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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research

Topic Index

Recent economic and financial developments

Estimation of the Default Risk of Publicly Traded Canadian Companies
Georges Dionne, Sadok Laajimi, Sofiane Mejri, and Madalina Petrescu
Working Paper 2006-28

Autumn 2005
How the Appreciation of the Canadian Dollar Has Affected Canadian Firms: Evidence from the Bank of Canada Business Outlook Survey
Jean Mair
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 2005
Recent Trends in Canadian Defined-Benefit Pension Sector Investment and Risk Management
Eric Tuer and Elizabeth Woodman
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 2004
The Evolution of Liquidity in the Market for Government of Canada Bonds
Stacey Anderson and Stéphane Lavoie
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 2004
Regulatory Changes and Financial Structure: The Case of Canada
Christian Calmès
Working Paper 04-26

Summer 2003
Financial Developments in Canada: Past Trends and Future Challenges
Charles Freedman and Walter Engert
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 2000
Recent Developments in the Monetary Aggregates and Their Implications
Joseph Atta-Mensah
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 2000
Credibility and Monetary Policy
Patrick Perrier and Robert Amano
Bank of Canada Review article

Winter 1999-2000
Recent Developments: An Update to the Monetary Policy Report
Governing Council of the Bank of Canada
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 1999
Recent developments: An Update to the Monetary Policy Report
Bank staff
Bank of Canada Review article

Winter 1998-99
Recent economic and financial developments
Bank staff
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 1998
Recent economic and financial developments
Bank staff
Bank of Canada Review article

Winter 1997-98
Recent economic and financial developments
Bank staff
Bank of Canada Review article

The Liquidity Trap: Evidence from Japan
I. Weberpals
Working Paper 97-4

Autumn 1997
European economic and monetary union: Background and implications
C. Dupasquier and J. Jacob
Bank of Canada Review article

Les marchés du travail régionaux : une comparaison entre le Canada et les États-Unis
M. Lefebvre
Working Paper 97-17

Lagging Productivity Growth in the Service Sector: Mismeasurement, Mismanagement or Misinformation?
D. Maclean
Working Paper 97-6

The electronic purse: An overview of recent developments and policy issues
G. Stuber
Technical Report 74

Autumn 1995
The effect of foreign demand shocks on the Canadian economy: An analysis using QPM
B. Hunt
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 1995
Aspects of economic restructuring in Canada, 1989-1994
R. Parker
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 1995
Disinflation in the 1990s: The experience of the industrialized world
G. Paulin
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Winter 1994-95
Some macroeconomic implications of rising levels of government debt
T. Macklem
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 1994
Canada's international net indebtedness
M. Kruger
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 1994
The demand for motor vehicles in Canada: A note
H.-H. Lau Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

An Empirical Investigation into Government Spending and Private Sector Behaviour
R. A. Amano and T. S. Wirjanto
Working Paper 94-8

The Dynamic Behaviour of Canadian Imports and the Linear-Quadratic Model: Evidence Based on the Euler Equation
R. A. Amano and T. S. Wirjanto
Working Paper 94-6

Winter 1993-94
Current account develoments: Comparison with the previous cycle
A. Côté
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 1993
Behaviour of the personal savings rate in Canada in recent years: A note
H.-H. Lau
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Some publications are only available for a fee or by subscription but many are available free of charge. Please contact:

Publications Distribution
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9
Tel: 613 782-8248
Fax: 613 782-8874

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