in U.S.    |

Chemical synthesis methods:
     HCBD is produced deliberately in the U.S. as a by-product of the
     manufacture of chlorinated hydrocarbons such as tetrachloroethylene,
     trichloroethylene, and carbon tetrachloride. (R-36) Produced by
     catalytic chlorination of butadiene. (R-66)



Acute oral toxicity

Species tested:
LD50 (mg/kg):

Species    | LD50            | Ref.
mus        | 87              | (R-36)
rat        | 350             | (R-36)
gpg        | 90              | (R-36)
rat        | 200             | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Six animals were used. Compound was administered in
     corn oil as a 3% solution.
mus        | 87              | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Female mice used.
mus        | 80              | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Male mice used.
rat        | 270             | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Female rats used.
rat        | 64              | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Twenty-one day old, male rats used.
rat        | 250             | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Male rats used.
rat        | 82              | (R-16)
rat        | 65              | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Twenty-one day old, female rats were used.
cat        | 187             | (R-16)
mus        | 116             | (R-36)
rat        | 298             | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Male rats were used.
rat        | 580             | (R-47)
     Test conditions: Adult male rats were given HCBD by gavage in a corn
     oil solution. Five to six rats were used per dose level and were
     observed until they no longer showed signs of toxicity. The
     Litchfield and Wilcoxon method was used to determine the LD50.
     Results: The LD50 with 95% confidence limits is 580 (504 to 667).
rat        | 65              | (R-97)
rat        | 46              |
     Test conditions: Neonatal (21- to 22-day old) Sprague- Dawley rats
     were used. Five to six rats per group dosed with a corn oil solution
     and observed until no signs of toxicity were seen. The Litchfield
     and Wilcoxon method was used. Males and females were tested
     Results: The LD50 for males and females with 95% confidence limits
     is 65 (46 to 91) mg/kg and 46 (26 to 81) mg/kg, respectively.

Acute dermal toxicity

Species Tested:
LD50 (mg/kg)

Species | LD50       | Ref.
rbt   | 2981       | (R-36)
rat   | 4330       |
rbt   | 1206       | (R-40)
     Results: Value reported as 0.72 mL/kg.

Acute inhalation toxicity

Species Tested:
LC50 (mg/m3)
Duration (hrs):

Species | LC50       | Duration   | Ref.
rat     | 81,600     | 4.58       | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Four rats exposed to 6800 ppm (estimated
     concentration, aerosol dose).
     Results: Lethal inhalation time for 50% of rats was 275 minutes.
mus     | 81,600     | 5.16       | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Mice were exposed to 6800 ppm (estimated
     concentration, aerosol dose).
     Results: Lethal inhalation time for 50% of the mice was 310 min.
gpg     | 81,600     | 3.33       | (R-36)
     Test conditions: Guinea pigs were exposed to 6800 ppm (estimated
     concentration, aerosol dose).
     Results: Lethal inhalation time for 50% of the guinea pigs was 200 min.

Acute Toxicity - Terrestrial; Other Studies:
     STUDY # 1
     A 6-hour LC50 of 10 ppm was determined in a study using mice injected ipr.

     STUDY # 2
     Dermal exposure of 4 rabbits to 126 mg/kg for 24 hours produced 50%
     mortality in all four animals exposed. Propylene glycol was the

     STUDY # 3
     Dermal exposure of 2 rabbits to 126 mg/kg for 4 hours resulted in no
     deaths. Propylene glycol was the solvent.

     STUDY # 4
     Dermal exposure of 2 rabbits to 126 mg/kg for 7 hours produced 50%
     mortality. Propylene glycol was the solvent.

     STUDY # 5
     Inhalation of 500 ppm for 4 hours resulted in the death of all 3
     rats used.

     STUDY # 6
     Inhalation by 6 rats of 133 ppm for 7 hours resulted in death of all

     STUDY # 7
     A dose of 100 mg was administered ipr to Sprague-Dawley rats. Urine
     osmolality and body weights were reduced. Urine flow rate was
     slightly increased. Significant increases in urinary protein,
     glucose and ketones were observed. PAH accumulation was reduced.
     Transport of other organic compounds was slightly affected.

     STUDY # 8
     Rats injected ipr with 300 mg/kg showed nephrotoxicity. Four hours
     after dose administration, urine osmolality, glomerular filtration,
     and drug excretion were reduced. At 24 hours, elevated blood urea
     nitrogen was detected. Within 48 hours after HCBD administration, no
     hepatotoxic signs were observed.

     STUDY # 9
     Female mouse, ipr injection, LD50 = 76 mg/kg

     STUDY # 10
     Male mouse, ipr injection, LD50 = 105 mg/kg.

     STUDY # 11
     Female rat, ipr injection, LD50 = 175 mg/kg

     STUDY # 12
     Male rat ipr, injection, LD50 = 216 mg/kg

     STUDY # 13
     Puppies administered 5 mg/kg orally showed signs of acute toxicity.
     Administration at 20 mg/kg was lethal.

     STUDY # 14
     The oral LD50 in neonatal rats is 1/4 that it is in adult animals.
     Female rats were more sensitive to hexachlorobutadiene than males.

     STUDY # 15
     Decompensatory acidosis resulted in guinea pigs given an oral dose
     of 60 or 90 mg HCBD.

     STUDY # 16
     Minimum lethal dose to mice and rats is 13.6 and 110 mg/kg,
     respectively. Mouse and rat LD100 values are 41 and 65 mg/kg,
     respectively. Mouse and rat LD50 values are 116 and 270 mg/kg,
     respectively (routes of administration not given).

     STUDY # 17
     Rats administered 100 mg/kg ipr injection had renal tubular necrosis
     within 24 hours, damage to proximal tubules, diuresis, increased
     proteinuria, and increased excretion of N-acetyl-B-D-
     glucosaminidase and alkaline phosphatase. A dose of less than 100
     mg/kg resulted in only a mild increase, in protein excretion.
     Twenty-four hours after exposure, glomerular filtration rate
     (insulin clearance) decreased, clearance of PAH and
     N-bromo-acetamide by kidney decreased, and PAH in renal cortical
     slices decreased but, N-bromo-acetamide did not.

     STUDY # 18
     All newborn rats from mothers receiving a single scu injection of 20
     mg/kg body weight HCBD before mating died during the next 3 months,
     compared with 21.3% in the control group.

     STUDY # 19
     Oral administration of 30 mg/kg to rats resulted in degeneration of
     the protein, fat, and carbohydrate relations in cells and impaired
     cell function up to 6 hours later.

     STUDY # 20
     Fifty female rabbits were given 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, or 1.00 mL/kg
     dermally for an 8 hour exposure period. Animals were observed 4
     hours later and daily for 2 weeks. Half the remaining rabbits were
     killed on the 15th day; the rest were killed 3 weeks later.
     Results: Using Bliss' method, the LD50 was calculated to be 0.72
     mL/kg. During exposure and for a short time after, treated animals
     showed a moderate depression of the CNS. Four animals, 2 each at
     1.00 and 0.75 mL/kg, displayed dyspnea and cyanosis and died within
     24 hours. During the 14 day observation period, 8 of 11 rabbits died
     at the 1.0 mL/kg dose level, 6/10 at 0.75 mL/kg, 2/10 at 0.5 mL/kg,
     0/10 and 0/9 at 0.25 mL/kg and control, respectively. At the end of
     the exposure period, the skin was hemorrhagic and necrotic; this
     process increased with time. Animals that died within 24 hours
     showed main lesions in the lungs (congestion and hemorrhage), liver
     (congestion and unusual fluidity), and in kidneys (congestion and
     pale color). In 3 to 9 days, they showed dermal scar formation, more
     pronounced liver fatty degeneration, and kidney damage. In 2 to 5
     weeks they showed no liver abnormalities, healed skin lesions, and
     slight fibrosis of kidneys. Skin lesions did not increase with
     increasing doses, but with time.

     STUDY # 21
     HCBD was administered to male Sprague-Dawley rats at 300 mg/kg ipr.
     Within 4 hours, compromised kidney function was found as decreased
     urine osmolality, glomerular filtration rate and drug excretion. At
     24 hours, elevated blood urea nitrogen was found. No definitive
     signs of hepatotoxicity were observed up to 48 hours after HCBD.

     STUDY # 22
     A single ipr injection of HCBD (100 mg/kg or greater) produced renal
     tubular necrosis in the rat by 24 hours. Damage was to the straight
     portion of the proximal tubule. Urine analysis showed diuresis,
     increased proteinuria and increased excretion of an alkaline
     phosphatase at doses above 100 mg/kg. At doses below 100 mg/kg only
     a mild, increase in protein excretion was observed. Twenty four
     hours after an ipr injection of 200 mg/kg there was a marked
     decrease in the glomerular filtration rate and in the clearance of
     the organic ion p- aminohippuric acid and the organic cation
     tetraethyl ammonium bromide.


Acute fish toxicity

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
LC50 (mg/L):
95% Confidence interval (mg/L):

