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Bank of Canada

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Departments at the Bank

Corporate Services


Corporate Services delivers integrated and highly valued services with professional expertise and a comprehensive knowledge of clients' needs and expectations.


There are five distinct sections in the Corporate Services Department. They are: Human Resources, Information Technology, Knowledge and Information Management, Facilities, and Security Services.

Human Resources Services

Provide an integrated human resources framework that supports the attraction, hiring, and retention of the staff required to meet the Bank's objectives. Services include:

  • developing and implementing Human Resource strategies, programs, and tools that support the Bank's strategic priorities and its ongoing business needs
  • developing and implementing effective targeted recruitment strategies
  • developing and marketing compelling career propositions that support the hiring and retention of Bank staff
Information Technology Services

Provide a unified and adaptive Information Technology (IT) environment and services. Services include:

  • providing an IT environment that supports the Bank's vision of "working with the world"—anywhere, any time, with any device.
  • providing development services for IT applications to internal business clients
  • developing and implementing an IT infrastructure that ensures continued delivery of essential services
Knowledge and Information Management Services

Enable the Bank to be a collaborative, knowledge-sharing, and learning oriented organization. We develop and implement sustainable programs and processes to support the Bank's objectives. Services include the Library and monitoring of electronic media.

Facilities and Security Services

Provide a functional, safe, and flexible work environment for the Bank, ensuring effective management, use, and maintenance of assets.

Facilities Services include:

  • implementing a facilities strategy focused on clients' business needs for effectiveness, overall efficiency, and long-term stewardship
  • developing and implement infrastructure and processes to support business continuity
  • managing the Bank's tenants

Security Services include:

  • safeguarding the Bank's assets
  • developing and implementing security policy and standards
  • providing security management, screening, and operations