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Bank of Canada

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25 March 2002
Canada's new $5 bank note launched on 27 March 2002

OTTAWA—Canada's new $5 bank note will be launched Wednesday, 27 March, in Montréal. The second bank note in the new Canadian Journey series will be unveiled by the Honourable Paul Martin, Minister of Finance and David Dodge, Governor of the Bank of Canada.

Distinguished guests including Jean Béliveau, former NHL hockey player for the Montréal Canadiens, Kim St. Pierre, member of the gold-medal-winning Canadian Olympic women's hockey team in Salt Lake City, and Myriam Bédard, Olympic gold medallist in the biathlon, will also be in attendance to unveil the note.

The new $5 note will be available at financial institutions across the country at approximately 10:30 a.m., on Wednesday, 27 March.