Species         | Duration | LC50     | 95% CI   | Ref.
goldfish        | 96       | 0.09     | 0.06 to  | (R-21)
(Carassius      |          |          | 0.14     |
auratus)        |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Renewal test, concentrations measured.
fathead minnow  | 96       | 0.102    |          | (R-36)
(Pimephales     |          |          |          |
promelas)       |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Flow-through test, measured concentrations.
rainbow trout   | 96       | 0.320    |          | (R-36)
(Salmo          |          |          |          |
gairdneri)      |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Flow-through test, measured concentrations.
bluegill        | 96       | 0.326    |          | (R-36)
(Lepomis        |          |          |          |
macrochirus)    |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Flow-through test, measured concentrations.
guppy (Poecilia | 336      | 0.047    |          | (R-85)
reticulata)     |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: This was a static renewal, unmeasured toxicity
     test. Hardness, dissolved oxygen concentration, and temperature of
     test water were 25 mg/L as CaCO3, GT 5 mg/L, and 22 +/- 1 C.,
     respectively. At each test concentration, eight 2- to 3-month-old
     guppies were exposed in 1 L of toxicant in a carrier solvent
     (acetone as propanol:2).
goldfish        | 24       | 9.0      |          | (R-86)
(Carassius      |          |          |          |
auratus)        |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: This was a static renewal, unmeasured toxicity
     test. Test water temperature was 20 C. Average weight of goldfish
     used was 2 g.
rainbow trout   | 96       | 0.320    | 0.268 to | (R-97)
(Salmo          |          |          | 0.381    |
gairdneri)      |          |          |          |
bluegill        | 96       | 0.324    | 0.312 to |
(Lepomis        |          |          | 0.337    |
macrochirus)    |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: A flow-through, measured test where the following
     water quality parameters were monitored regularly: for rainbow
     trout: temperature = 11.9 +/- 0.4 C.; DO = 81.2 +/- 0.7%; hardness =
     45.9 +/- 0.6 mg/L CaCO3; alkalinity = 45.7 +/- 0.8 mg/L CaCO3,
     acidity = 2.0 +/- 0.1 mg/L CaCO3, and pH = 7.5. For bluegill the
     water quality parameters were: temperature = 25.2 +/- 0.2 C.; DO =
     93 +/- 3.2%; hardness = 41.7 +/- 2.7 mg/L CaCO3; alkalinity = 46.5
     +/- 6.0 mg/L CaCO3, acidity = 2.2 +/- 0.5 mg/L CaCO3; and pH = 7.6
     +/- 0.2. Rainbow trout were 5.6 +/- 0.6 cm in length and weighed 2.6
     +/- 0.9 g, where as bluegill sunfish were 3.9 +/- 0.5 cm. in length
     and weighed 1.5 +/- 0.6 g.
     Results: Ninety-six hour LC50s for rainbow trout and bluegill were
     reported as 0.320 mg/L (0.268 to 0.3810 and 0.324 mg/L (0.312 to
     0.337) (95% confidence interval), respectively.
fathead minnow  | 96       | 0.10     | 0.09 to  | (R-99)
(Pimephales     |          |          | 0.11     |
promelas)       |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Two 2-L/cycle proportional diluters with dilution
     factors of 0.6 were used to deliver five toxicant concentrations and
     a control, in duplicate, to randomly arranged exposure chambers.
     These chambers were all glass aquaria with a working volume of 41 L.
     A 16-hour photoperiod was used. Lake Superior water was used for
     dilution water. The pH ranged from 6.7 to 7.6 and the means and
     ranges for DO, hardness and alkalinity were 8.0 (7.6 to 9.2), 45.1
     mg/L as CaCO3 (45.0 to 45.5) and 41.8 mg/L as CaCO3 (35.6 to 43.4),
     respectively. The fish were 30 to 35 days old and were held at a
     temperature of 25 +/- 2C. The fish were not fed during the exposure
     Results: The 96-hour LC50 for fathead minnows was 0.10 mg/L with a
     95% confidence interval of 0.09 to 0.11 for hexachlorobutadiene.
fathead minnow  | 96       | 0.090    | 0.09 to  | (R-98)
(Pimephales     |          |          | 0.10     |
promelas)       |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: The chemical was 98% pure in a tank volume of 41 L.
     The fish were 31 days old. Water quality parameters were:
     temperature = 24.9 C.; dissolved oxygen = 8.0 mg/L; hardness = 45.0
     mg/L CaCO3; alkalinity = 41.4 mg/L CaCO3; and pH = 7.42.
     Results: Affected fish lost schooling behavior and equilibrium prior
     to death. The 96-hour LC50 was 0.090 mg/L with a confidence interval
     of 0.09 to 0.10 mg/L.

Acute macroinvertebrate toxicity

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
EC50 (mg/L):
95% Confidence interval (mg/L):

Species         | Duration | EC50     | 95% CI   | Ref.
snail           | 96       | 0.21     |          | (R-21)
     Test conditions: Renewal test, measured concentrations.
sow bug         |          | 0.13     |          | (R-20)
(Asellus        |          |          |          |
aquaticus)      |          |          |          |
snail (Lymnaea  |          | 0.21     |          |
stagnalis)      |          |          |          |

Acute toxicity: Saltwater fish

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
LC50 (mg/L):
95% Confidence interval (mg/L):

Species         | Duration | LC50     | 95% CI   | Ref.
sheepshead      | 96       | 0.557    |          | (R-36)
minnow          |          |          |          |
(Cyprinodon     |          |          |          |
variegatus)     |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Static test, unmeasured concentrations.
molly (Poecilia | 26.5     | 4.2      |          | (R-20)
latipinna)      |          |          |          |
gulf killifish  | 20       | 1.7      |          | (R-20)
(Fundulus       |          |          |          |
grandis)        |          |          |          |
dab flatfish    | 96       | 0.45     |          | (R-21)
pinfish         | 96       | 0.399    |          | (R-36)
(Lagodon        |          |          |          |
rhomboides)     |          |          |          |
     Test conditions: Static test, unmeasured concentrations.

Acute toxicity: Saltwater macroinvertebrates

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
LC50 (mg/L):
95% Confidence interval (mg/L):

Species         | Duration | LC50     | 95% CI   | Ref.
mysid shrimp    | 96       | 0.059    |          | (R-36)
grass shrimp    | 96       | 0.032    |          |
     Test conditions: Static test, unmeasured concentrations.
barnacle        | 48       | 0.87     |          | (R-21)
nauplii         |          |          |          |

Acute toxicity: Other saltwater studies

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
Effect level (mg/L):
95% Confidence interval (mg/L):

Species         | Duration | Eff.level  | 95% CI   | Ref.
sheepshead      | 24       | 0.24       |          | (R-36)
minnow          |          |            |          |
(Cyprinodon     |          |            |          |
variegatus)     |          |            |          |
pinfish         | 24       | 0.18       |          |
(Lagodon        |          |            |          |
rhomoboides)    |          |            |          |
     Test conditions: Sheepshead minnow and fish were exposed to
     concentrations of GE 0.24 and GE 0.18 mg/L of HCBD.
     Results: Within 24 hours, some swam in spirals at the surface of the
     water, while others swam on their sides or lay motionless, except
     for opercular movement on the bottom.


Subchronic/chronic toxicity to terrestrial animals

Species tested:
Dose (mg/kg/d):
Dosing schedule:

