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AECL Receives Cancer Society’s Community Partner Award

The Canadian Cancer Society has awarded Atomic Energy of Canada Limited (AECL) a Community Partner Award for its excellence in community fundraising.

AECL Recipient of Cancer Society’s Community Partner Award
AECL Relay for Life participants plant a Survivor Tree in honour of cancer survivors.
The award was recently presented to AECL by the Society’s Renfrew County unit as part of its Relay For Life ceremony in Petawawa, Ontario. The award recognizes excellence in individuals or groups in community fundraising who strive to involve their members and/or the community in their efforts to raise funds for cancer research and the Society’s programs and services.

AECL has been intimately involved with the Relay since its inception seven years ago through sponsorships, event organization and promotion, staff participation and generous pledges and donations from employees. AECL was also the sponsor of this year’s Survivor Tree, planted in honour of cancer survivors.

Kathy Kennedy, the Society’s Renfrew County Unit Manager, said AECL has been a long time supporter and friend of the Relay event.

"We could not enjoy this kind of success without AECL’s continued involvement," said Ms Kennedy, whose unit raised $275,000 through the Relay and attracted approximately 1,400 participants, 215 of which were cancer survivors.

"We look forward to their support next year and into the future. AECL supports the event in many ways, including the work of staff members who freely give of their time to help plan the event. We are truly grateful to all the employees of AECL who have supported us as our event has evolved."

The Society's Relay For Life is an overnight, non-competitive event that celebrates cancer survivors and those battling the disease, and honours those who have lost their fight. Monies raised are put toward research on all types of cancer, support services for people living with cancer and their families, and the development of comprehensive, credible cancer information for the public.

Brian McGee, AECL Vice President, Nuclear Laboratories in Chalk River, said AECL and its staff are committed to developing and maintaining solid, long-term relationships with all of its stakeholders, including the communities in which they work and live.

"Our employees want to make a difference in the world around them, as evidenced by this effort," said Brian. "Collectively as a corporation, and individually at our various sites, our employees work to support and participate in a range of charitable and community fundraisers to help build a strong community and a healthy society."

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