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Bank of Canada

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See also:

  • Graphs
    • Output gap
    • Capacity utilization rates
  • Historical data
    • Output gap
    • Capacity utilization rate - Manufacturing
    • Capacity utilization rate - Non-farm goods

Rates and Statistics

Indicators of Capacity and Inflation Pressures for Canada

Product market


Output gap (Bank of Canada's conventional measure)
The output gap is the difference between the economy's actual output and the level of production it can achieve with existing labour, capital, and technology without putting sustained upward pressure on inflation. Learn more

Capacity utilization rates
The rates of capacity use are measures of the intensity with which industries use their production capacity. Capacity use is the percentage of actual to potential output. Learn more

Unfilled orders/shipments - Manufacturing excluding aerospace products and parts:
Proportion of unfilled orders to shipments.

Unfilled orders represent a backlog or stock of orders that will generate future shipments assuming that they are not cancelled. Unfilled orders are calculated on a Canada-wide basis, not by province.

Shipments are defined as the value of goods manufactured by establishments that have been shipped to a customer. Shipments exclude any wholesaling activity, and any revenues from the rental of equipment or the sale of electricity. Note that, in practice, some respondents report financial transactions rather than payments for work done. Learn more

Aggregate stock-to-sales ratio
Ratio of stocks to final sales of goods, both expressed in current dollars.
Unpublished data.
National Income and Expenditure Accounts Division, Statistics Canada