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Annual Report

BDC's annual report outlines our contribution to Canadian entrepreneurs and gives detailed information about our financial performance.
  • Download the 2006 annual report PDF
  • Order a printed copy.
  • Read the news release.

BDC Scorecard: Objectives, Measures and Targets
BDC's balanced scorecard translates BDC's objectives and strategies into a coherent sets of performance measurements and ensures integrated risk management of BDC's business risks.

To create a unique and valued relationship with Canadian entrepreneurs, to support the creation of their businesses and accompany their growth.

BDC Client
BDC 2006 Annual Report: Client Satisfaction

2006 Performance
The continued emphasis on innovative products and continued strong client contact maintained satisfied or very satisfied customers at 92%.

2007 Objectives
Client Satisfaction: 89%
The year-to-year objective for client satisfaction is maintained at 89%.

Who we are
BDC is a Crown corporation created by Parliament and wholly owned by the Government of Canada. We are accountable to Parliament through the Minister of Industry.

What we do
We promote entrepreneurship by providing financing, consulting and venture capital services to Canadians who are creating and growing small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs).

Why we do it
It is in the public interest to promote entrepreneurship and support the development of SMEs in Canada. Successful entrepreneurs make a crucial contribution to prosperity, from which all Canadians benefit.



To foster a culture of engagement, learning and growth

BDC Employee
BDC 2006 Annual Report: Employee Engagement

2006 Performance
The Employee Engagement Survey showed a rebound to 78%, an increase of 4% from 2005 and equal to the objective.

2007 Objectives
Employee engagement: 78%
Continued open
Leadership initiatives
Enhance workforce diversity.


To establish effective and efficient operating and administrative expenses as a percentage of net interest and other income

BDC Efficiency Ratio
 BDC 2006 Annual Report: Efficiency Ratio

2006 Performance
Slightly higher than 2005, due to increased pension costs, and an increase in operating costs in order to gear up for future growth. The lower the ratio, the higher the efficiency achieved.

2007 Objectives
Ratio: 49.7%
Higher ratio due to staff increases and a $9 million increase in pension costs
Efficiency gains are expected from new disbursement procedures.

* Represents new internal 07 objectives.
   Corporate Plan: 51%


Financial sustainability
To fulfill its public policy mandate, BDC has to be profitable to fund the growth of its portfolio, generate a return on common equity at least equal to the government's average long-term cost of funds and be able to withstand unfavourable economic circumstances without requiring government funding

BDC Outstanding
Financing Portfolio

BDC 2006 Annual Report: Financial Sustainability

2006 Performance
A record $2.5 billion in financing authorizations in fiscal 2006 drove the portfolio to $8.8 billion, an increase of $0.7 billion.

2007 Objectives
Portfolio: $9.4 billion
Increased risk tolerance through Co-Vision Loans, Productivity Plus Loans and Innovation Financing
Partnership agreements with CFDCs and Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec.

*Represents new internal 07 objectives.
  Corporate Plan: $9.0 billion
BDC Return on
Common Equity

BDC 2006 Annual Report: Return on Common Equity

2006 Performance
The total BDC ROE of 9.2% was slightly lower than the 9.7% of 2005, but was significantly higher than the 7.7% objective. This is due to the continued strength of the financing portfolio and the improved performance of BDC Venture Capital.

2007 Objectives
ROE: 8.2%
Generate an ROE at least equal to the government's average long-term cost of funds
ROE is expected to decline as provisions for loan losses are expected to return to more normal levels.

 * Represents new internal 07 objectives.
   Corporate Plan:
    0.9% – Venture Capital
    11.3% – Financing and Consulting
    7.5% – Total BDC

 BDC Consulting
BDC 2006 Annual Report: Consulting Revenues

2006 Performance
BDC recorded consulting revenues of $21.6 million, a 14% increase from 2005 and 3% higher than objective.

2007 Objectives
BDC Consulting revenue from activities: $23 million
Increased revenues due to the integrated approach with financing products and investment in resources.

* Represents new internal 07 objectives.
  Corporate Plan: $22.0 million

 BDC Venture Capital

BDC 2006 Annual Report: BDC Venture Capital

2006 Performance
IRR on total investments of 1.5% versus 5.6% in 2005 and the planned 6.3%
Lack of divestiture over the past five years has forced down the IRR.

2007 Objectives
Direct investments: 1.2%
Total investments: -0.1%
Continue to hold the course as a leader in the Canadian venture capital industry of early-stage technology
Seek opportunities for divestiture of profitable holdings.

*Represents new internal 07 objectives.
 Corporate Plan:
  3.1% – Direct
  2.0% – Total

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