Species    | Route    | Dose     | Schedule             | Ref.
mus        | orl      | 0.17     | 1 ppm for 13 wk      | (R-96)
mus        | orl      | 0.51     | 3 ppm for 13 wk      |
mus        | orl      | 1.7      | 10 ppm for 13 wk     |
mus        | orl      | 5.1      | 30 ppm for 13 wk     |
mus        | orl      | 17       | 100 ppm for 13 wk    |
     Test conditions: Thirteen-week studies were conducted in which group
     of ten mice/sex received 0, 1, 3, 10, 30 or 100 ppm HCBD in feed.
     The mice were seven weeks old and were fed ad libitium. All animals
     were observed twice/day and detailed clinical signs were recorded at
     least once per week. Body weights and food consumption rates were
     also obtained weekly. A necropsy was performed on all animals,
     including those found dead. During necropsy all organs and tissues
     were examined for grossly visible lesions. The reviewer converted
     dose based on the assumption B6C3F1 mice consume 0.171 kg/kg bwt per
     day (R-101).
     Results: A reduction in kidney weight in the three highest dose
     groups of males and in the highest dose group of females was
     reported. Female mice were more susceptible to the toxicity of HCBD
     than male mice. Based on the histopathological evaluation of the
     kidneys, a no-observed adverse effect level was estimated for male
     mice at or slightly below 10 ppm; a no-effect level was not seen for
     female mice which had renal lesions even at the lowest exposure
     level of 1 ppm.
rat        | orl      | 0.2      | once                 | (R-82)
rat        | orl      | 20       |                      |
     Test conditions: Male Sprague-Dawley rats, 4 to 6 per treatment
     group were lightly anesthetized, shorn of hair between the shoulder
     blades and a small incision was made with a pouch constructed
     anterior to the incision. A model 200 L Alzet capsule loaded with
     200 uL of a [6-3H) thymidine solution (100 uCi, 0.98 ug in distilled
     water) was placed inside the pouch. The animal was allowed to
     recover at least 6 hours prior to dosing. HCBD was administered in
     corn oil by gavage at a volume of 1 mL/kg body weight. Animals were
     sacrificed 7 days after dosing. Livers and kidneys were removed,
     processed, and from these tissues DNA was isolated and quantitated.
     The 3H content of isolated DNA representative of [6-3H] thymidine
     incorporation was assayed for determination of DNA synthesis and
     ultimately to determine if HCBD is a genotoxic carcinogen.
     Results: There were no statistically significant differences in
     weight gain, the kidney weight:body weight ratio, the amount of
     DNA/gram of tissue or the rate of DNA synthesis.
rat        | orl      | 0.2      | daily 7 d/wk for 3   | (R-82)
           |          |          | wk                   |
rat        | orl      | 20       | daily 7 d/wk for 3   |
           |          |          | wk                   |
     Test conditions: Male Sprague-Dawley rats, five per group, weighing
     180 to 260 grams were dosed by gavage. They were implanted 7 days
     prior to termination with [6-3H] thymidine-loaded Alzet osmotic
     pumps. After sacrifice, livers and kidneys were removed and
     processed for histological exam, DNA was also isolated and
     quantitated. The 3H content of isolated DNA was assayed.
     Results: Animals dosed at 20 mg/kg had a statistically significant
     decrease in weight gain, an increase in kidney-to-body weight ratio
     (1.3-fold) and the presence of histopathological changes in renal
     tissue. A 1.8-fold increase in renal DNA synthesis was also noted in
     these rats, however, the difference was not statistically
     significant. Histopathological changes in the kidney were noted in 3
     out of five rats. No changes were noted in low dose animals.
rat        | orl      | 0.2,     | daily for 2 yr       | (R-45)
rat        | orl      | 2        | daily for 2 yr       |
rat        | orl      | 20       | daily for 2 yr       |
     Test conditions: Thirty-nine to 40 Sprague-Dawley rats/sex/dose
     level plus 90/sex for controls were used. Males were necropsied at
     22 months and females at 24 months.
     Results: Ingestion of 20 mg/kg for up to 2 years caused decreased
     body weight gain and survival, increased urinary excretion of
     coproporphyrin, increased weights of kidneys, increased renal
     tubular epithelial hyperplasia/proliferation and renal tubular
     adenomas and adenocarcinomas, some of which metastasized to the
     lungs. The mid-dose animals exhibited similar but lesser degrees of
     toxicity including an increase in urinary coproporphyrin excretion
     and an increase in renal tubular epithelial
     hyperplasia/proliferation. No neoplasms were attributable to HCBD
     ingestion. No effects were seen at the low dose level.
rat        | orl      | 7.5      | 150 ppm for 18 wk    | (R-37)
rat        | orl      | 75       | 1,500 ppm for 18 wk  |
     Test conditions: Specific pathogen-free Wistar-derived, 10-week-old
     rats were used in a reproduction study.
     Results: High dose adult females lost weight progressively and
     displayed weakness of hind legs that progressed to ataxia and
     paralysis. After week 8 the condition of the animals deteriorated
     rapidly and necropsies were performed early at week 10. Extensive
     renal tubular degeneration, slight proliferation of bile duct
     epithelial cells in the liver, and fragmentation/demyelinization of
     nerve fibers were found. Animals from the low-dose group exhibited
     the following: significantly lower body weights, relative kidney
     weights were markedly increased and in the kidney, hypercellularity
     of epithelial lining cells and hydropic degeneration and necrosis of
     individual cells in the straight limbs of the proximal tubules. The
     reviewer converted ppm to mg/kg/d by assuming that a rat will
     consume 0.05 g food/d. (R-79)
rat        | orl      | 2.5      | 50 ppm 2 wk          | (R-37)
rat        | orl      | 7.5      | 150 ppm 2 wk         |
rat        | orl      | 22.5     | 450 ppm 2 wk         |
     Test conditions: A range-finding study was conducted with groups of
     24 male and female weanling Wistar rats. HCBD was administered in
     Results: Dose-related inhibition of growth was seen in both males
     and females. Relative kidney weights were increased in both males
     and females at the two highest doses. Histopathologic changes were
     seen in all treated animals and were characterized by degeneration
     of tubular epithelial cells which occurred in a dose-related manner.
     The reviewer converted ppm to mg/kg/d by assuming that a rat will
     consume 0.05 g food/d. (R-79)
rat        | orl      | 0.2      | daily for 2 yr       | (R-45)
           |          |          |                      | (R-44)
rat        | orl      | 2.0      | daily for 2 yr       |
rat        | orl      | 20       | daily for 2 yr       |
     Test conditions: Groups of 39 to 40 female and male rats were
     administered HCBD at the above dose levels. Control groups consisted
     of 90 male and 90 female rats. All rats were 7 weeks old. Terminal
     necropsy exams were performed after 22 months for males, and 24
     months for females.
     Results: Lifetime ingestion of the highest dose level (20 mg/kg)
     caused increased mortality (males), decreased body weight gains
     (male and female), increased urinary excretion of coproporphyrin
     (male and female), and increased terminal weights of kidneys (male
     and female). Changes in the kidney included hyperplasia and
     neoplasia of the renal tubular epithelium. Some of the nodular
     neoplasms in the kidney were determined to be renal tubular adenomas
     or adeno-carcinomas, some of which metastasized to the lungs. About
     23% of males and 15% of females from the high dose group had renal
     tubular neoplasms. At 2.0 mg/kg/day, urinary high dose group had
     renal tubular neoplasms. At 2.0 mg/kg/day, urinary excretion of
     coproporphyrin (females) and increased hyperplasia of renal tubular
     epithelium was found. No neoplasms related to treatment at this dose
     were found. Administration of 0.2 mg/kg/day caused no ill effects.
gpg        | orl      | 0.004    | daily for 7 mo       | (R-46)
gpg        | orl      | 2.0      | daily for 7 mo       |
     Results: The 2 mg/kg dose caused a decrease of SH group
     concentration in blood plasma without any change in blood plasma
     protein spectrum. Hexachlorobutadiene probably affected the SH
     groups directly. Small HCBD doses increased the ascorbic acid
     concentration in internal organs and lowered the phagocytic activity
     of blood leukocytes. The doses were reported as a range from 0.004
     to 2.0 mg/kg. Non-english primary reference; data are cited from
     Chemical Abstracts.
qal        | orl      |          | 0.3 ppm of diet for  | (R-50)
           |          |          | 90 d                 |
qal        | or       |          | 3 ppm of diet for 90 |
           |          |          | d                    |
qal        | orl      |          | 10 ppm of diet for   |
           |          |          | 90 d                 |
qal        | orl      |          | 30 ppm of diet for   |
           |          |          | 90 d                 |
     Results: Adult male and female Japanese quail were fed diets
     containing the above dose levels of HCBD. No effects on body weight,
     demeanor, food consumption, egg production, percent fertility and
     hatchability of eggs, survival of chicks or eggshell thickness were
     seen. There were no signs of toxicity or altered behavior during the
     study and there were no gross or histopathological alterations noted
     in organs or tissues at autopsy which could be attributed to
     treatment. The authors concluded the no-effect dose level was
     greater than 5 to 6 mg/kg/day. The concentration of HCBD in the eggs
     at the termination of the study was approximately 0.1 to 0.2 times
     the concentration that was in the diet.
rbt        | orl      | 10       | daily for 20 d       | (R-18)
     Results: Caused uncompensated acidosis. Non-english primary
     reference; data are cited from Chemical Abstracts.
rbt        | skn      | NG       |                      | (R-24)
gpg        | skn      | NG       |                      |
     Results: HCBD was a moderate irritant to the skin and ocular mucous
     membranes of rabbits and was a contact allergen in guinea pigs.
     Non-english primary reference; data are cited from Chemical
rbt        |          | NG       |                      | (R-25)
mus        |          | NG       |                      |
gpg        |          | NG       |                      |
cat        |          | NG       |                      |
     Results: HCBD was poisonous by inhalation, oral administration and
     topical application to rabbits, mice, guinea pigs and cats. It
     caused leukocytosis and lymphocytosis along with decreased
     erythrocytic osmosis resistance. There was also evidence of acidosis
     and a reduction in vitamin B1 and C levels in the internal organs.
     HCBD increased residual serum N and decreased total blood protein
     levels along with enhanced internal organ transaminase and decreased
     blood peroxidase and catalase activities. Also observed were
     immunological depression and decreased antibody formation.
     Non-english primary reference; data are cited from Chemical
rat        | orl      | NG       | NG                   | (R-26)
gpg        | orl      | NG       | NG                   |
     Results: HCBD administered to rats and guinea pigs caused
     disturbances in the metabolism of vitamins B1 and C, resulting in
     excessive loss of vitamins. Vitamin B1 was shown to be an effective
     antidote for HCBD poisoning, lessening acidosis and pathological
     changes in the peripheral blood and internal organs. Non-english
     primary reference; data are cited from Chemical Abstracts.
mus        | NG       | NG       | NG                   | (R-23)
     Results: Behavioral studies with mice show that HCBD probably
     affects the central nervous system. It also causes severe renal and
     hepatic effects. Non-english primary reference; data are cited from
     Chemical Abstracts.
rbt        | orl      | 1        | daily for 3 mo       | (R-18)
     Results: Caused compensated metabolic acidosis and changes in blood
     electrolyte levels. Non-english primary reference; data are cited
     from Chemical Abstracts.
dog        | orl      | 0.05     | daily for 45 d       | (R-19)
           |          |          |                      | (R-29)
     Results: HCB caused an increase in total volume acidity, an increase
     in the amount of HC and Cl secreted by the stomach, and irritated
     the gastric mucosa. Growth rates of the puppies were not affected.
     Non-english primary reference; data are cited from Chemical
rat        | orl      | 0.4      | daily for 13 wk      | (R-37)
rat        | orl      | 1.0      | daily for 13 wk      |
rat        | orl      | 2.5      | daily for 13 wk      |
rat        | orl      | 6.3      | daily for 13 wk      |
rat        | orl      | 15.6     | daily for 13 wk      |
     Test conditions: Ten male and ten female weanling Wistar rats per
     group were dosed by gavage. Blood and urine samples were analyzed
     and a complete necropsy was conducted.
     Results: The general health of the rats was unaffected except for a
     dose-related decrease in body weights of animals given 6.3 and 15.6
     mg HCBD/kg/day. At 15.6 mg/kg/day, the weight gain of animals of
     both sexes was less than 60% of the controls. Degeneration of
     proximal renal tubules occurred at doses of 2.5 and 6.3 mg/kg or
     more in males and females, respectively. Urine-concentrating ability
     was significantly reduced in females at doses of 2.5 mg/kg or more
     and in males at 15 mg/kg. Relative kidney weights were increased at
     the 2 highest doses. Increased liver weights were noted at these
     levels, also. In females, liver weights were increased only at 15.6
     mg/kg dose. No-effect-levels were determined to be 1 mg/kg/day in
     females and 2.5 mg/kg/day in males.
rat        | orl      | 1.0      | daily for 30 d       | (R-39)
rat        | orl      | 3.0      | daily for 30 d       |
rat        | orl      | 10       | daily for 30 d       |
rat        | orl      | 30       | daily for 30 d       |
rat        | orl      | 65       | daily for 30 d       |
rat        | orl      | 100      | daily for 30 d       |
     Test conditions: Twenty-eight female weanling rats, 4 rats per dose
     level, were tested. All rats were killed on day 30. Blood samples
     were taken, organ weights were recorded and tissues were
     histologically examined. The student t-test was used to compare
     treated and control animals.
     Results: The animals displayed no abnormalities in appearance or
     behavior. There was a significant decrease in food consumption at
     the 30, 65, and 100 mg/kg/day dose levels. Consumption rates at 1
     and 3 mg/kg/day were similar to controls. At 30, 65 and 100
     mg/kg/day, there was also a decrease in body weight as early as the
     first or second week. The 1 and 3 mg/kg/day groups were comparable
     to controls. Animals receiving 100 or 165 mg/kg/day exhibited a
     depletion in abdominal fat deposits. Renal tubular degeneration
     occurred in rats receiving 30, 65 or 100 mg/kg/day HCBD. There were
     no compound-related pathologic alterations in rats receiving 1, 3 or
     10 mg/kg/day. Rats receiving 30, 65 or 100 mg/kg/day also displayed
     hepatic alterations. Rats receiving 10, 30, 65, or 100 mg/kg/day had
     increased hemoglobin concentrations. Rats that received 20, 65 or
     100 mg/kg/day had a significant increase in the mean kidney weight:
     body weight ratio. The mean brain weight: body weight ratio and mean
     liver weight: body weight ratios also increased. The authors
     considered 3 mg/kg/d to be the NOAEL, but 1 mg/kg/d may be more
rat        | ihl      | 6.1      | 15 6-hour exposures  | (R-72)
rat        | ihl      | 12.15    | 15 6-hour exposures  |
rat        | ihl      | 30.4     | 15 6-hour exposures  |
rat        | ihl      | 121.5    | 12 6-hour exposures  |
rat        | ihl      | 202.5    | 2 4-hour exposures   |
     Test conditions: Four male and 4 female Alderly Park rats (200 g)
     were used.
     Results: No toxic effects were seen at the low dose. Retarded weight
     gain in females was seen at 10 ppm. At 25 ppm, the following effects
     were seen: decreased weight gain in females and pale, enlarged
     kidneys, respiratory difficulties and damage to renal proximal
     tubules. At 100 ppm: eye and nose irritation, decreased body
     weights, respiratory difficulty, slight anemia in females and pale
     and enlarged kidneys as well as degeneration of renal cortical
     tubules with epithelial regeneration were noted. At 250 ppm, eye and
     nose irritation, respiratory difficulties, degeneration of middle
     renal proximal tubules and of the adrenal cortex occurred. Females
     were affected more than males. The reviewer converted ppm to mg/kg/d
     by assuming that a 380 g rat will breathe 0.173 m3/d. (R-72)
rat        | skn      |          | 3.0 to 3.5 g/kg      | (R-5)
     Results: Dermal application at the above concentrations stimulated
     motility and evoked aggressive behavior. Later, animals lost weight,
     motility decreased and ceased, and their extremities became
     paralyzed. Blood concentrations of hemoglobin, adrenal ascorbic
     acid, and plasma albumins decreased. Concentration of plasma
     globulins increased and the number of red cells decreased.
     Non-english primary reference; data are cited from Chemical
rat        | NG       | 2        | 6 mo                 | (R-7)
rat        | NG       | 7        | 6 mo                 |
     Results: Morphological changes (parenchymatous dystrophic lesions)
     in liver, kidneys and myocardium and circulation disturbances were
     observed. Seven mg/kg slowed down the formation of positive
     conditioned reflexes and accelerated the elaboration of
     differentiation. Non-english primary reference; data are cited from
     Chemical Abstracts.
rat        | orl      | 0.2      | daily for 90 d prior | (R-35)
           |          |          | to mating, then      |
           |          |          | daily for 15 d and   |
           |          |          | during and           |
           |          |          | throughout gestation |
           |          |          | and lactation        |
rat        | orl      | 2.0      | daily for 90 d prior |
           |          |          | to mating, then      |
           |          |          | daily for 15 d and   |
           |          |          | during and           |
           |          |          | throughout gestation |
           |          |          | and lactation        |
rat        | orl      | 20       | daily for 90 d prior |
           |          |          | to mating, then      |
           |          |          | daily for 15 d and   |
           |          |          | during and           |
           |          |          | throughout gestation |
           |          |          | and lactation        |
     Test conditions: Ten male and 20 female Sprague-Dawley rats were in
     the control and low-dose groups. The middle-dose and high-dose
     groups consisted of 12 males and 24 females. After 21 days of
     lactation the females and their young were killed and necropsies
     Results: Body weights and food consumption were significantly
     decreased in high and low dose rats. Kidney and liver weights were
     significantly increased in high dose male rats. High-dose females
     had significantly increased relative brain and kidney weights. High
     dose males and females had renal tubular dilatation and hypertrophy
     with foci of renal tubular epithelial degeneration and regeneration
     in kidneys. One female rat at the mid-dose level had identical renal
     lesions. Low-dose rats did not exhibit any effects.
rat        | ipr      |          |                      | (R-51)
     HCBD administered ipr to male Sprague-Dawley rats caused a reduction
     in urine osmolality and body weight-urine flow rate increased
     slightly and marked increases in urinary protein, glucose and
     ketones were observed. After daily administration of successive days
     with various doses, a graded response was observed on both transport
     and overall renal function.

