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Bank of Canada

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Rates and Statistics

Indicators of Capacity and Inflation Pressures for Canada

Information Sheet

  Source Publication or series identifiers
Core inflation Statistics Canada / Bank of Canada
Cansim: V36398
Bank of Canada calculation
CPI excluding food, energy, and the effect of changes in indirect taxes Statistics Canada/Bank of Canada Cansim: V36395
Bank of Canada calculation
CPIW Statistics Canada/Bank of Canada Cansim: V36393
Bank of Canada calculation
Weighted median Bank of Canada Bank of Canada calculation
CPI Inflation Statistics Canada The Consumer Price Index
Cansim: V735319
Chain price index for GDP Statistics Canada National Income and Expenditures Accounts
Cansim: V1997756
Chain price index for consumption Statistics Canada National Income and Expenditures Accounts
Cansim: V1997738
Chain price index for consumption excluding food and energy Statistics Canada / Bank of Canada Bank of Canada calculation
Product market
Output gap (Bank of Canada's conventional measure) Bank of Canada Bank of Canada calculation
  Capacity utilization rate Statistics Canada Industrial Capacity Utilization Rates
(in the Daily)
Non-farm goods   Cansim: V4331081
Manufacturing   Cansim: V4331088
Difficulty meeting an unanticipated increase in demand/sales (% firms) Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey
Production difficulties - Raw material shortage Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694162
Unfilled orders/shipments - Manufacturing excluding aerospace products and parts Statistics Canada Monthly Survey of Manufacturing
(M1352-M1377) / (M426-M451)
Backlog of unfilled orders - Higher than normal Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694602
Backlog of unfilled orders - Lower than normal Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694690
Backlog of unfilled orders - Balance of opinion Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694602-v19694690
Aggregate stock-to-sales ratio Statistics Canada Income and Expenditures Accounts Division  
Labour market
Unemployment rate Statistics Canada Labour Force Information
Cansim: V2062815
Participation rate Statistics Canada Labour Force Information
Cansim: V2062816
Growth in employment Statistics Canada Labour Force Information
Cansim: V2062811
Skilled labour shortage (% firms) - Manufacturing (Statscan survey) Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694074
Production difficulties - Unskilled labour shortage Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694118
Production difficulties - Working capital shortage Statistics Canada Quarterly Business Conditions Survey:
Manufacturing Industries (in the Daily)
Cansim: v19694206
Labour shortage (% firms) - All sectors (Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey) Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey
Wages and costs
  Average hourly earnings (unweighted) Statistics Canada Labour Force Survey  
All employees    
Permanent employees    
Wage settlements - Private sector Human Resources Development Canada The Wage Settlements Bulletin
Cansim: V4327222
Compensation per hour: business sector Statistics Canada Labour Productivity, Hourly Compensation and Unit Labour Costs (in the Daily)
Cansim: V1409158
Unit labour costs - Total economy
labour income/GDP at market prices
Statistics Canada Cansim: V498076/V1992067
Unit labour costs: business sector Statistics Canada Labour Productivity, Hourly Compensation and Unit Labour Costs (in the Daily)
Cansim: V1409159
  Bank of Canada commodity price index Bank of Canada  
Total   V36382
Energy   V36384
Non-energy   V36383
Real estate market
New-housing price index Statistics Canada Cansim: V734237
Resale-housing prices: Royal LePage Royal LePage survey of Canadian house prices Bank of Canada calculation using the Royal LePage survey of Canadian house prices
  Vacancy rate Royal LePage
Industrial market    
  % of firms expecting price increases over the next six months of: Conference Board
Index of Business Confidence
1% or less    
2% or less    
3% or less    
more than 3%    
  CPI inflation: Consensus forecasts Consensus Economics
Consensus Forecasts
2-3 years    
6-10 years    
  Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey -- % of firms expecting CPI inflation over the next two years to be: Bank of Canada Bank of Canada Regional Office Survey
less than 1%    
more than 3%    
Expectations implicit in real/nominal bond spread Bank of Canada Bank of Canada calculation