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Sea Cadet Emblem

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Who do you think should represent cadets in the year 2001? Is there a famous Canadian singer, actor, politician, scientist, author, athlete or doctor who you feel really exemplifies the values of the Cadet Program? Maybe you know of a cadet or a Cadet Instructor Cadre officer who went on to fame after having graduated from Cadets? If so, send us their names.

The reason for a spokesperson is to give the Cadet Program a high profile through public appearances and media interviews. This could include ribbon cuttings, dedication ceremonies, photo opportunities with the cadets, chat sessions on the Internet, etc.

Ideally a cadet spokesperson should have the following qualities:

  • be well-recognized in the media or in the public;
  • be Canadian;
  • have maximum appeal to all parts of Canada;
  • either have graduated from cadets or be willing to speak on behalf of them;
  • have "staying power" (i.e. someone whose name will still mean something in a few years);
  • be bilingual.

Some of the names that have been suggested so far include:

  • Bryan Adams (singer)
  • Michael J. Fox (actor)
  • Céline Dion (singer)
  • Myriam Bedard (athlete)
  • Julie Payette (astronaut)
  • Marc Garneau (first Canadian astronaut)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Chris Hadfield (astronaut)
  • Roberta Bondar (first Canadian female astronaut)
  • Jacques Villeneuve (athlete)
  • Governor General of Canada
  • Wayne Gretzky (athlete)

Who do YOU think should be the Cadet Spokesperson? Contact Us!