Terrestrial animals-NOAELs

Species tested:
NOAEL (mg/kg/d):

Species         | NOAEL                     | Ref.
rat             | 1 mg/kg/d (f) and 2.5     | (R-37)
                | mg/kg/d (m)               |
rat             | 0.2 mg/kg/d               | (R-45)
rat             | 3.0 mg/kg/d               | (R-39)
qal             | 5 to 6 mg/kg/d            | (R-50)
rat             | 0.2 mg/kg                 | (R-82)
rat             | 0.2 mg/kg                 | (R-35)
rat             | 5 ppm                     | (R-72)


Subacute/chronic toxicity; humans:

Dosing schedule:

Route      | Dose            | Schedule             | Ref.
ihl        | 0.8 to 30 mg/m3 | seasonally           | (R-1)
     A group of 205 vineyard workers exposed seasonally to HCBD and
     polychlorobutane-80 (HCBD concentration = 0.8 to 30 mg/m3 showed
     multiple toxic effects contributing to the development of
     hypotension, cardiac disease, chronic bronchitis, disturbances of
     nervous function and chronic hepatitis.


Chronic toxicity; freshwater species

Species tested:
Study type:
Highest no observable adverse effect level (mg/L):
Lowest observable adverse effect level (mg/L):
Maximum adverse toxicant concentration (mg/L):

Species         | Study type | HNOAEL     | LOAEL      | MATC       | Ref.
fathead minnow  | E-L        | 0.0065     | 0.013      | 0.0092     | (R-84)
(Pimephales     |            |            |            |            |
promelas)       |            |            |            |            |
     Test conditions: This was a flow-through, measured toxicity test.
     Toxicant was 98 to 99% pure and was administered without a carrier
     solvent. Water temperature was 25 +/- 1 C. Mean total hardness,
     alkalinity, and acidity were 45, 42, and 3 mg/L as CaCO3,
     respectively. Mean dissolved oxygen concentration and pH were 7.0
     mg/L and 7.4, respectively. Four replicates of 30 eggs, 2 to 8 hours
     old, were used at each test concentration. The test was terminated
     28 days after hatching.
     Results: MATC is based both on reduced larval survival and growth
goldfish        | PLC        | 0.003      |            |            | (R-21)
(Carassius      |            |            |            |            |
auratus)        |            |            |            |            |
     Test conditions: Groups of 5 goldfish were exposed to added
     concentrations of 0, 0.5, 5, 16 and 5 ppb HCBD in a static bioassay
     for 49 or 67 days. Test solutions were renewed daily. Average
     concentrations measured were 0, 0.3, 3, 9.6 and 30 ppb. Water pH was
     7.6 and temperature averaged 19 C.
     Results: In the 30 and 9.6 ppb groups, loss of equilibrium and
     incoordination were observed in the test. Thirty ppb resulted in
     diminished weight gain. Exposure to 9.6 ppb also resulted in
     increased relative liver weight. Statistical analysis was made with
     Wilcoxon's test. Hematologic data revealed no differences between
     controls and treated groups. A no-toxic effect level was established
     as 3 ppb. Authors suggest additional studies to determine
     reproductive success of freshwater organisms and the development of
     small fry should be conducted.
largemouth bass |            |            | 0.00343 to |            | (R-20)
(Micropterus    |            |            | 0.03195    |            |
salmoides)      |            |            |            |            |
     Test conditions: A concentration of 0.00343 to 0.03195 was tested
     for 10 d.
     Results: Fish had elevated blood corticosteroid levels, suggesting a
     stressful effect.
molly (Poecilia |            |            |            | 1.2        | (R-20)
latipinna)      |            |            |            |            |
     Results: A 138-hour test, reported as an LC50 value.

Chronic toxicity: other freshwater life

Species tested:
Duration (hours):
Effect level (mg/L):

Species         | Duration   | Eff.level  | Ref.
water flea      | NG         | 3          | (R-4)
(Daphnia magna) |            |            |
     Results: One percent of the population survived and produced
     resistant descendants.
crayfish        | 5 d        | 0.336      | (R-20)
(Procambarus    |            |            |
clarki)         |            |            |
     Results: Reported as LC50 value.


Phytotoxicity: Terrestrial plants:
     STUDY # 1
     Immersion of sugar beet seeds at concentrations of 60 to 240 ug
     HCBD/seed resulted in increased root length and stem length in
     seedlings. Immersion of corn seeds in concentrations of 39 to 1,500
     ug/seed stimulated germination and growth. Wheat seeds immersed in
     concentrations of 2.2 to 70.4 ug/seed resulted in stimulated root
     growth. When applied to soil at a concentration of 25 mg/kg,
     thematic stems and roots increased in length. Fifty ug/kg in soil
     increased total and root weight of tomatoes. One-hundred mg/kg
     applied to soil increased tobacco seedling weight.

     STUDY # 2
     One-2 mg/tomato seedling or 60 mg/kg applied to sod resulted in
     increased yield of early fruit by GE 20%.

     STUDY # 3
     Bean cuttings immersed in 12.5 to 800 mg for 4.5 hours resulted in
     increased number, weight and length of roots.

     STUDY # 4
     Fumigation of growing grapes with HCBD increased the activity of
     certain enzymes and increased leaf dry weight and leaf chlorophyll.



IARC determination:
     There is limited evidence that hexachlorobutadiene is carcinogenic
     in rats. (R-1)

Carcinogenicity positive references:

Carcinogenicity negative references:
     (R-41) (R-43) (R-82)

Animal carcinogenicity studies

Species tested:
Exposure route:
Dose (mg/kg or mg/m3):
Dosing schedule:

Species    | Route      | Dose       | Schedule        | Ref.
rat        | orl        | 0.2        | daily for 24 mo | (R-45)
rat        | orl        | 2.0        | daily for 24 mo |
rat        | orl        | 20         | daily for 24 mo |
     Test conditions: Thirty-nine to 40 eight-week-old Sprague-Dawley
     rats/sex/dose label plus 90/sex for controls were used. Males were
     necropsied at 22 months and females at 24 months.
     Results: Ingestion of 20 mg/kg HCBD was associated with the
     development of renal tubular adenomas and adenocarcinomas. They
     developed as singular or multiple neoplasms within one or both
     kidneys: two of these metastasized to the lungs. Twenty-three
     percent (9/39) of the males developed tumors (controls = 1.1%) and
     15% (6/40) of the females developed tumors (control = 0/90). Total
     tumor incidences in males were 39/90 for controls, 24/40 for the low
     dose group, 14/40 for the mid-dose group and 15/39 for the high dose
     group. Total tumor incidences in females were 82/90 for controls,
     35/40 for the low-dose group, 37/40 for the mid-dose group and 39/40
     for the high dose group.
rat        | orl        | 0.2        | once            | (R-82)
rat        | orl        | 20         | once            |
     Test conditions: Male Sprague-Dawley rats, 4 to 6 per treatment
     group were lightly anesthetized, shorn of hair between the shoulder
     blades and a small incision was made with a pouch constructed
     anterior to the incision. A model 200 L Alzet capsule loaded with
     200 uL of a [6-H] thymidine solution (100 uCi, 0.98 ug in distilled
     water) was placed inside the pouch. The animal was allowed to
     recover at least 6 hours prior to dosing. HCBD was administered in
     corn oil by gavage at a volume of 1 mL/kg body weight. Animals were
     sacrificed 7 days after dosing. Livers and kidneys were removed,
     processed, and from these tissues DNA was isolated and quantitated.
     The 3H content of isolated DNA representative of [6-3H] thymidine
     incorporation was assayed for determination of DNA synthesis and
     ultimately to determine if HCBD is a genotoxic carcinogen.
     Results: There were no statistically significant differences in
     weight gain, the kidney weight:body weight ratio, the amount of
     DNA/gram of tissue or the rate of DNA synthesis.
mus        | skn        | 64         | 3 times wk      | (R-41)
mus        | skn        | 192        | 3 times wk      |
     Test conditions: Groups of 30 female Ha:ICR Swiss mice received
     repeated skin application at the above dose levels for life.
     Controls consisted of a solvent control group of 30 mice receiving
     0.1 mL acetone dermally and an untreated group of 100 mice.
     Results: No skin papillomas were observed in any of the test or
     control groups. Additionally, no significant differences between
     controls and treated animals were observed for the incidence of
     distance tumors. The reviewer converted mg/mus to mg/kd/d by
     assuming a 3,125g bwt/mouse (R-79).
mus        | ipr        | 4          | 3 times wk      | (R-43)
           |            |            | equaling 13     |
           |            |            | injections      |
mus        | ipr        | 8          | 3 times wk      |
           |            |            | equaling 12     |
           |            |            | injections      |
     Test conditions: HCBD was injected ipr 3 times a week into groups of
     20 strain A male mice. A solvent control group of 20 mice received
     injections of tricarpylin 3 times/week for a total of 24 injections.
     Twenty-four weeks after the first injection, mice were sacrificed
     and their lungs were examined for adenomas. The student t- test was
     used to compare treated and control groups.
     Results: HCBD did not significantly increase the number of lung
     adenomas in HCBD-treated mice.

