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Publications and Research

Topic Index

Transmission of monetary policy

An Optimized Monetary Policy Rule for ToTEM
Jean-Philippe Cayen, Amy Corbett, and Patrick Perrier
Working Paper 2006-41

Survey of Price-Setting Behaviour of Canadian Companies
David Amirault, Carolyn Kwan, and Gordon Wilkinson
Working Paper 2006-35

Summer 2006
Another Look at the Inflation-Target Horizon
Don Coletti, Jack Selody, and Carolyn Wilkins
Bank of Canada Review article

Endogenous Central Bank Credibility in a Small Forward-Looking Model of the U.S. Economy
René Lalonde
Working Paper 2005-16

Winter 2004-2005
A Survey of the Price-Setting Behaviour of Canadian Companies
David Amirault, Carolyn Kwan, and Gordon Wilkinson
Bank of Canada Review article

The Transmission of World Shocks to Emerging-Market Countries: An Empirical Analysis
Brigitte Desroches
Working Paper 2004-44

The Implications of Transmission and Information Lags for the Stabilization Bias and Optimal Delegation
Jean-Paul Lam and Florian Pelgrin
Working Paper 2004-37

Bank Capital, Agency Costs, and Monetary Policy
Césaire Meh and Kevin Moran
Working Paper 2004-6

Does Bank Capital Matter of the Transmission of Monetary Policy?
Skander J. Van den Heuvel
Conference proceedings

The LM Curve: A Not-So-Fond Farewell
Benjamin M. Friedman
A Festschrift in Honour of Charles Freedman

The Bank of Canada and the Inflation-Unemployment Trade-Off
Pierre Fortin
A Festschrift in Honour of
Charles Freedman

Monetary Policy Without Money: Hamlet Without the Ghost
David Laidler
A Festschrift in Honour of
Charles Freedman

Central Bank Talk: Does It Matter and Why?
Donald L. Kohn and Brian P. Sack
A Festschrift in Honour of
Charles Freedman

Simple Monetary Policy Rules in an Open-Economy, Limited-Participation Model
Scott Hendry, Wai-Ming Ho, and Kevin Moran
Working Paper 2003-38

Monetary Policy in Estimated Models of Small Open and Closed Economies
Ali Dib
Working Paper 2003-27

A Small Dynamic Hybrid Model for the Euro Area
Ramdane Djoudad and Céline Gauthier
Working Paper 2003-19

Bank Lending, Credit Shocks, and the Transmission of Canadian Monetary Policy
Joseph Atta-Mensah and Ali Dib
Working Paper 2003-9

Money in the Bank (of Canada)
David Longworth
Technical Report 93

Alternative Public Spending Rules and Output Volatility
Jean-Paul Lam and William Scarth
Working Paper 2002-37

Labour Markets, Liquidity, and Monetary Policy Regimes
David Andolfatto, Scott Hendry, and Kevin Moran
Working Paper 2002-32

Habit Formation and the Persistence of Monetary Shocks
Hafedh Bouakez, Emanuela Cardia, and Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia
Working Paper 2002-27

Nominal Rigidity, Desired Markup Variations, and Real Exchange Rate Persistence
Hafedh Bouakez
Working Paper 2002-26

Corporate Bond Spreads and the Business Cycle
Zhiwei Zhang
Working Paper 2002-15

The Monetary Transmission Mechanism at the Sectoral Level
Jean Farès and Gabriel Srour
Working Paper 2001-27

Predetermined Prices and the Persistent Effects of Money on Output
Michel B. Devereux and James Yetman
Working Paper 2001-13

The Zero Bound on Nominal Interest Rates: How Important Is It?
David Amirault and Brian O'Reilly
Working Paper 2001-6

Some Explorations, Using Canadian Data, of the S-Variable in Akerlof, Dickens, and Perry (1996)
Seamus Hogan and Lise Pichette
Working Paper 2000-6

Broad Money: A Guide for Monetary Policy (PDF)
Kim McPhail
Conference proceedings

The M1 Vector-Error-Correction Model: Some Extensions and Applications (PDF)
Charleen Adam and Scott Hendry
Conference proceedings

Financial Intermediation, Beliefs, and the Transmission Mechanism (PDF)
Robert Amano, Scott Hendry, and Guang-Jia Zhang
Conference proceedings

Credit Crunch, Bank Lending, and Monetary Policy: A Model of Financial Intermediation with Heterogeneous Projects (PDF)
Mingwei Yuan and Christian Zimmermann
Conference proceedings

The Expectations Trap Hyphothesis (PDF)
Lawrence J. Christiano and Christopher Gust
Conference proceedings

Summer 1999
Passive Money, Active Money, and Monetary Policy
David Laidler
Bank of Canada Review article

The Quantity of Money and Monetary Policy
David Laidler
Working Paper 99-5

La politique monétaire a-t-elle des effets asymétriques sur l'emploi?
L. Pichette
Working Paper 98-17

Liquidity Effects and Market Frictions
S. Hendry and G. Zhang
Working Paper 98-11

Spring 1997
Capacity constraints, price adjustment, and monetary policy
T. Macklem
Bank of Canada Review article

Constraints on the Conduct of Canadian Monetary Policy in the 1990s: Dealing with Uncertainty in Financial Markets
K. Clinton and M. Zelmer
Technical Report 80

What Does Downward Nominal-Wage Rigidity Imply for Monetary Policy?
S. Hogan
Working Paper 97-13

Monetary Shocks in the G-6 Countries: Is There a Puzzle?
B. S. C. Fung and M. Kasumovich
Working Paper 97-7

Winter 1996-97
The impact of exchange rate movements on consumer prices
Therese Lafleche
Bank of Canada Review article

Interpreting Money-Supply and Interest-Rate Shocks as Monetary-Policy Shocks
M. Kasumovich
Working Paper 96-8

A Distant-Early-Warning Model of Inflation Based on M1 Disequilibria
J. Armour, J. Atta-Mensah, W. Engert and S. Hendry
Working Paper 96-5

The Transmission of Monetary Policy in Canada
Bank of Canada
A collection of articles

From Monetary Policy Instruments to Administered Interest Rates: The Transmission Mechanism in Canada
K. Clinton and D. Howard
Technical Report 69

Capital Markets, Financing and Monetary Policy
Huntley Schaller
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Credit as a Transmission Mechanism for Monetary Policy in Canada
Marie-Claude Montplaisir, Marcel Kasumovich, Peter Thurlow and Rohit Gupta
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Endogenous Buffer-Stock Money
David Laidler and William Robson
Print copy available
conference proceedings

The Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism, Financial Intermediation and Interest Rate Differentials: A Survey of the Literature from a Canadian Perspective
Daniel Racette, Jacques Raynauld and Christian Sigouin
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Intermediated Finance, Inventory Investment and the Monetary Policy Transmission Mechanism
Peter Thurlow
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Business Cycles and the Credit-Allocation Process: An Institutional Perspective
William Barker and Louis-Robert Lafleur
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Does Business Asset Size Matter? Evidence from Canadian Data
John Kuszczak and Peter Orcheson
Print copy available
conference proceedings

Asset Stocks and the Use of Monetary and Fiscal Policies to Reduce Inflation
P. Masson
Technical Report 35

Some publications are only available for a fee or by subscription but many are available free of charge. Please contact:

Publications Distribution
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9
Tel: 613 782-8248
Fax: 613 782-8874

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