Health, Education and Enforcement in Partnership (HEP)

CCSA's HEP Program (Health, Education and Enforcement in Partnership) supports the development and implementation of the National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol, Other Drugs and Substances in Canada and Canada's Drug Strategy by providing a platform where national, provincial/territorial and municipal substance use and abuse stakeholders can share information with each other and with other provinces and national stakeholders.

HEP Strategy Map [PDF]

To this end, a HEP Implementation Team comprising seven provincial HEP Coordinators was created in fall 2004 to ensure information is shared across the country. The HEP Implementation Team's priority is to nurture vibrant, multi-disciplinary networks (ideally including the health, education and enforcement sectors) that will support or enhance the development of a drug strategy addressing specific provincial or territorial substance use and abuse concerns.

The HEP Implementation Team was recruited and funded jointly by CCSA, provincial health departments and the Canadian Executive Council on Addictions (CECA). CECA is a national non-governmental organization established in 2002 to influence public policy on substance use and abuse.  CECA is made up of senior executives of substance use agencies in Canada that have a legislated federal or provincial mandate or are recognized provincial authorities.

For an overview of multi-sectoral activities in a specific province or territory see the HEP Implementation Team section.

Collaboration Tip of the Month

"Give rewards for work done, milestones accomplished, and results achieved.  For some people, a reward is just having their ideas heard or having their contribution recognized; for others, a reward is an attitude, like respect.  For still others, a reward is social time with partners away from the collaborative work.  The only way to find out what members need for rewards is to ask them.  To achieve our destination with grace and goodwill, we must discuss the importance of rewards and build the norm in the group for rewarding people freely and frequently."

Winer, Michael and Karen Ray
Collaboration Handbook: Creating, Sustaining, and Enjoying the Journey
Dee Ready and Vince Hyman, eds. Saint Paul: Fieldstone Alliance, 2005. 92.

From Joel Gervais, Provincial HEP Coordinator for Manitoba ...

"Currently, members of the HEP group in MB have been given the task of engaging individuals from their own sectors to participate in a consultation surrounding the development of the new Provincial Drug Framework."

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