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DoD Prime contractor solution - Ovalsys Success

Dialling for export dollars.

A Quebec software developer is establishing itself in the U.S. market, with a world-beating product and some assistance from the Canadian Commercial Corporation.

André Rodrigue was in the middle of negotiating a ground-breaking sale to a major U.S. law enforcement agency when he got the news. Since the contract fell under the regulations of the Canada/U.S. Defense Production Sharing Agreement, his company was compelled to use the services of the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) to complete the deal. At first, he treated CCC's involvement as just another cost of doing business.

"Then I discovered that CCC's services are free of charge for Canadian companies dealing with the U.S. government under that same agreement," says Mr. Rodrigue, Vice-President Sales and Marketing at Ovalsys Inc. of Longueuil, Quebec. "And as we moved through negotiations and completed the contract, the value-added that CCC offers to exporters became more and more apparent."

Ovalsys is a world leader in "intelligence analysis" software that allows law enforcement agencies to investigate criminal behaviour easily and effectively. The company's Digital Interception and Collection Equipment (DICE) is a sought-after system that records and collates information from court-ordered recorded telephone conversations. The fully-digital system then extrapolates calling patterns to point investigators in the right direction and make the arrest.

DICE's features attracted the attention of the Counter-Drug Technology Assessment Center (CTAC), the U.S. government's central counter-drug enforcement research and development organization. A key factor in Ovalsys's favour was the company's willingness and ability to adapt its system to meet U.S. legal requirements, which are quite different from Canadian standards. Law enforcement officers using the DICE system can instantly locate and playback specific recorded conversations, with one CD storing the equivalent of 18 cassette tapes.

"Technology approved by CTAC is eventually used by law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S. ," says Mr. Rodrigue, "so it was a very important sale for us. We've worked closely with them on R&D to get exactly the right system for their needs."

Ovalsys is a world leader in this type of software, but negotiating multi-faceted international contracts isn't prominent in the company's 10-year history.

"To add to the complexity of the deal, the actual buyer is the U.S. Department of Defense," says Mr. Rodrigue. "And because there are so many agencies involved, it was a very complex contract to us to administer on our own. We soon saw the advantages of CCC's involvement."

CCC served as Prime Contractor for Ovalsys, and helped the new exporter navigate through the intricacies of international sales. CCC's Victoria Mackenzie says that Ovalsys offers an excellent example of how smaller companies can benefit from the Corporation's experience.

"We were able to help quite a bit with contract negotiations," says Ms. Mackenzie. "There were a lot of players involved, a lot of bureaucracy involved, and it was their first time in this market, so they appreciated our help. We advised them to add a cost reimbursable clause to the contract, so they were able to get cost claims paid twice a month, and they are retaining ownership of their equipment."

Fast payment through CCC was a prime benefit for Ovalsys, a small but rapidly growing company with its headquarters near Montreal . Until the sale to CTAC, the company had sold its software to various Canadian law enforcement agencies.

"CCC pays very quickly, and their contract performance monitoring is also a very useful service," says Mr. Rodrigue. "They helped us secure a good contract with our client. Now that we're breaking into the U.S. market, our next target is South America ."

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