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Hepatitis C
What is hepatitis C?
How long does it take for hepatitis C to develop?
What are the symptoms of hepatitis C?
How is hepatitis C transmitted?
What occupations have increased risk of hepatitis C?
How can we prevent hepatitis C in the workplace?
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 Hepatitis C

What is hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is an infectious liver disease caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Infections of hepatitis C occur only if the virus is able to enter the blood stream and reach the liver.

For reasons that are not completely understood, about half of all people who develop hepatitis C never fully recover and can carry the virus for the rest of their lives. These people have chronic hepatitis C, and some may eventually develop cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure.

There are other kinds of viral hepatitis such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis D, and hepatitis E. These diseases and the viruses that cause them are not related to hepatitis C even though they also affect the liver. They may have other, different symptoms and different modes of transmission. This means that there are different ways of spreading the disease and different means for preventing and controlling these diseases.

How long does it take for hepatitis C to develop?

The incubation period (the time between initial contact with the virus and the onset of the disease) for hepatitis C ranges from 2 weeks to 6 months, most commonly 6 to 9 weeks.

What are the symptoms of hepatitis C?

The symptoms of hepatitis C infection include fever, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach pain, extreme fatigue, and yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice).

Some people who are infected with hepatitis C virus have no symptoms and can infect others without knowing it. These persons are at risk of becoming ill at some time in the future. It has been estimated that it may take 10 years to develop symptoms.

How is hepatitis C transmitted?

The hepatitis C virus is spread primarily by exposure to blood. Some people who get hepatitis C do not know how they were infected with the virus.

People may get hepatitis C by sharing needles to inject drugs, or through exposure to blood in the workplace. The risk of getting this virus from a blood transfusion is minimal but still exists. All donated blood is now screened for the hepatitis C virus.

Hepatitis C has been transmitted between sex partners and among household members. However, the degree of this risk still needs to be accurately defined.

There is no evidence that hepatitis C virus is spread by casual contact. Sneezing, coughing and hugging do not pose the risk for hepatitis C. In addition, there is no evidence that hepatitis C virus is spread by food or water.

What occupations have increased risk of hepatitis C?

The risk of acquiring hepatitis C from the workplace depends on the amount of exposure to human blood or blood products and needlestick injuries. In general, occupational groups with increased risk include workers such as dentists, nurses, and laboratory personnel who are repeatedly exposed to human blood and who are at risk of needlestick injuries.

How can we prevent hepatitis C in the workplace?

There is currently no vaccine for hepatitis C. The risk of hepatitis C can be significantly reduced by implementing infection control guidelines suitable for the specific workplace.

Infection control precautions are the first line of defense to protect workers from this virus and other blood-borne diseases. For this reason, the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control at Health Canada and the United States Department of Health and Human Services have developed a uniform approach called "universal precautions."

Originally developed for hospitals, universal precautions have been adapted to a wide range of workplaces. They apply to all situations where workers have risk of exposure to blood or certain body fluids, including

  • semen
  • vaginal secretions
  • synovial fluid
  • cerebrospinal fluid
  • pleural fluid
  • peritoneal fluid
  • pericardial fluid
  • amniotic fluid.

Universal precautions do not apply to situations where workers may be exposed to:

  • feces
  • nasal secretions
  • sputum
  • sweat
  • tears
  • urine
  • vomitus
  • saliva (except in the dental setting, where saliva is likely to be contaminated with blood).

The purpose of universal precautions is to prevent exposure to blood-borne diseases transmitted by needlestick accidents or fluid contact with an open wound, non-intact skin (e.g., cuts or skin rashes), or mucous membranes. Universal precautions are to be used in conjunction with other control measures. An example is washing hands whenever gloves are removed or whenever the skin contacts potentially infectious fluids.

Universal precautions recommend the use of engineering controls, safe work practices, and personal protective equipment to suit the specific task and workplace. Engineering controls include the use of equipment to isolate or contain the hazard, such as puncture-resistant containers for disposing of used sharps, or biological cabinets for certain procedures in laboratories.

Safe work practices are required for all tasks involving possible exposure to blood or certain body fluids. They include:

  • safe collection of fluids and tissues for disposal in accordance with local, provincial, territorial, or federal regulations,
  • safe removal and disposal or decontamination of protective clothing and equipment,
  • procedures to follow in the event of spills or personal exposures such as needlestick injuries, and
  • specific and detailed procedures to observe when using and disposing of needles and other sharp objects.

Personal protective equipment provides a barrier to blood and certain body fluids. Equipment recommended by universal precautions include:

  • gloves to protect the hands and skin,
  • masks and eye protection together or a face shield to protect mucous membranes of the eye, nose and mouth in any situation where splashes of blood or body fluids may occur, and
  • aprons to protect clothing from splashes with blood, or gowns if large quantities of blood are present or anticipated.

Additional general information on Universal Precautions is available on this web site.

Document last updated on June 18, 1999

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