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Inter-Arts Program: Creation/Production Grants (for Individuals and Organizations) and Annual and Multi-year Grants to Organizations


The next application deadline for this program will be 15 November 2006.

Note: This program is under review. Please consult this web page for dealdine and program changes in January 2007.

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Description of Program

The Inter-Arts Program supports creation, production, dissemination and professional development of independent work by Canadian inter-arts professional artists and arts organizations in one of three inter-arts practices (including artists and community collaboration activities in one of these three artistic practices):

  • performance art,
  • interdisciplinary work and
  • new artistic practices

This program encourages the plurality, complexity and evolving interaction of artistic and non-artistic practices emanating from the artistic community in an exploratory and rigorous context.

The Inter-Arts Program has three components:

  • Creation/Production Grants;
  • Annual and Multi-year Grants;
  • Dissemination Grants.

1. Creation/Production Grants are open to all Canadian inter-arts professional artists and arts organizations. Grants may be used to pursue a new individual or collective creative activity, including research, creation and/or production projects.

Creation activities include research and developing ideas, concepts and projects; experimenting with new materials; working with specialists to develop knowledge and skills; and pursuing other activities related to personal professional development or the creative development of new work. Also included are artist residency projects, as well as apprenticeship/mentorship projects for emerging artists, which allow both the "apprentice" (the applicant) and "host" (the organization, institution or individual mentor) to benefit from a hands-on learning experience of working together.

Production expenses cover costs related to all of the above, as well as the direct costs of production of new artworks, including presentation costs and the production of remounted works.

2. Annual and Multi-year Grants provide a one-year or two-year contribution to the general operating costs of a professional inter-arts organization. These grants support the creation, production and dissemination of work.

3. Dissemination Grants assist Canadian artists and non-profit arts organizations and artists’ collectives to undertake a short-term project, or a series of projects, that contribute to the development of and/or publicly present an inter-arts practice in a critical context. A separate program summary, “Inter Arts Program: Dissemination Grants (for individuals and organizations),” describes this component.

Note: All eligible applicants to the Inter-Arts Program are eligible for support from the Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (ACCF), a designated investment (for the 15 November 2005 deadline only) that increases the Canada Council for the Arts' commitment to the diverse artistic activities that bring together professional artists and the broader community and that give the arts a stronger presence in everyday life. For further information, applicants should contact an Information Officer at the telephone number provided at the end of this document, ext. 5060, to request the program summary entitled “Guidelines for Applicants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (ACCF),” or they should consult  the Web.

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For All Components

Applicants must be Canadian citizens, permanent residents of Canada, or Canadian artists’ collectives or registered non-profit arts organizations. Individual applicants need not be living in Canada when they apply.

Individual applicants must be recognized as professional artists. The Canada Council for the Arts defines a professional artist as someone who has specialized training in the field (not necessarily in academic institutions), who is recognized as such by her or his peers (artists working in the same artistic tradition), who is committed to devoting more time to the artistic activity, if financially feasible, and who has a history of public presentation or publication.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

Full-time undergraduate students at a school, college or university are not eligible to apply.

Graduate students are eligible to apply only if they meet the Canada Council’s definition of a professional artist and the proposed production is not related to their program of study.

Except as noted immediately below, individual artists may apply for only one Grant to Professional Artists or one grant to support a creation project each fiscal year
(1 April to 31 March). The Canada Council will also accept one request for a Travel Grant per year. Individual artists can receive a maximum of two Grants to Professional Artists (for creation), excluding Travel Grants, in any 48-month period.

Applicants to the Inter-Arts Program may resubmit an unsuccessful project only once to a subsequent competition in any program at the Canada Council.

Artists who have already received a grant as an established artist may not apply for a grant as an emerging artist in the same category of artistic practice.

Applicants may not apply to this program for support of the same costs that appear in any other current request to the Canada Council.

The tenure of an individual grant must not overlap with that of any other Canada Council for the Arts grant in the applicant's name, with the exception of Travel and Circulation grants.

Final reports for any previous Canada Council grants must be approved before an applicant can apply for a new grant.

