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RCSU(A) - Staff Resources

Honours and Awards Aide-Memoire

National Awards
CF Awards/Immediate Recognition
Supporting Documentation


1.  The aims of this document are:

  1. To provide information to the Region on the various Honours and Awards that the military members
    who work in support of the Canadian Cadet Organization may be eligible to receive; and,
  2. Outline the staff work required for these awards.

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2.  The CIC, being a sub-component of the Reserve Force, is eligible for many of the same awards that the regular force may receive. Often, through a lack of knowledge of the terms of reference or the existence of these awards, many excellent officers and/or accomplishments remain unrecognized.

3.  By proper dissemination the information contained in this document and the related references, it is hoped that many more deserving individuals may be recognized for their hard work and dedication to the CCM.

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4.  Honours that can be awarded by the government of Canada include but are not limited to:

  1. The Order of Canada;
  2. The Order of Military Merit;
  3. Provincial Orders
  4. Decorations for Bravery
  5. The Meritorious Service Cross/Medal;
  6. The Canadian Forces Decoration; and,
  7. Commemorative Medals.

5.  The list above does not include medals recognizing service in an operational capacity, as CIC officers are not eligible to receive these. Information on those awards may be found in the applicable QR&Os, CFAOs as well as A-AD-200-000, Honours, Flags and Heritage of the CF.

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6.  In addition to the honours listed above, there are awards within the CF that are designed to recognize and reward outstanding service, particular devotion to duty, and contributions to the efficiency and well-being of the CF. These awards include, but are not limited to:

  1. CDS Commendation;
  2. CF Unit Commendation;
  3. Suggestion Awards;
  4. Merit Awards;
  5. Awards of Excellence; and,
  6. Sports Awards Programmes.

7.  Within this region, there exists a series of awards that are unique to Maritime Command and RCSU(A). Given that RCSU(A) falls within Maritime Command as a unit of MARLANT, individual members and RCSU(A) as a unit are eligible for MARLANT awards. They include:

  1. Maritime Command Commendation;
  2. Maritime Command Certificate of Achievement Bravo Zulu;
  3. Maritime Forces Atlantic Certificate of Achievement Bravo Zulu;
  4. Maritime Command Sports Award Programme; and
  5. RCIS(A) Scholarship.

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8.  Where a nomination process requires one, the narrative in support of a recommendation must contain an account of what the individual did to merit the award, including such matters as a full description of any events that gave rise to the recommendation, the names of all participants, the location, and the time frame. It shall not exceed two typewritten pages, excluding annexes and attachments, and shall be attached to the recommendation form shown in CFAO 18-4 Annex B. (A narrative for the Order of Military Merit shall not include annexes or attachments. See CFAO 18-14).

9.  A proposed citation for an award, where required, must summarize the case fully, factually and concisely, and be included in the recommendation form shown in Annex B. Grandiose superlatives should be avoided. Simple statements, which make it clear to an outside observer, now and in the future, why the actions of the individual stand out from those of the individual's peers or were beyond those expected, are best. (Citations are not required for recommendations for the Order of Canada or Order of Military Merit.)

10.  The attached Annexes detail the specific requirements for each award. The relevant references for each award are listed within each Annex and should be consulted for additional information prior to submitting any recommendations.

11.  The Regional OPI for Honours and Awards is Maj P.B. Kavanagh,
Human Resources Officer (HRO). Queries on Honours & Awards nomination procedures should be directed to the HRO though the chain of command.
