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Bank of Canada

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Publications and Research


Conferences, seminars, and workshops

Issues in Inflation Targeting

28 – 29 April 2005

Also: Summary of the conference

NOTE: The papers listed here are reproduced as submitted by their respective authors, and have not been edited or proofread by the Bank of Canada. They are intended for the reference of conference participants only, and should not be cited or distributed elsewhere. Papers are presented in the language of the authors only.

"The Road Ahead for Canadian Inflation Targeting" and Presentation (PDF)
Christopher Ragan

"The New-Keynesian Phillips Curve When Inflation Is Non-Stationary: The Case of Canada" and Presentation (PDF)
Bergljot BjØrnson Barkbu and Nicoletta Batini
Discussion (PDF), Günter Coenen

"Factor-Market Structure, Shifting Inflation Targets, and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve" and Presentation (PDF)
Robert Amano and Stephen Murchison
Discussion (PDF), Jean Boivin and General Discussion, Sharon Kozicki

"Exchange Rate Volatility, Pass-Through, Trade Patterns, and Inflation Targets" and Presentation,
Steven Globerman and Paul Storer
Presentation, Lucie Samson

"Monetary Policy, Asset Prices and Misspecification" and Presentation,
Robert J. Tetlow
Discussion, Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel

"John Kuszczak Memorial Lecture – The Inflation Targeting Debate", (PDF)
Frederic Mishkin

"The Zero Lower Bound on Interest Rates and Monetary Policy in Canada" and Presentation (PDF)
Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia
Discussion, Peter Ireland

"The Welfare Implications of Inflation versus Price-Level Targeting in a Two-Sector, Small Open Economy" and Presentation (PDF)
Eva Ortega and Nooman Rebei
Discussion (PDF), Craig Burnside

"Learning and the Welfare Implications of Changing Inflation Targets" and Presentation (PDF)
Kevin Moran
Discussion (PDF), Andrew Levin and Discussion, Vitor Gaspar