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Publications and Research

Topic Index

Regional economic developments

Spring 2004
The Bank of Canada's Business Outlook Survey
Monica Martin
Bank of Canada Review article

Restructuring in the Canadian Economy: A Survey of Firms
Carolyn C. Kwan
Working Paper 2002-8

Autumn 2001
Factors Affecting Regional Economic Performance in Canada
Brigid Brady and Farid Novin
Bank of Canada Review article

Autumn 2000
Recent Performance of the Canadian Economy: A Regional View
David Amirault and Louis-Robert Lafleur
Bank of Canada Review article

Summer 2000
Restructuring in the Canadian Economy: A Survey of Firms
Carolyn C. Kwan
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 1996
Recent developments in monetary aggregates and their implications
L.-R. Lafleur and W. Engert
Bank of Canada Review article

The Commodity-Price Cycle and Regional Economic Performance in Canada
M. Lefebvre and S. Poloz
Working Paper 96-12

Les provinces canadiennes et la convergence : une évaluation empirique
M. Lefebvre
Working Paper 94-10

The Role of House Prices in Regional Inflation Disparities
D. Maclean
Technical Report 67

Regional Disparities in Wage and Unemployment Rates in Canada: A Review of Some Issues
K. Day
Technical Report 51

Winter 1993-94
Current account develoments: Comparison with the previous cycle
A. Côté
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Spring 1993
Behaviour of the personal savings rate in Canada in recent years: A note
H.-H. Lau
Print copy available
Bank of Canada Review article

Some publications are only available for a fee or by subscription but many are available free of charge. Please contact:

Publications Distribution
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9
Tel: 613 782-8248
Fax: 613 782-8874

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