Other carcinogenicity studies:
     STUDY # 1
     This was an initiation-promotion experiment. A group of 30 female
     Ha:ICR Swiss mice received a single dermal application of 15.0 mg
     HCBD in 0.2 mL acetone followed 14 days later by 5 ug PMA (phorbol
     myristate acetate) in 0.2 mL acetone 3 times weekly. PMA controls
     consisted of one group of 120 receiving 2.5 ug PMA/application and
     another group of 90 mice receiving 5 ug/application.
     Results: Initiation with HCB produced papillomas in 5/30 mice. The
     first tumor appeared after 63 days. In the controls, 9/120 mice
     dosed with 2.5 ug PMA/application developed papillomas, and 6/90
     controls dosed with 5.0 ug/application developed papillomas. The
     incidence of skin papillomas in the test group was not significant
     (p LT 0.05).

     STUDY # 2
     An in vitro morphological transformation assay using Syrian hamster
     embryo fibroblasts was conducted at doses of 5, 10, 15 and 20 ug/mL
     HCBD. The lowest dose at which HCBD induces morphological
     transformation is greater than or equal to 10 ug/mL.


Gene mutation; positive references:
     (R-49) (R-91) (R-93)

Gene mutation; negative references:

Gene mutation studies

Assay type:
Species and cell type:
Exposure route:

Assay type      | Species         | Route      | Dose            | Ref.
Ames assay      | Salmonella      |            | NG              | (R-49)
                | typhimurium     |            |                 |
                | TA1535, TA100   |            |                 |
     Results: HCBD was positive in Ames test with and without activation.
     (No study details available).
Ames assay      | Salmonella      | in vitro   | 0 to 10 ug/L    | (R-92)
                | typhimurium     |            |                 |
                | TA98 and TA100  |            |                 |
     Test conditions: A modified Ames assay was used to determine the
     mutagenic properties of HCBD in strains TA98 and TA100 in the
     presence or absence of S9 mix.
     Results: HCBD was not mutagenic with or without S9-mix.
Bacterial       | Salmonella      | in vitro   | 0.001, 0.01,    | (R-93)
mutation assay  | typhimurium     |            | 0.1, 1, 10      |
                | TA100           |            | ug/plate        |
     Test conditions: The mutagenicity system used was a preincubation
     method similar to that described by Yohagi, et al., (1975). The test
     was conducted with and without S9 mix.
     Results: After metabolic activation, HCBD elicits a dose-dependent
     mutagenic effect at concentrations of 0.1 to 1.0 ug/plate. The
     effect was achieved only by adding S9 mix with an increased protein

DNA damage/repair; positive references:

DNA damage/repair studies

Assay type:
Species and cell type:
Exposure route:

Assay type      | Species         | Route      | Dose       | Ref.
UDS assay       | Syrian hamster  | in vitro   |            | (R-91)
                | embryo          |            |            |
                | fibroblast      |            |            |
     Test conditions: The genotoxicity of HCBD was investigated via
     induction of unscheduled DNA synthesis both in the presence and
     absence of an exogenous metabolizing system. The exact doses were
     not presented but from a graph they appear to be approximately 2, 5;
     approximately 7.5, 10; and approximately 12 ug/mL.
     Results: The lowest effective dose for UDS induction was 2 ug/mL.
     HCBD induced UDS in SHE cells without application of a metabolizing
     system. With an exogenous metabolizing system, the intensity of UDS
     induction is increased 3-fold.


Reproductive effects; positive references:
     (R-35) (R-37)

Reproductive effects; negative references:

Mammalian studies

Species tested:
Exposure route:
Dose (mg/kg/d):
Dosing schedule:

Species         | Route      | Dose       | Schedule        | Ref.
rat             | orl        | 0.2        | daily for 90 d  | (R-35)
                |            |            | prior to        |
                |            |            | mating, then    |
                |            |            | daily for 15 d  |
                |            |            | and during and  |
                |            |            | throughout      |
                |            |            | gestation and   |
                |            |            | lactation       |
rat             | orl        | 2.0        | daily for 90 d  |
                |            |            | prior to        |
                |            |            | mating, then    |
                |            |            | daily for 15 d  |
                |            |            | and during and  |
                |            |            | throughout      |
                |            |            | gestation and   |
                |            |            | lactation       |
rat             | orl        | 20         | daily for 90 d  |
                |            |            | prior to        |
                |            |            | mating, then    |
                |            |            | daily for 15 d  |
                |            |            | and during and  |
                |            |            | throughout      |
                |            |            | gestation and   |
                |            |            | lactation       |
     Test conditions: Ten male and 20 female Sprague-Dawley rats were
     used in the control and low-dose groups. Twelve male and 24 female
     rats were used in the middle and high-dose groups.
     Results: There was no effect on pregnancy or neonatal survival and
rat             | orl        | 7.5        | 18 wk           | (R-37)
rat             | orl        | 75         | 18 wk           |
     Test conditions: Eighteen female and 6 male, specific pathogen-free
     Wistar-derived, 10-week-old rats were divided into 3 groups. After 4
     weeks of dosing the females, two untreated males were placed with
     the females for 3 weeks. Females were allowed to produce litters and
     at week 18 all animals were sacrificed. Major organs and tissues
     were histopathologically examined.
     Results: None of the high-dose females conceived. Low-dose pups
     exhibited significantly decreased body weights at day 0, day 10 and
     day 20. The adult females from the high dose lost weight
     progressively and weakness of the hind legs developed into ataxia
     and paralysis. Necropsies were performed during week 10. Abnormal
     pathology included extensive renal tubular degeneration,
     proliferation of bile duct epithelial cells and
     fragmentation/demyelination of nerve fibers. Kidney changes were
     noted in low dose females (adults). The reviewer converted ppm
     values to mg/kg/d by assuming that rats eat 0.05 g/100g bwt/d (R-
rat             | orl        | 0.2        | 90 d plus       | (R-35)
rat             | orl        | 2          | 90 d plus       |
rat             | orl        | 20         | 90 d plus       |
     Test conditions: Seven-week-old male and female Sprague-Dawley rats
     were used. There were 10 males and 20 females at the two lower dose
     levels plus 12 males and 24 females at the high dose and 17 males
     and 34 females as controls. The animals received treated diets for
     90 days after which each male was placed with 2 females for 15 days.
     They were then separated and test diets were continued throughout
     gestation and for 21 days following parturition.
     Results: The two high dose groups exhibited signs of toxicity,
     decreased weight gain and food consumption as well as alterations in
     kidney structure. There was no effect on pregnancy or neonatal
     survival and development. High dose neonates had significantly lower
     body weights at weaning and at 21 days of age. The NOAEL for
     neonates is 2.0 mg/kg and 0.2 mg/kg for adults.

Teratogenicity NOAELs

Species tested:
No observable adverse effect level:

Species tested       | NOAEL                          | Ref.
rat                  | 2.0 mg/kg                      | (R-35)


Other adverse effects:
     STUDY # 1
     HCBD at 500 to 1000 kg/ha was very effective against phylloxera (a
     genus of insect especially damaging to grapes), but was toxic to
     vine and soil microflora.

     STUDY # 2
     Organoleptic limit = 0.01 mg/L in the USSR, 1970.

     STUDY # 3
     Rats treated with 300 mg/kg (route not specified) showed ascorbic
     acid and glutathione in liver increased by 26.8% and 57%,
     respectively. Glutathione content in kidneys increased by 29%.
     Succinate oxidase and cytochrome oxidase activity in internal organs
     decreased by 2.7 to 33.8%.


Pharmacokinetics/metabolism studies:
     STUDY # 1
     In rats, hexachlorobutadiene was found in lung, blood, liver, brain,
     kidney, spleen and mesentery after a single injection (dose
     unspecified) and was excreted in the urine for 7 days.

     STUDY # 2
     In the kidney, the highest concentration was observed in the
     proximal section of the nephron.

     STUDY # 3
     HCBD was detected in rat tissues and in the blood and urine after
     single (71 g/mL) and repeated (3 ug/mL) injections. HCBD was found
     in the blood, liver and brain 3 hours after a single injection and
     in the kidneys, spleen and mesentery after 6 hours. HCBD was
     retained in lung tissue for 3 days and excreted in the urine for 7
     days. Rats were almost free of HCBD after 2 weeks. HCBD was absent
     in rats 1 weeks after termination of chronic administrations. HCBD
     was not found in the cardiac or skeletal muscles, skin, or
     gastro-intestinal tract.

     STUDY # 4
     Oral doses of a mixture of seven chlorinated hydrocarbons (2
     mg/kg/component and 4 mg/kg/component) were given to rats daily for
     up to 12 weeks. Rats sacrificed at 4, 8, and 12 weeks had roughly 7
     mg/kg or less HCBD accumulated in fatty tissue taken from the inner
     genital and kidney regions. Concentrations of HCBD in tissues were
     apparently the same at both dose levels. The quantity found in the
     liver, heart, kidney and blood was less than that found in the fatty
     tissue. These results showed that HCBD did not have a strong
     tendency to accumulate in fatty tissue of selected organs if
     administered in a mixture with other chlorinated hydrocarbons, some
     of which were aromatic and accumulated significantly in the fat.



Aquatic bioaccumulation studies

Species tested:
BCF value reported:
Test type:
Test duration (days):
Tissue type:
Percent lipid content:
Exposure concentration (mg/L):

