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Bank of Canada

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Bank Notes

Law Enforcement

The Bank of Canada's Law Enforcement Award of
Excellence for Counterfeiting Deterrence

The Governor of the Bank of Canada, in collaboration with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), has established a law enforcement award of excellence for counterfeit deterrence. This award recognizes the efforts of Canadian law enforcement personnel for their dedication to excellence and initiative in the field of bank note counterfeiting deterrence, prevention, and enforcement.

The award will be presented at the CACP annual conference in St. John's, Newfoundland in 2006 and at subsequent annual conferences. The deadline for nominations for the 2006 award is 31 March 2006.

Nominations are to be submitted on the prescribed Form of Nomination to:

Bank of Canada
234 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0G9

Bank Note Communication and Compliance Team
John MacKenzie

Or by email:

Criteria for award

The nominated action or event must have commenced within two years preceding the date of nomination and must involve innovation and creativity in dealing with a counterfeit bank note problem affecting a community, a region, or Canada as a whole, such as:

  • outstanding personal initiative in developing information, intelligence, or evidence leading to the identification or dismantling of a significant counterfeiting operation and the cessation of its unlawful activities, or
  • outstanding personal initiative in developing and implementing an effective counterfeit-prevention program, approach, or methodology leading to significantly improved results, or
  • showing innovation and/or dedication in providing investigative or administrative efficiencies in the area of counterfeit bank note enforcement or deterrence.

Who is eligible?

Any police officer, employee, or volunteer of a Canadian law enforcement agency.

Award objectives

The award recognizes excellence in the delivery of police services aimed at deterring counterfeiting and thereby contributing to public confidence in Canada's currency.

Who can nominate a candidate?

Nominations may be submitted by any active member of an accredited law enforcement agency belonging to the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

How do I nominate a candidate?

Complete the application form provided and submit it to the Bank of Canada.

Due date for nominations

Nominations should be forwarded by recorded delivery or email and must be dated no later than 31 March 2006.

Who selects the winner(s)?

A panel of five, consisting of two CACP representatives and three Bank of Canada officials, will review all nominations and select the winner(s) of the award.

Award presentation

The winner(s) and their partner will be provided travel and expenses to the 2006 CACP annual conference in St. John's, Newfoundland. The winner(s) will be honoured at an awards ceremony by a senior official of the Bank of Canada. The name(s) of the winner(s) will be inscribed on the master award, which will be permanently exhibited in a public area at the Bank of Canada's head office in Ottawa. The winner(s) will also be presented with a prestigious companion award that they can keep.


John MacKenzie
613 782-7698

Michael Duncan
613 782-7057