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Topic Index

Potential output

Une approche éclectique d'estimation du PIB potentiel pour le Royaume-Uni
Charles St-Arnaud
Working Paper 2004-46

Comparing Alternative Output-Gap Estimators: A Monte Carlo Approach
Andrew Rennison
Working Paper 2003-8

An Eclectic Approach to Estimating U.S. Potential GDP
Marc-André Gosselin and René Lalonde
Working Paper 2002-36

Filtering for Current Analysis
Simon van Norden
Working Paper 2002-28

La fiabilité des estimations de l'écart de production au Canada
J.-P. Cayen and S. van Norden
Working Paper 2002-10

Probing Potential Output: Monetary Policy, Credibility, and Optimal Learning under Uncertainty
J. Yetman
Working Paper 2000-10

Measuring Potential Output within a State-Space Framework
M. Kichian
Working paper 99-9

Une nouvelle méthode d'estimation de l'écart de production et son application aux États-Unis, au Canada et à l'Allemagne
R. Lalonde, J. Page, and P. St-Amant
Working paper 98-21

Winter 1997-98
Potential output growth: Some long-term projections
J. Kuszczak and R. Dion
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 1997
Capacity constraints, price adjustment, and monetary policy
T. Macklem
Bank of Canada Review article

Measurement of the Output Gap: A Discussion of Recent Research at the Bank of Canada
P. St-Amant and S. van Norden
Technical Report 79

A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies for Estimating Potential Output and the Output Gap
C. Dupasquier, A. Guay and P. St-Amant
Working Paper 97-5

Estimating and Projecting Potential Output Using Structural VAR Methodology: The Case of the Mexican Economy
A. DeSerres, A. Guay and P. St-Amant
Working Paper 95-2

Winter 1993-94
Recent advances in growth theory: Perspective and policy implications
T. Macklem
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Problems in Identifying Non-linear Phillips Curves: Some Further Consequences of Mismeasuring Potential Output
D. Laxton, D. Rose and R. Tetlow Print copy available
Working Paper 93-6

Measuring Potential Output and the NAIRU as Unobserved Variables in a Systems Framework
D. Côté and D. Hostland
Print copy available
conference proceeding

A Simple Multivariate Filter for the Measurement of Potential Output
D. Laxton and R. Tetlow
Technical Report 59

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Publications Distribution
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9
Tel: 613 782-8248
Fax: 613 782-8874

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