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CIC Branch Advisory Council


The mandate of the Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) Branch Advisory Council (BAC) is to provide a platform for members of the CIC to voice professional concerns and to allow member’s input into policies affecting their Branch. The CIC BAC is an advisory body composed of senior CIC officers whose mandate is to identify and discuss professional concerns of the members of the CIC and provide advice to the Director Cadets. Authority for amendments to the BAC Framework rests with Director General Reserves and Cadets (DGRC).


The CIC BAC consists of nine members:

  1. Chairperson Serving CIC officer, Class “A”;
  2. Regional Representative: Serving CIC officer, One per region, Class “A”;
  3. Class “B” Representative: CIC officer serving on a Class “B” contract;
  4. Coordinator D Cdts CIC staff member.

The national BAC members are assisted by their respective RACs. The RACs operate within each region where the size of the membership is determined in consultation with the CO RCSU. Each region should ensure that the RAC is representative of the region’s CIC population and include members from all three environments. The RAC Coordinator is appointed in each region in consultation with the CO RCSU and works with the regional BAC Representative to coordinate BAC activities.

View organization chart here.


The mandate of the BAC will include items submitted by CIC officers to DGRC / DCdts for consideration via their BAC / RAC member and / or the Chairperson. The BAC could also consider, but is not limited to, making recommendations on the following topics:

  1. policy and procedures for the CIC Military Occupational Structure (MOS);
  2. policy and procedures for the recruitment, training and retention of CIC officers;
  3. policy regarding the terms of service of CIC officers (i.e. enrolment, appointment, progression, promotion, transfer or release);
  4. standards of dress and type of accoutrements and insignia, including scales of issue for CIC officers; and
  5. provide policy advice to D Cdts as required on CIC matters.


  1. the call for nominations will be regionally advertised to ensure widest exposure; or the CO RCSU may direct that CIC officers perform duties of Regional Council Members as a secondary duty;
  2. candidates may be nominated or they may submit their names to the Regional Representative for consideration;
  3. the incumbent Regional Representative, in consultation with the RAC, will provide a prioritized list of all applicants to the CO RCSU for consideration;
  4. CO RCSU will select or endorse members for the RAC; and
  5. procedural accountability will be ensured through the CO RCSU.


  1. Terms of Reference for the BAC Regional Council Members are found here.