Drug Strategies

British Colombia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

International Drug Strategies


Blueprint on Aboriginal Health: A 10-Year Transformative Plan [PDF]
Health Canada, 2005

Canada's Drug Strategy
Health Canada, 2003

A Compendium of Resources to Support Municipal Drug Strategies [PDF]
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), 2000

Evaluation Framework for Municipal Drug Strategies [PDF]
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), May 2002

FCM Municipal Drug Strategy Phase III Report: A Summary Evaluation of Pilot Projects [PDF]
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), undated

Framework for Developing a Model Municipal Drug Strategy [PDF]
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), undated

Municipal Drug Strategy: Sustaining Community Based Initiatives [PDF]

Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), undated

National Framework for Action to Reduce the Harms Associated with the Use of Alcohol, Other Drugs and Substances in Canada
Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA), undated

Strengthening Ties - Strengthening Communities: An Aboriginal Strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada [PDF]
Canadian Aboriginal AIDS Network (CAAN), July 2003

A Synopsis of a National Symposium: Towards a Community Response to Organized Crime [PDF]
Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), April 2-3, 2000

Western Canadian Summit on Methamphetamine - Bringing Together Practitioners, Policy Makers and Researchers: Consensus Panel Report [PDF]
Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH), April 2005


Building Capacity - A Framework for Serving Albertans Affected by Addiction and Mental Health Issues [PDF]
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC), July 2005

A Community Stakeholder View of Crystal Meth in Edmonton: Trends, Strategies, Challenges and Needs [PDF]
Ann Goldblatt, Consultant, February 2004

Fighting Back: Report and Recommendations of the Premier's Task Force on Crystal Meth
Government of Alberta, September 2006

Stronger Together:  A Provincial Framework for Action on Alcohol and Other Drug Use [PDF]
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC), October 2005

Stronger Together: Coordinated Alberta Response to Methamphetamine [PDF]
Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission (AADAC), October 2005

British Columbia

A Community Guide: Strategies and Interventions for Dealing with Crystal Methamphetamine and Other Emerging Drug Trends [PDF]

Methamphetamine Task Group of the Fraser Health Addictions Services Planning Steering Committee, June 2005

Crystal Meth and Other Amphetamines: An Integrated BC Strategy [PDF]
Minister of State for Mental Health and Addiction Services, Government of British Columbia, August 2004

Everydoor Is the Right Door: A British Columbia Planning Framework to Address Problematic Substance Use and Addiction [PDF]
Ministry of Health Services, Government of British Columbia, May 2004

Four Pillars Drug Strategy
City of Vancouver, undated

A Framework for Action: A Four-Pillar Approach to Drug Problems in Vancouver: Revised [PDF]
City of Vancouver, April 2001

Preventing Harm from Psychoactive Substance Use [PDF]
City of Vancouver Drug Policy Program, November 2005

Recognizing Strength, Building Capacity: Addressing Substance Abuse Related Special Needs in First Nations Communities of British Columbia's Hinterlands [PDF]

Centre of Excellence for Children and Adolescents with Special Needs and the Substance Abuse Task Force, University of Northern British Columbia, 2003


Manitoba Meth Strategy
Manitoba Meth Task Force, undated

New Brunswick

(not yet available)

Newfoundland and Labrador

Oxycontin Task Force Final Report [PDF]
Department of Health and Community Services, Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, June 2004

Working Together for Mental Health: A Provincial Policy Framework for Mental Health & Addictions Services in Newfoundland and Labrador [PDF]

Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, October 2005

Northwest Territories

Integrated Service Delivery Model for the NWT Health and Social Services System
Department of Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories, March 2004

"Stay the Course and Together We Can Secure the Foundation that Has Been Built" - An Interim Report on the Mental Health and Addictions Services in the NWT
Department of Health and Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories, December 2005

Nova Scotia

First Annual Report: Community Partnership On Prescription Drug Abuse 2004/05 [PDF]
Cape Breton District Health Authority (CBDHA), August 2005


Addictions & Mental Health Strategy
Health and Social Services, Government of Nunavut, undated


Promoting Healthy Communities: A Framework for Alcohol Policy and Public Health in Ontario [PDF]
Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA), 2003

Setting the Course: A Framework for Integrating Addiction Treatment Services in Ontario
Government of Ontario, 1999

Toronto Drug Strategy: A Comprehensive Approach to Alcohol and Other Drugs in the City of Toronto [PDF]
City of Toronto, October 2005

Toronto Drug Strategy Initiative
City of Toronto, October 2005

Prince Edward Island

(not yet available)


Plan d'action interministérielle en toxicomanie 2006 - 2011 [PDF]
Ministry of Health and Social Services, Government of Quebec, 2006
(This document is available only in French)

Plan d'intervention sur la méthamphetamine (crystal meth) et les autres drogues de synthèse [PDF]
Ministry of Health and Social Services, Government of Quebec, 2006
(This document is available only in French)


Evaluation Framework for the Regina and Area Drug Strategy [PDF]
INNOVA Learning, October 2004

Healthier Places to Live, Work and Play ... A Population Health Promotion Strategy for Saskatchewan [PDF]
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, April 2004

Healthy Choices in a Healthy Community: A Report on Substance Abuse, Prevention and Treatment Services in Saskatchewan [PDF]
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, June 2005

KidsFirst Strategy Performance Plan 2005/06 [PDF]
Early Childhood Development Branch and Children's Services and Programs Branch, Government of Saskatchewan, 2005

Northern Health Strategy
Northern Health Strategy Working Group (NHSWG), undated

Premier's Project Hope:  Saskatchewan's Action Plan for Substance Abuse [PDF]
Government of Saskatchewan, August 2005

Provincial Health Research Strategy [PDF]
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, July 2004

The Regina and Area Drug Strategy
Regina Qu'Appelle Health Region, undated

The Regina and Area Drug Strategy Report [PDF]
Regina and Area Drug Strategy Reference Committee, June 2003

Saskatchewan's Action Plan for Citizens with Cognitive Disabilities [PDF]
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, September 2005

A Strategic Plan for Crystal Meth and Other Amphetamines in Saskatchewan [PDF]
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, February 2005

Supporting Mental Well-Being and Decreased Substance Use and Abuse: A resource document for Healthier Places
to Live, Work and Play ... A Population Health Promotion Strategy for Saskatchewan
Saskatchewan Health, Government of Saskatchewan, August 2005


Yukon Substance Abuse Action Plan
Department of Justice, Government of Yukon, October 2005

Yukon Substance Abuse Summit: Summit Report
Department of Justice, Government of Yukon, June 2005

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