Species        | BCF    | Type  | Dur. | Tissue | % fat | Conc.      | Ref.
dab (Limanda   | 700    | FT    | 27   | fil   |       | 0.0016     | (R-90)
limanda)       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
               |        |       | 39   |       |       |            |
dab (Limanda   | 10,000 | FT    | 27   | liv   |       | 0.0016     |
limanda)       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
               |        |       | 39   |       |       |            |
plaice         | 500    | FT    | 21   | fil   |       | 0.0017     |
(Pleuronectes  |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
platessa)      |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
plaice         | 7,000  | FT    | 21   | liv   |       | 0.0017     |
(Pleuronectes  |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
platessa)      |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
mussel         | 2,000  | FT    | 38   | WB    |       | 0.0013     |
(Mytilus       |        |       |      |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       |      |       |       |            |
mussel         | 900    | FT    | 50   | WB    |       | 0.0016     |
(Mytilis       |        |       |      |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       |      |       |       |            |
mussel         | 500    | FT    | 21   | foot  |       | 0.0017     |
(Mytilis       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
mussel         | 1,000  | FT    | 21   | gill  |       | 0.0017     |
(Mytilis       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
mussel         | 2,000  | FT    | 21   | gonad |       | 0.0017     |
(Mytilus       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
mussel         | 3,000  | FT    | 21   | org   |       | 0.0017     |
(Mytilis       |        |       | to   |       |       |            |
edulis)        |        |       | 106  |       |       |            |
     Test conditions: These saltwater species were exposed to
     hexachlorobutadiene and analyzed by GLC. When plaice were tested for
     bioaccumulation potential, they were fed mussels which had been
     previously exposed and had a mean concentration level of 1.8 ppm.
     The fish were fed daily with minced mussel tissue equivalent to 5%
     of their wet mass. Very few details about the study were reported.
     Results: Overall laboratory accumulation factors were similar to
     those that the authors calculated from Liverpool Bay sampling. The
     liver/flesh ratios were also the same in both lab and field data.
rainbow trout  | 4,000  | FLD   |      | WB    | 7.9   | 0.00000005 | (R-100)
(Salmo         |        |       |      |       |       |            |
gairdneri)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
     Test conditions: Using the concentration of hexachlorobutadiene in
     Lake Ontario waters sampled in the fall of 1980, residue
     concentrations were estimated for Rainbow trout on the basis of the
     BCFs derived from this study. These values were compared with
     residue concentrations of the same chemicals that were monitored in
     adult Rainbow trout collected from Lake Ontario in the spring of
     Results: Using the concentration in Lake Ontario waters of 0.05 ng/L
     and the mean concentration in Lake Ontario fish of 0.2 +/- 0.08
     ng/g, a field-derived BAF of 4,000 was reported.
pike           |        |       |      |       |       |            | (R-61)
perch          |        |       |      |       |       |            |
tench          |        |       |      |       |       |            |
common bream   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
white bream    |        |       |      |       |       |            |
roach          |        |       |      |       |       |            |
     Results: When HCBD residues in various fish (pike, perch, tench,
     common bream, white bream and roach) were compared to fat content,
     higher residue levels were found in common bream and roach. These
     results were significant and were positively correlated with fat
     content (r = +0.862 and LT 0.5%).
crayfish       | 6.27   | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0022     | (R-78)
(Procambarus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
clarki) (m)    |        |       |      |       |       |            |
crayfish       | 45.36  | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0022     |
(Procambarus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
clarki) (f)    |        |       |      |       |       |            |
crayfish       | 11.11  | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0037     |
(Procambarus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
clarki) (m)    |        |       |      |       |       |            |
crayfish       | 3.86   | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0037     |
(Procambarus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
clarki) (f)    |        |       |      |       |       |            |
sailfin        | 22.7   | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.01054    |
mollies        |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Poecilia      |        |       |      |       |       |            |
latipinna)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
sailfin        | 22.7   | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.01203    |
mollies        |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Poecilia      |        |       |      |       |       |            |
latipinna)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 4.4    | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0057     |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 4.2    | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0078     |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 2.2    | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0049     |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 19.1   | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0044     |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 2.5    | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.0591     |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
largemouth     | 112.9  | FT    | 10   | WB    |       | 0.05712    |
bass           |        |       |      |       |       |            |
(Micropterus   |        |       |      |       |       |            |
salmoides)     |        |       |      |       |       |            |
     Test conditions: All laboratory assays were carried out in a
     proportional diluter system with a flow rate of 60 to 120 liters/day
     (30 L tanks). Water quality parameters were consistent (except for
     salinity) throughout all experiments: temperature, 22.2 to 23.9 C.;
     pH, 6.5 to 7.9; and D.O. 7.6 to 8.5 mg/L. Salinity was between 0.8
     and 1.0 ppt. In the assay with HCBD in bass diet, the bass were fed
     contaminated mollies. Laboratory exposure periods were followed by
     10 days of depuration. Analysis of tissue and water was by GC-ECD.
     Results: Crayfish appeared to be approaching steady-state
     conditions. Tests with bass and mollies showed erratic concentration
     patterns, there were high levels in blank and carrier solvent
     controls, and steady-state did not appear to be reached. Male
     crayfish had lower BCFs equaling 6.27 and 11.11 at 2.2 and 3.7 ug/L,
     respectively, than females with BCFs of 45.36 and 3.86. Authors
     noted that specimen variations of uptake, and higher residue levels
     during depuration were not readily explained.
mosquito fish  | 125 to | MON   |      | WB    |       | 0.0009,    | (R-58)
(Gambusi       | 435    |       |      |       |       | 0.0014,    |
affinis)       |        |       |      |       |       | 0.0019     |
     Results: Environmental monitoring along the Mississippi River near
     Baton Rouge, LA of water and mosquito fish resulted in HCBD levels
     of 0.9, 1.4 and 1.9 ug/L in the water. The corresponding levels in
     fish were 112.8, 197.4 and 827.3 ug/kg.
goldfish       |        | ST,   | 1    |       |       | 0.200      | (R-21)
(Carassi       |        | REN   |      |       |       |            |
auratus)       |        |       |      |       |       |            |
goldfish       |        | ST,   | 49   |       |       | 0.0003 to  |
(Carassi       |        | REN   |      |       |       | 0.030      |
auratus)       |        |       |      |       |       |            |
     Test conditions: In the first experiment, goldfish were exposed for
     24 hours and then transferred to a clean FT system (20 C.). Samples
     were taken on days 0, 1, 2, 6, 9 and 15 after exposure. Elimination
     was fit to a log concentration (ppm) fish-time regression curve of
     the formula log c = A - Bt. The second study was performed to
     determine the semichronic toxicity. The exposure period was 49 days
     in which the test solutions were renewed daily. On day 49, fish
     tissue was analyzed by GC-ECD (as in previous test). The water
     quality parameters were: pH = 7.6 +/- 0.2; temperature = 19 +/- 1
     C.; and D.O. = 6.3 to 3.2 mg/L.
     Results: The residue concentration in goldfish after 24 hours
     exposure to 200 ug/L was approximately 100 ppm. The confidence
     limits of A and B were calculated to be 1.8 to 2.1., and 0.03 to
     0.07, respectively and the correlation coefficient was 0.749. The
     residue levels found in the second test after 49 days of exposure to
     0.3, 3, 9.6 and 30 ppb were 0.69, 7.0, 17.8 and 27.6 ppm,


Sorption studies:
     STUDY # 1
     In an environmental monitoring study of the Mississippi Delta region
     it was found that the level of HCBD in water was less than 2 ug/L
     while the concentration in mud or soil samples exceeded 200 ug/L. In
     this same study, water samples from the waste of an industrial
     company in Geismar, Louisiana, contained less than 0.1 ug/L to 4.5
     ug/L while levels of HCBD in the mud reached a maximum of 2,370
     ug/kg indicating selective concentration of several orders of

     STUDY # 2
     In laboratory experiments, bottom sediments, exposed to a regular
     flow of 3.6 ppb HCBD in water for one day, accumulated 725 ppb HCBD,
     a concentration factor of 201.4. After four days of exposure to the
     same concentration, sediments contained 938-ppb HCBD, a
     concentration factor of 260.5. Depuration for four days resulted in
     a loss of 306 ppb HCBD from the sediment.
     (R-27) (R-61)

     STUDY # 3
     In one study it was determined that the concentration of HCBD in
     uncontaminated sediment after equilibration with water that
     contained HCBD was 100 times that found in the water. The experiment
     was conducted with 200 mg of sorbent mixed with 25 mL demineralized
     water at pH 5.5. HCBD was added in acetone solutions at
     concentrations of 50, 125, 375 and 1000 ppb. Equilibrium was reached
     after 48 hours. The distribution ratio between solid and liquid
     phases was described via the Freundlich equation with K = 200 and
     1/n = 0.9.


Field studies:
     STUDY # 1
     Soil was treated with [14C]-labeled hexachlorobutadiene at 6.17
     kg/ha. Potatoes were planted immediately, followed by carrots the
     next year. Most of the radioactivity was volatilized in one season
     and no accumulation occurred in either the carrots or potatoes.

     STUDY # 2
     In an environmental monitoring study of inland waters fed by the
     Rhine River, HCBD was found in fish, mollusc species, oligochaete
     worms, detritus and water samples. Levels of HCBD in water were 3
     orders of magnitude lower than those found in aquatic animals
     sampled in the same area, but not at the same time. The
     investigators indicated that there was no significant
     bioaccumulation via the food chain to higher trophic levels in this


Reduction/oxidation studies:
     STUDY # 1
     Perhalogenated hydrocarbons are typically very stable with respect
     to oxidation.

Hydrolysis studies:
     STUDY # 1
     If hydrolysis of HCBD takes place on the clay surfaces of recently
     deposited sediments, the first expected product would be a
     chlorinated butenoic acid, based on results of studies on solvolysis
     of HCBD in ethanol.

Photolysis studies:
     STUDY # 1
     The absorption coefficient of HCBD in the solar spectral region may
     be too small to make direct photolysis an important aquatic fate

     STUDY # 2
     HCBD in solution with benzene (1 ug/mL) exhibits a dramatic change
     after irradiation for 15 minutes at a wave length of 273.5 nm.
     Numerous products having a molecular weight higher than HCBD were
     reported as being evident, but no compounds were named.

     STUDY # 3
     Irradiation of a 0.4 ppm concentration in flasks exposed to outdoor
     diurnal and climatic variations, resulted in a half- life of about
     one week. The authors questioned the data because heterogeneous
     reactions on the vessel wall may have been occurring.


Analytical methods

Sample type:
Sample preperation:
Detection method:
Detection limit:

Type        | Sample Prep.    | Method          | Limit      | Ref.
fish        | grind, extract  | GC/ECD          | 5 ug/kg    | (R-69)
            | (petroleum      |                 |            |
            | ether), cc      |                 |            |
soil        | extract         | GC/ECD          |            | (R-1)
            | (acetone), add  |                 |            |
            | benzene         |                 |            |
fish        | (see narrative) | biological      | 0.05 mg/L  | (R-55)
water       | trap on XAD     | GC/FID          |            | (R-56)
            | resin, extract  |                 |            |
            | (acetone,       |                 |            |
            | chloroform)     |                 |            |
water       | trap on XAD     | GC/FLD, GC/ECD  |            | (R-65)
            | resin or        |                 |            |
            | activated       |                 |            |
            | carbon, extract |                 |            |
            | (diethyl ether  |                 |            |
            | or chloroform-  |                 |            |
            | acetone)        |                 |            |
air         | trap on         | GC/ECD          |            | (R-60)
            | Chromosorb 101, |                 |            |
            | extract         |                 |            |
            | (hexane)        |                 |            |
air         | trap on Tenax   | GC/ECD          |            | (R-1)
            | GC, extract     |                 |            |
            | (hexane)        |                 |            |
air         | trap on silica  | U.V.            | 0.2 mg/m3  | (R-1)
            | gel or in       |                 |            |
            | solvent         |                 |            |
            | (cyclohexane-   |                 |            |
            | hexane-         |                 |            |
            | petroleum       |                 |            |
            | ether)          |                 |            |
air         | trap on silica  | colorimetry     | 5 mg/m3    | (R-1)
            | gel, extract    |                 |            |
            | (ether),        |                 |            |
            | prepare         |                 |            |
            | derivative with |                 |            |
            | pyridine        |                 |            |
water       | extract         | GC/ECD          |            | (R-1)
            | (hexane)        |                 |            |
water       | extract         | GC/ECD          |            | (R-1)
            | (benzene)       |                 |            |
water       | extract         | colorimetry     | 0.2 mg/L   | (R-1)
            | (ether),        |                 |            |
            | prepare         |                 |            |
            | derivative with |                 |            |
            | pyridine        |                 |            |
fish        | homogenize with | GC/ECD          |            | (R-1)
            | sodium sulfate  |                 |            |
            | and acetone,    |                 |            |
            | filter, add     |                 |            |
            | sodium chloride |                 |            |
            | to filter,      |                 |            |
            | extract         |                 |            |
            | (hexane),       |                 |            |
            | evaporate, take |                 |            |
            | up in hexane,   |                 |            |
            | cc, transfer to |                 |            |
            | benzene         |                 |            |
sediment    | extract         | GC/ECd          | 10 ppb     | (R-68)
and soil    | (acetone,       |                 |            |
            | benzene)        |                 |            |
water       | purge, trap on  | GC/MS           |            | (R-70)
            | Tenax-GC,       |                 |            |
            | desorb with     |                 |            |
            | heat            |                 |            |