Note: An established professional artist who works in more than one discipline (e.g. interdisciplinary work and music, or performance art and writing), and meets the eligibility criteria as an established artist in both disciplines, may apply to two different Grants to Professional Artists programs (for research or creation) per fiscal year. The artist must, however, accept or refuse the first grant offered by the Canada Council within two weeks of the date of the grant notification.

If the first grant offered is accepted, the artist’s other application will be withdrawn from any subsequent competition in that fiscal year. The criteria for the status of established artists are determined by each disciplinary section.

“A Guide to Determining Eligibility to the Inter-Arts Program” is available from the Inter-Arts Office or from the Canada Council web site. Applicants must consult this document before applying.

For Creation/Production Grants

Individual artists may apply as emerging artists, established artists, emerging artists’ collaborations or established artists’ collaborations.

Emerging artists  -  Emerging artists are those at an early stage in their career who have created a modest independent body of work and have made a locally recognized contribution to an inter-arts practice through public presentation of at least one of their works in a professional context. This category requires at least one year of professional arts practice after basic training. Applicants for these grants should be able to demonstrate how their past work relates to the proposed project.

Established Artists - Candidates must have completed their basic training in at least one artistic practice, not necessarily in an institution, and have created a body of work that has been presented publicly or has received professional recognition. Applicants must have worked in their field for a minimum of five years and should be able to demonstrate how their past work relates to the proposed project.

Collaborations - Collaborative projects are carried out in a context of shared authorship, where equal credit is given for the resulting work. Collaborators can be either emerging or established artists as described above. The status of the lead candidate determines whether the project is considered emerging or established. Artists from different disciplines who wish to collaborate on new work may apply under this category.

Arts organizations may apply as artists’ collectives or production groups.

Artists' Collectives - Collectives may include any number of people contributing to a common creative goal. To be eligible, collectives must have created at least one work within an inter-arts practice that has been presented publicly or has received professional recognition. Artists’ collectives must be represented by one individual who will take on the administrative and/or artistic responsibility for the entire group.

Production Groups - Groups must be registered, non-profit organizations with a specific mandate to create and produce an inter-arts work. Production groups must have been in active existence and registered for a minimum of one year before applying.

For Annual and Multi-year Grants

Applicants to this component must be incorporated as Canadian, non-profit arts organizations and be directed by recognized inter-arts professionals. They must operate on a full-time basis, have supported ongoing activities in an inter-arts practice for at least three years before applying, and have received regular project and/or operating funding from other public sector funders in the last three years.

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Grants Amount

Creation/Production Grants

Grants awarded will vary according to the peer assessment committee’s evaluations and the funds available. Funding is not available for activities carried out before the program competition deadline (i.e. 15 November 2005). Grants to individuals range from $3,000 to $20,000, grants to collaborations range from $10,000 to $30,000 and grants to artists’ collectives and organizations range from $10,000 to $30,000.

Annual and Multi-year Grants

Grants awarded will vary according to the peer assessment committee’s evaluations and the funds available. Funding is not available for activities carried out before the program competition deadline (i.e. 15 November 2005). A minimum of $20,000 per year is offered for this component.

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Assessment of Applications

Applications are assessed by a peer assessment committee composed of artists and arts professionals chosen for their knowledge and experience in professional development and the creation, production, presentation and dissemination of inter-arts practices. Committee members also have expertise in marketing and audience development strategies. They are selected to ensure fair representation on the committee of gender, regional and cultural diversity, Aboriginal peoples, genres and Canada’s two official languages. New committees are formed for each competition.

Applicants will be notified of the competition results, by letter, approximately four months after the deadline date. Results are not released over the telephone or by email.

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Application Forms

Inter-Arts Program: Creation/Production Grants for Professional Artists (PDF Acrobat format).
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

Inter-Arts Program: Creation/Production Grants for Organizations (PDF Acrobat format).
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further Information

This program summary provides a summary of the Inter-Arts Program: Creation/Production Grants (for Individuals and Organizations) and Annual and Multi-year Grants to Organizations. For further details or to obtain an application form, contact Claude Schryer, Inter-Arts Officer.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or 613-566-4414, ext. 4204

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: 613-565-5194

Fax: 613-566-4332

Inter-Arts Office
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON K1P 5V8

April 2005