Manitoba coat of arms The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba Golden Boy
Status of Bills Search the Bills | Français 

Fifth Session, Thirty-Eighth Legislature

(November 15, 2006 —                         )

For a printed copy of a Bill as distributed in the House, please contact Statutory Publications.   For current Manitoba laws, click here.

Government Bills
No. as distributed after 1st Reading as enacted
An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of OfficeFORMAL BILL (not printed)
The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act
The Healthy Child Manitoba Act
The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Prepaid Purchase Cards)
25  The Consumer Protection Amendment Act (Payday Loans) (as introduced in the 4th session)
28  The Manitoba Museum Amendment Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
29  The Degree Granting Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
32  The Real Property Amendment Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
33  The Northern Affairs Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
34  The Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection) Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
38  The Housing and Renewal Corporation Amendment Act (Fund for Housing Revitalization) (as introduced in the 4th session)
39  The Court of Queen's Bench Small Claims Practices Amendment Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
40  The Medical Amendment Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
41  The Pharmaceutical Act (as introduced in the 4th session)
Other Bills
No. as distributed after 1st Reading as enacted
200  The Personal Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention Act
201  The Good Samaritan Act
206  The Phosphorus-Free Dishwashing Detergent Act
212  The Historic Trans-Canada Highway Act (as introduced in the 4th session)

Last updated: November 21, 2006 (2:25pm)