National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation (NNAPF)/CCSA Memorandum of Agreement

On March 10, 2005, the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA) and the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation (NNAPF) formalized an opportunity to enhance their respective roles and effectiveness with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) that brings together the unique strengths of each organization.


It is widely recognized that substance abuse and addictions have a negative impact on the social, health and economic well-being of Canadians, and in particular First Nations families, and that effective partnerships between non-governmental organizations can promote the development of leading-edge research, policies and programs that reduce the harm associated with alcohol and other drugs.

NNAPF and CCSA pledge to work together in a spirit of cooperation, learning and support to share information pertaining to addictions and substance abuse -- which may include the sharing of information and personnel, the conducting of workshops, conferences, seminars and meetings and the production of documents -- and to implement practical means to enhance the development of collaborative efforts between the two organizations.

Highlights of activities to date
  • In 2006 CCSA provided training at NNAPF's 5th national training conference.
  • NNAPF and CCSA were accepted to attend the 2006 Canadian Community-Based Research (CBR) Skills Building Institute. This institute focused on the knowledge and skills needed to develop, implement, evaluate and sustain effective CBR partnerships in Canada.
  • An abstract was submitted to the Re-Envisioning Relationships Conference at Trent University. The abstract is entitled The Development of a Community-Based Research Relationship: A Focus on Our Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Non-Governmental Partners.
  • CCSA participated in an opening plenary session and provided training at the 4th national NNAPF training gathering, Balancing Personal and Work Place Wellness, in Vancouver in 2005.
  • NNAPF is a member of the National Advisory Group on Workforce Development, a CCSA-led initiative to develop a national strategy on the development of the Canadian addictions workforce.
  • NNAPF participated in and presented at CCSA's 2005 national conference, Issues of Substance, in Toronto.  
  • In 2005, CCSA participated in and provided training at the 3rd national NNAPF training gathering, Improving Collaboration and Quality of Care: Aboriginal Strategies to Meet the Challenges in Health and Addictions, in Ottawa.
  • NNAPF is a collaborator in a three-year Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant awarded to a CCSA/Carleton University researcher, entitled Aboriginal Women Drug Users in Conflict with the Law: A Study of the Role of Self-Identity in the Healing Journey.
  • CCSA and NNAPF presented a joint poster entitled Aboriginal Women, Stigma and Healing from Illicit Drug Abuse at the Healing Our Spirit Worldwide conference in Edmonton in August 2006. The poster outlined the main "lessons learned" in the initial stage of the CIHR research project. 
  • CCSA participated in and provided training at the 2nd national NNAPF training gathering, Addictions, Mental Health and FASD, in Saskatoon in 2004.
  • CCSA served in an advisory capacity on NNAPF's Community Emergency Response Program consultation.

The MOA expires on March 10, 2007 and can be renewed with the consent of both parties.

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