National Advisory Group on Workforce Development (NAGWD)

Made up of substance abuse professionals from a broad spectrum of jurisdictions and sectors, the National Advisory Group on Workforce Development (NAGWD) provides representation and leadership in the development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of a broad national strategy on workforce development.

NAGWD originated out of

  1. Recommendations arising from the Canadian Addiction Treatment Workforce Survey, in particular those pertaining to the development of standards and competencies and the need for relevant and accessible education and training;
  2. The identification of Workforce Development as a priority of the National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with Alcohol and other Drugs and Substances in Canada (National Framework) and subsequent thematic workshop, held in March 2005

CCSA led in the formation of NAGWD, recognizing the need to work in partnership with key stakeholders in the development of a National Strategy on Workforce Development to address key priorities, and to link the work of NAGWD to other priorities of the National Framework; in particular, Treatment.


  • To identify key issues related to workforce development that would benefit from national leadership
  • To make recommendations regarding those areas identified by the committee for attention
  • To make high-level recommendations concerning the mechanisms necessary to support these recommendations [e.g., communities of practice]
  • To develop a list of guiding principals for Workforce Development that would inform the development of a national conceptual framework


To date NAGWD has commissioned the review of international perspectives on workforce development and a discussion paper, "Towards a Model System of Services and Supports for Addictions", in preparation for the National Thematic Workshop on Improving the Quality, Accessibility, and Range of Options to Treat Harmful Substance Use Including Substance Use Disorders (Treatment), which took place in Toronto, on Oct. 24-25, 2006. NAGWD members also play a key advisory role in the development of a new national Web-based resource designed specifically for Canada's substance abuse workforce.


Lianne Calvert, Co-Chair
Director, Workforce Development
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA)
Greg Purvis, Co-Chair
Director, Addiction Services
Nova Scotia Addiction Services
Krista Keohane
Senior Director of Human Resources and Learning Services
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC)
Ron Hector
Director, Human and Corporate Services
Addictions Foundation of Manitoba (AFM)
Maureen Kurtz
Implementation Consultant
Community Care
Saskatchewan Health
Nevin Coston
Director, Education and Publishing
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
Jeff Wilbee
Executive Director
Canadian Addiction Counsellors Certification Federation (CACCF)
Donna Birch
Community Mental Health and Addictions Coordinator West
PEI Mental Health and Addictions
Major Tom Tuppenney
National Addictions Consultant
The Salvation Army
Narinder Dhillon
National Addictions Practice Leader
Department of National Defence
Canadian Forces Health Services Group
Brian Grant
Correctional Service Canada (CSC)
Addictions Research Centre (ARC), PEI
Dan Reist
Director, Communication and Resource Unit
Centre for Addictions Research of BC (CAR-BC)
Renee Ryan
Addictions Consultant
Department of Health and Community Services
Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
Carmen Trottier
Association des intervenants en toxicomanie du Québec inc. (AITQ)
Rachel Dutton-Gowryluk
Senior Advisor on Northern Canada
Workforce Development Division
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA)
Sharon Clarke
Executive Director
National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation
Ken Ross
Assistant Deputy Minister
New Brunswick Mental Health Services / Health and Wellness (Representation by correspondence only)
Dr. Patrick Smith
Senior Advisor, Mental Health and Addiction
BC Provincial Health Services Authority
Dr. Rick Csiernik
Professor and Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Social Work King's University College at The University of Western Ontario
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