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Newsletter - November 2006

  November 2006

In this issue

  • A new light on refinancing
  • Driving productivity through health and safety practices
  • The essentials of online marketing
  • Looking for the right employee?
  • Starting-up: getting creative with your business
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    A BDC consultant answers your questions about a different theme every month.

    This month's theme:
    Production planning
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    Expanding your premises?

    BDC can finance the acquisition of land or building and help you maximize your new space.

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  • A new light on refinancing
    Leverage your assets to finance a special project, deal with fluctuating sales or manage growth – Thierry Limoges, BDC.
    To learn more...

    Driving productivity through health and safety practices
    Sound regulations and systematic employee training enable your company to stay healthy too.
    To learn more...

    The essentials of online marketing
    What you need to know about web-based promotional techniques, advertising and email marketing.
    To learn more...

    Looking for the right employee?
    Save time and money by screening the candidates before the interview.
    To learn more...

    Starting-up: getting creative with your business
    Good marketing, sound financial planning and the right talent have helped The Embassy Visual Effects Inc. get rave reviews from clients.
    To learn more...

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