Waste/wastewater treatment:
     STUDY # 1
     The efficacy of a pilot water reclamation plant to remove HCBD from
     feed water containing the compound at a concentration of 110 ug/L
     was determined. The pilot plant used in the study operated on
     secondary, biologically purified, sewage effluent at a flow rate of
     80 kL/day. The efficacy of the different process units of the pilot
     plant to remove HCBD were: high lime treatment (110 ug/L feed
     concentration), 71.8% removal; stabilization (31 ug/L feed
     concentration), 96.8% removal, GT 99.1 overall removal; sand
     filtration (LT 1 ug/L feed concentration), GT 99.1 overall removal;
     chlorination GT 99.1 overall removal; and active carbon filtration,
     GT 99.1 overall removal. (R-64)

     STUDY # 2
     Sealed tube pyrolysis of HCBD at 380 C. showed the simultaneous
     initial formation of C2C14, C2C16, and C6C16; CC14 was subsequently
     produced and increased as C2C16 decreased. Steady-state
     concentrations of products appeared to be achieved at 3,000 h. The
     thermal stability of HCBD was also determined using sealed-tube
     experiments. The half-life for HCBD at 380 C. was 53h and less than
     0.2 mole-% remained after 150%. (R-67)




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Chemical Abstracts volumes searched; beginning:

Chemical Abstracts volumes searched; ending:

CAS Registry number: 87-68-3
Common name: Hexachlorobutadiene

SEARCH DATE: 30-3-90
SYNONYMS: 1,3-Butadiene, 1,1,2,3,4,4-hexachloro-;
Hexachlorobutadiene; Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene;
Perchlorobutadiene; 1,1,2,3,4,4-Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene;
Perchloro-1,3-butadiene; Butadiene, hexachloro-; HCB
RTECS® NO: EJ0700000

Environmental Transport Score  : 4E

Discussion: The score is based on the Level I Fugacity Model
estimate: 91.76% partitions to air, 2.93% partitions to water,
4.92% partitions to soil, and 0.39% partitions to sediment. Data
used in model: temp (C): 25, Sol (mg/L): 3.20, VP (mm Hg): 0.076,
and Log Kow: 4.78.


               * MW: 260.74 (R-2) (R-4)
               * MW: 260.76 (R-3) (R-17)
               * MW: 260.7 (R-6)
               * sol: "insoluble in water" (R-3) (R-17) (R-21)
               * sol: 2 ppm at unr temperature (R-5)
               * sol: 3.20 ppm at 25 C (R-24)
               * sol: 2.55 mg/L at 20 C (R-27)
               * VP: 22 mm Hg at 100 C (R-3) (R-5) (R-6)
               * VP: 0.3 mm Hg at 25 C (R-12)
               * VP: 0.076 mm Hg at 25 C (R-24)
               * VP: 0.15 mm Hg at 25 C (R-27)
               * log Kow: 4.90 (R-3) (R-27)
               * log Kow: 4.14 (R-21)
               * log Kow: 4.78 (R-21) (R-24)

Persistence Score  :  10
- Aquatic: 10
- Air: 10
- Soil: 10

Discussion:  The aquatic score is based on possible 300 day half-
life in lake and ground water.  Due to high log Kow, HCB may
readily partition to sediments.  Air score is based on 1.6 year
half-life.  Less than half of the compound was degraded in the
vineyard soil in 24 months without additional application of


               * water: 100% degradation: 7 d: 5 and 10 mg/L,
                 sewage seed, 7 d static incubation followed by 3
                 weekly subcultures at 25 C (R-24): 56% and 21%
                 degradation: 7 d incubation: 5 and 10 mg/L:
                 sewage seed, serial shake flask at 25 C (R-26)
               * water: T 1/2: 3-30 d: Rhine River, estimated
                 half-life from monitoring data (R-26)
               * water: volatilization: "will be rapid and that
                 the liquid phase will control the volatilization
                 rate...because of its high Kow and Log Kow,
                 volatilization from water may be decreased due
                 to adsorption to sediments, suspended sediments
                 and biota" (R-27)
               * water: anaerobic: did not biodegrade...batch
                 culture incubated for 48 hrs at 37 C (R-27)
               * water: lake and groundwaters: T 1/2: 30-300 d:
                 based on monitoring data (R-27)
               * soil: dune infiltration study, The Netherlands:
                 mobile in sandy soil: avg residence time 100 d:
                 low biodegradation (R-27)
               * soil: vineyard fumigant: 8 months, 4.36 ppm at
                 75-100 cm, 7.3 ppm at 50-75 cm: 32 months, 2.99
                 ppm at 75-100 cm, 0.65 ppm at 50-75 cm (R-27)
               * soil: "soil surfaces, evaporation is expected to
                 be a significant transport mechanism...may not
                 biodegrade in anaerobic zones of soil" (R-27)
               * "no information was found on hydrolysis or
                 photolysis, but based on structure, hydrolysis
                 should not be an important process" (R-27)
               * air: reactive with OH and O3: T 1/2: LT 1 d: T
                 1/2 in atm (calc): 3.24 hr (R-3)
               * air: HCB has been found in air at remote sites
               * air: T 1/2 (troposphere): 1.6 yr (northern
                 hemisphere)..."long-lived in the atmosphere and
                 considerable dispersion would be
                 expected...degrade primarily by addition of
                 photochemically derived hydroxyl radicals to its
                 double bonds." (R-27)

Bioaccumulation Score  : 10

Discussion:  Score is based on BCF values of 17000 and 11400 in
rainbow trout.  Mosquito fish BCF data indicate a lower score.
High log Kow values support the score.


               * mosquito fish: BCF: unr duration: 435 (R-19):
                 calc from given concentrations (R-27)
               * rainbow trout: BCF: unr duration: 11400: log
                 BCF: 4.057 (R-24)
               * rainbow trout: BCF: unr duration: 0.1 ng/L and
                 3.4 ng/L: 5800 and 17000 (R-27)
               * log Kow: 4.90 (R-3) (R-27)
               * log Kow: 4.14 (R-21)
               * log Kow: 4.78 (R-21) (R-24)

Acute Lethality Score  :  10
- Aquatic:  10
- Oral:  6
- Inhalation:  2L
- Dermal: 4Q

Discussion:  Score is based on aquatic LC50 data in the fathead
minnow (0.09 mg/L) and is further supported by a goldfish study.
Other aquatic studies also indicate high toxicity.  The oral
score is based on a rat LD50 of 26 mg/kg.  Other oral studies in
rat, mice, hamsters and guinea pigs indicate a lower score.  No
inhalation LC50 data was found, but based on limited data for
several species a score of 2 would be appropriate.  Dermal score
is based on one rabbit study indicating the LD50 is between 63
and 126 mg/kg.  Another rabbit study supports lower score, hence
a "Q" tag was assigned.


               * rat (neonatal): orl: LD50: 1/4 of adult (R-6)
               * rat: orl: LD50: 26-667 mg/kg (R-5)
               * rat: orl: LD50: 90 mg/kg (R-2) (R-4)
               * mus: orl: LD50: 110 mg/kg (R-2) (R-4)
               * gpg: orl: LD50: 90 mg/kg (R-2) (R-5) (R-4) (R-
               * ham: orl: LD50: 960 mg/kg (R-2) (R-4)
               * mus: orl: LD50: 87-116 mg/kg (R-5)
               * rat: orl: LD50: 200-350 mg/kg (R-5)
               * rat: orl: LD50: 250 (male) and 270 (female)
                 mg/kg (R-6)
               * mus: orl: LD50: 80 (male) and 65 (female) mg/kg
               * rbt: skn: LD0: 24 hr: 63 mg/kg: LD0: 4 hr: 126
                 mg/kg: 4 of 4: 24 hr: 126 mg/kg: 1 of 2: 7 hr:
                 126 mg/kg (R-5)
               * rbt: skn: LD50: 1211 mg/kg (R-2) (R-4)
               * mus: ihl: LCLo: 4 hr: 235 ppm (2515 mg/m3) (R-
               * rat: ihl: 4 hr and 7 hr exposures: 133 to 500
                 ppm (1423.1 to 5350 mg/m3): death to some or all
                 rats: (R-12) (R-17)
               * gpg, cat: ihl: 0.88 hr: 161 ppm (1723 mg/m3):
                 most died: or 34 ppm (364 mg/m3) for 7.5 hr (R-
                 17) (R-12)
               * rat: ihl: LC0: 0.88 hr: 161 ppm (1723 mg/m3): or
                 34 ppm (364 mg/m3) for 3.3 hr: all survived (R-
                 17) (R-12)
               * fathead minnow: LC50: 96 hr: 0.09 mg/L (R-3) (R-
               * goldfish: LC50: 96 hr: 0.09 mg/L (R-5) (R-19)
               * guppy: LC50: 14 d: 0.4 ppm (R-5)
               * rainbow trout: LC50: 96 hr: 0.250 mg/L (R-11)
               * channel catfish: LC50: 96 hr: 0.760 mg/L (R-11)
               * bluegill: LC50: 96 hr: 0.760 mg/L (R-11)
               * great pond snail (Lymnaea stagnalis): LC50: 96
                 hr: 0.210 mg/L (R-19)
               * aquatic sowbug (Asellus aquaticus): LC50: 96 hr:
                 0.13 mg/L (R-19)
               * zebrafish: LC50: 48 hr: 1 mg/L (R-19)
               * silver or golden orfe: LC50: unr duration: 470
                 mg/L (R-19)

Non-mammalian Sublethality Score  : 6
- Aquatic: 6
- Terrestrial:  *

Discussion:  The score is based on MATC of 0.013 mg/L in the
fathead minnow.


