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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research


Financial System Review

December 2005

Financial System Review - December 2005
Developments and Trends
  • Financial System Risk Assessment
    • Overview
    • Highlighted Issues
    • The Macrofinancial Environment
    • The Financial System
  • Important Financial System Developments
    • Highlighted Issue
    • The Financial System
  • Introduction
  • Strengthening Defined-Benefit Pension Plans
  • The Use of Microdata to Assess Risks in the Non-Financial Corporate Sector
Policy and Infrastructure Developments
  • Introduction
  • Analyzing the Evolution of Financial Instability Risk
  • Simulation Analysis: A Tool for Examining the Balance between Safety and Efficiency in Canada's Large Value Transfer System
Research Summaries
  • Introduction
  • Endogenous Market Incompleteness with Investment Risks
  • An Analysis of Bank Closure Policy under Alternative Regulatory Structures
  • An Empirical Analysis of Foreign Exchange Reserves in Emerging Asia

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