BDC Is your baby keeping you awake at night? It should be. It's time to think about a transition program. BDC can help you. 

Accounts payable
The total amount that is owed to your suppliers.

Accounts receivable
The total amount that is owed by your customers.

The process of repaying a loan through installments.

Average inventory during the year
The average amount of raw materials and/or items available for sale or in the process of being made ready for sale.

Cash flow

The cash receipts or net income from one or more assets for any given period after taxes and disbursements.

Closing balance
Balance of an account at the end of a given period. 

Closing balance for accounts receivable
Balance of the total amount that is owed to you, by your customers, at the end of a given period.

Closing balance for accounts payable
Balance of the total amount that you owe to your supliers at the end of a given period.

Cost of sold goods
Amount on an income statement that represents the cost of purchasing raw materials and manufacturing finished products

Common shares
A title that allows for partial or total ownership of a corporation.

Credit purchases
Purchases made, with the assent of the supplier, that will be paid at a future date.

Current portion of the long term debt
Portion of the long term debt that is paid within the current fiscal year.

The decline of the value of equipment or other assets over time.

A portion of a company's profit that is paid back to it's shareholders.

Withdrawals of assets (usually cash) from a business by a sole proprietor or a partner. 

Line of credit
An informal loan arrangement between a customer and a bank allowing the customer to borrow money up to a predetermined amount.

Long-term debt
Loans and obligations having a maturity of one year or more from the date of issue. Does not include the current portion of the long term debt.

Net profit after tax
Gross revenues less all costs of doing business and income taxes.

Net sales
Firm's gross sales minus returns and allowances, freight, and cash discounts allowed.

Net shareholder loans to business
The total of all outstanding shareholders' loans to the business.

Number of days in the measurement period
Number of days used to calculate the ratio. (e.g. If you would like to calculate the ratio over a 2 week period, enter the value 14. )

Opening balance
Balance of an account at the start of a given period.

Opening balance for accounts receivable
Balance of the total amount that is owed to you, by your customers, at the start of a given period.

Opening balance for accounts payable
Balance of the total amount that you owe to your supliers at the start of a given period.

Preferred shares
Shares that entitle shareholders to a dividend from the company's earnings.

The total amount of money being borrowed or lent.

Rent savings
Represents the amount saved on rent due to the purchase of a building. This can also represent an amount saved due to a move to another facility of lesser value. Enter '0' if your business project does not involve any change in your facilities or location.

Retained earnings
Profits not spent or distributed among owners of a business but reinvested in it.

Sales figures
Income, at invoice value, received for goods and services over a given period.

Person or entity that owns shares or equity in your corporation.

Shareholders' withdrawals or dividends
Amount taken out a business by the shareholders (person or entity that owns shares or equity in your corporation) + the portion of a company's profit that is paid back to it's shareholders.

Total assets
Total of any and all possessions that have a value.

Working capital
The difference between your current assets and current liabilities.

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