               * fathead minnow (egg): MATC: 13 ug/L: toxic
                 effects on early developmental stages
                 demonstrated 18% weight decrease in 28 d
                 exposure study (R-3) (R-19): 27 ug/L: highest
                 conc tested (R-19)
               * goldfish: 67 d: 0.030 mg/L: 6% significant
                 increase in body wt: 40 d: 0.0096 mg/L: 5.4%
                 significant difference in lvr wt: 49 d: 0.096
                 mg/L: significant difference in G-6-P (glucose-
                 6-phosphate) and G-6-PDH (intermediates of
                 respiration) activity (R-19)
               * sea lamprey (larvae), rainbow trout, bluegill:
                 no effect observed: 24 hr: 5 mg/L (only conc
                 tested) (R-19)
               * Japanese quail: orl (diet): 90 d: up to 30 ppm
                 (approximately 5 mg/kg/d): no deleterious effect
                 on reproduction (R-5) (R-6)

Plant Sublethality Score  :  0
- Aquatic:  0
- Terrestrial:  *

Discussion:  The score is based on 2 algae studies indicating
thresholds and 5% effects at concentrations greater than 25 mg/L
and greater than 10 mg/L, respectively.


               * green algae (Scenedesmus quadricauda): cell
                 multiplication inhibition test: unr duration:
                 LT50: GT 25 mg/L (R-19)
               * algae (Cryptomonad): 5% decreased cell count: 48
                 hr: GT 10 mg/L (R-19)

Mammalian Sublethality Score  :  8
- Oral:  8
- Inhalation:  6

Discussion:  The score is based on a rat oral NOAEL of 0.2
mg/kg/d in 2 year and 90 day studies.  Inhalation score based on
no effects at 1 ppm over a 184-day period.


               * rat: orl: 13 wk: 0, 0.4, 1.0, 2.5, 6.3 and 15.6
                 mg/kg/d: no effect levels of 1.0 and 2.5 mg/kg/d
                 were established for females and males,
                 respectively: inhibition of growth occurred in
                 both sexes at the two highest doses and
                 degeneration of proximal renal tubules occurred
                 at doses of 2.5 and 6.3 mg/kg/d or more in
                 females and males, respectively: urine
                 concentrating ability was significantly reduced
                 in females at doses of 2.5 mg/kg/d or more and
                 in males at 15 mg/kg/d. (R-3)
               * rat: ihl: 15 exposures 6 hr each: 5 ppm: no
                 effect level (R-5)
               * rat: orl (diet): 30 d: 1 or 3 mg/kg/d, no
                 effect: 10 mg/kg/d, marginal changes: 30, 65 and
                 100 mg/kg/d, increase in the kdy-body wt ratio
                 as well as renal tubular degeneration, necrosis
                 and regeneration, decreased food consumption and
                 body wt gain (R-5) (R-17)
               * rat: ihl: short-term repeated studies, unr
                 duration: 4 hr: 250 ppm (2675 mg/m3): 6 hr: 100,
                 25, 10, 5 ppm (1070, 268, 107 and 54 mg/m3): 15
                 exposures to 5 or 10 ppm resulted in no observed
                 toxic effect for retarded wt gain at 10 ppm: 15
                 exposures to 25 ppm, 2 exposures to 100 and 250
                 ppm resulted in respiratory irritation and
                 injury and had a pronounced effect on renal
                 tubules (R-12) (R-17)
               * rat, gpg: ihl: 7 hr/d, 5 d/wk: 8 or 30 ppm: 10
                 of 10 rats and 4 of 5 gpg survived 19 7-hr
                 exposures to 8 ppm, but lvr and kdy injury were
                 grossly apparent on necropsy (R-12)
               * rat, rbt, gpg: ihl: 7 hr/d: 100 exposures to 3
                 ppm (32 mg/m3) in 143 d: 4.2, 3.1 and 3.7
                 mg/kg/d for rat, rbt and gpg, respectively:
                 adversely affected lvr and kdy of animals: 129
                 exposures to 1 ppm (11 mg/m3) in 184 d: 1.5, 1.1
                 and 1.3 mg/kg/d for rat, rbt and gpg,
                 respectively: not adversely affected (R-12)
               * rat, mus: ihl: 7 months: unr dosing schedule and
                 frequency of exposure: 0.024 mg/L (2.2 ppm, 24
                 mg/m3): animals "tolerated" dose, caused no
                 alteration in animals (R-12) (R-17)
               * rat: orl (diet): 2 yr: 0.2 mg/kg/d: caused no
                 effects that could be attributed to treatment; 2
                 mg/kg/d: caused a slight degree of renal
                 toxicity; 20 mg/kg/d (highest dose): caused
                 multiple and substantial toxicological effects,
                 including renal tubular neoplasms (R-12) (R-5)

Teratogenicity Score  :  6

Discussion:  The score is based on central nervous system (CNS)
terata observed in one recent rat oral study.  Other oral studies
did not indicate that CNS effects were investigated.


               * rat: orl (diet): 90 d prior to mating and during
                 gestation and lactation: 20, 2 or 0.2 mg/kg/d:
                 observed no deleterious effects on fertility or
                 health of pups but other toxic effects to
                 kidneys of parents at 20 mg/kg/d (R-6): no
                 effects were observed at 0.2 mg/kg/d (R-12)
               * rat: orl: gestation day 1-22: TDLo: 178 mg/kg
                 (total dose): 8.1 mg/kg/d: specific
                 developmental abnormalities: central nervous
                 system  (This is 1985 study not reported in
                 other reviews) (R-2)
               * rat: ipr: gestation day 1-15: TDLo: 150 mg/kg
                 (total dose): 10 mg/kg/d: fetotoxicity (except
                 death, eg. stunted fetus) (R-2)
               * rat: orl: 13 wk: unr dose schedule: 0, 0.4, 1.0,
                 2.5, 6.3 and 15.6 mg/kg: decreased body wts at
                 birth and weaning, no effects on fertility or
                 progeny were found (R-3)
               * rat: orl: unr duration: 150 ppm in diet (7.5
                 mg/kg body wt/d based on a daily feed
                 consumption rate of 5 g/100 g/d): no effect on
                 fertility or progeny except for decreased body
                 wt at birth and weaning in rats: grossly
                 observable malformations were not seen in this
                 small study (R-12)

Mutagenicity Score  :  10

Discussion:  The score is based on evidence of mutagenicity in
in vitro assays for both pro- and eukaryotic systems and
clastogenic effects in vivo systems.


               * sat (TA100): mmo: pos (R-6) (R-2) (R-25)
               * sat (TA100): mma: pos (R-2) (R-25)
               * rat: orl: dns: pos (R-2) (R-4)
               * ham: emb cells: dns: (with and without
                 activation): pos  (R-2) (R-4)
               * ham: ovr: sce: pos (R-2)
               * dmg: inj or orl: slrl: neg (R-3)
               * sat: mma (Ames assay-rat kdy S9): pos (cysteine
                 conjugates of HCBD) (R-3)
               * ham: emb: fbr: morphological transformation: pos
               * sat: mmo: questionable (R-18)

Carcinogenicity Score  :  10L

Discussion:  The score is based on positive cancer data in rats
and oncogenic test in hamster cells and positive mutagenicity
data.  IARC concluded limited animal evidence and no adequate
human data.  The "L" tag was as assigned, as only one good animal
study was available.


               * ACGIH: "an industrial substance suspect of
                 carcinogenic potential to humans" (R-17)
               * ham: emb: otr: pos (R-2) (R-4)
               * rat: orl (diet): 2 yr: 0.2, 2.0, or 20 mg/kg
                 body wt/d: TDLo: 15000 mg/kg (total dose) (C):
                 statistically significant increase (p LT 0.05)
                 of kdy tumours was observed in male and female
                 rats fed at highest dose (R-6) (R-25):
                 carcinogenic by RTECS® criteria (R-2) (R-4)
               * IARC: limited evidence in animals, 1979: no
                 adequate data for humans...overall IARC
                 evaluation-Group 3 (the agent is not
                 classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to
                 humans) (R-6)
               * NTP Program 1988 - "Selected for general
                 toxicology study, prechronic studies completed
                 (mus: orl): chemicals in review for further
                 testing" (R-10) (R-2)


(R-2)     Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Substances.
          (computerized database produced by the National Library
          of Medicine, interactive version of the National
          Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
          publication).  #

(R-3)     TOXNET - Computerized database (Toxicology Data
          Network).  National Library of Medicine. U.S.
          Department of Health and Human Services.  #

(R-4)     Sax, N.I.  1988.  Dangerous Properties of Industrial
          Materials.  7th Edition.  Van Nostrand Reinhold Co.,
          New York, NY. #

(R-5)     Verschueren, K. 1983.  Handbook of Environmental Data
          on Organic Chemicals.  2nd Edition.  Van Nostrand
          Reinhold Co., New York, NY.  #

(R-6)     International Agency for Research on Cancer.  1978.
          IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk
          of Chemicals to Man. World Health Organization, Lyon,
          France.  #

(R-8)     Center for Lake Superior Environmental Studies.  1987.
          Acute Toxicities of Organic Chemicals to Fathead
          Minnows (Pimephales promelas).  Volumes 1, 2 and 3.
          University of Wisconsin-Superior.  #

(R-10)    National Toxicology Program (U.S.).  1980-1986.
          Bioassay for Possible Carcinogenicity.  Bethesda, MD.:
          U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health
          Service, National Institutes of Health.  #

(R-11)    Mayer, F.L. and M.R. Ellersieck.  1986.  Manual of
          Acute Toxicity:  Interpretation and Data Base for 410
          Chemicals and 66 Species of Freshwater Animals.  U.S.
          Department of the Interior.  Report No. 160.  #

(R-12)    Clayton, George D. and Florence E. Clayton (Eds.).
          1982.  Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology.  3rd
          Edition, Vol. 2 a-c.  John Wiley and Sons, New York,
          NY.   #

(R-13)    Packer, Kingsley.  1975.  Nanogen Index.  A Dictionary
          of Pesticides.  Nanogens International, Freedom, CA.  #

(R-17)    American Conference of Governmental Industrial
          Hygienists, Inc. (ACGIH).  1986.  Documentation of the
          Threshold Limit Values for Substances in Workroom Air.
          5th Edition.  ACGIH, Cincinnati, OH.  #

(R-18)    Soderman, Jean V. (Ed.).  1982.  CRC Handbook of
          Identified Carcinogens and Noncarcinogens:
          Carcinogenicity - Mutagenicity Database, Volume I. CRC
          Press Inc., Boca Raton, Florida.  #

(R-19)    AQUIRE - Aquatic Information Retrieval Computerized
          database.  (Computerized database developed by U.S.
          EPA).  #

(R-21)    ISHOW - Information System for Hazardous Organics in
          Water.  (Computerized database developed by U.S. EPA's
          Environmental Research Laboratory and the University of
          Minnesota, Sponsored by U.S. EPA's Office of Toxic
          Substances.  #

(R-24)    CHEMFATE - Computerized database.  The Environmental
          Fate Database, Technical Database Services
          Incorporated, New York, NY.  #

(R-25)    CCRIS - Chemical Carcinogenesis Research Information
          System.  (Computerized database sponsored by the
          National Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of
          Health).  #

(R-26)    BIODEG - Computerized database.  The Environmental Fate
          Database, Technical Database Services Incorporated, New
          York, NY.  #

(R-27)    Howard, P.H. 1989. Handbook of Environmental Fate and
          Exposure Data For Organic Chemicals. Lewis Publishers,
          Chelsea, Michigan.  #
          Chelsea, Michigan.  #


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