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CCC Guarantee: A Government Guarantee of Contract Performance

In addition to being a Crown corporation wholly-owned by the Government of Canada, the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is also an agent of the Crown, thereby having the capacity to bind the Government of Canada. All obligations and undertakings incurred by CCC when it enters into a contract with a buyer outside of Canada are obligations and undertakings of the Government of Canada.

CCC carries out its legislative mandate to assist Canadian exporters by signing the contract with the buyer, thereby providing the buyer with the assurance that the Government of Canada will stand behind the contract, and then subcontracting each and every one of those obligations and undertakings to a Canadian supplier, with the explicit approval of the buyer.

This provides the buyer with the knowledge that he is obtaining the skill and expertise of the Canadian supplier with the added assurance that, should there be a default by the Canadian supplier, CCC retains the responsibility for completing the contract in accordance with its terms and conditions.

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