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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research

Topic Index

Sectoral balance sheet

Winter 1996-97
The maturity structure of household financial assets and liabilities
M.-C. Montplaisir
Bank of Canada Review article

Winter 1995-96
Developments in trusteed pension funds
J. De Leon
Bank of Canada Review article

L'endettement du secteur privé au Canada : un examen macroéconomique
J.-F. Fillion
Working Paper 94-7

Un modèle du coût du financement et du ratio d'endettement des entreprises non financières
J.-F. Fillion
Technical Report 61

An Integrated Model of the Portfolio Behaviour of the Canadian Household Sector: 1968-1983
S. S. Poloz
Technical Report 41

Some publications are only available for a fee or by subscription but many are available free of charge. Please contact:

Publications Distribution
Bank of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0G9
Tel: 613 782-8248
Fax: 613 782-8874

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