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Theatre Production Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund


  • 1 March 2006 (for projects taking place after 1 September 2006) 
  • 15 September 2006 (for projects taking place after 1 April 2007)
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Program Description

The Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (ACCF) is a designated investment that increases the Canada Council for the Arts’ commitment to the diverse artistic activities that bring together professional artists and the broader community and that give the arts a stronger presence in everyday life. The ACCF provides an opportunity for communities to express themselves through creative collaborations with leading professional artists.

This component of the Theatre Production Project Grants program offers financial support to projects that connect professional artists with communities, in particular with youth. It is open to Canadian professional, non-profit theatre organizations and ad hoc groups of Canadian professional theatre artists.

Grants are intended as a contribution towards the specific costs of:

  • production, including development/creation;
  • a period of research, development and/or creation.

Note that projects generally should include at least one public presentation (e.g. public reading, public workshop).


  • Applicants must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.
  • Organizations must be incorporated as non-profit theatre organizations and may be currently receiving operating assistance from the Theatre Section, provided the proposed project is not funded through operating assistance.
  • Ad hoc groups must have been formed for the purpose of creating a unique work. The core members of the group must have been active as theatre professionals for at least two years.
  • Applicants who have been unsuccessful in a previous competition may not re-submit the same project to a subsequent competition.

All Canada Council programs are accessible to Aboriginal artists or arts organizations and artists or arts organizations from diverse cultural and regional communities of Canada.

Applicants should be aware that meeting the eligibility criteria allows them to apply to the program. It does not, however, guarantee that they will receive a grant. Grant recommendations are made by a peer assessment committee based on the overall merit of the project in a national comparative context and on the funds available.

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Grant Amount

Applicants to the ACCF may apply for up to $25,000 per year. Because of the high number of applications that may be received and the limited resources available, grants awarded may be smaller than the amounts requested.

Eligible expenses include:

  • theatre artists' honoraria or fees;
  • the material costs of the production;
  • marketing and publicity costs;
  • administrative fees;
  • theatre and rehearsal space rental;
  • honoraria for community participants.

For research, development and/or creation workshop projects only, eligible expenses also include fees for creators (authors, composers, etc.) and facilitators while creating the work in question (script, score, etc.).

Retroactive funding is not available.

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Assessment of Applications

Applications will be reviewed for eligibility, according to the published criteria, by the Theatre Section, with outside consultation if needed.

Eligible applications will be evaluated, in a national comparative context, by a peer assessment committee. The committee is a representative body of theatre professionals, with various kinds of expertise. Members are selected to ensure balanced representation of gender, regional and cultural diversity, Aboriginal peoples and various types of theatre. An English-language committee studies applications submitted in English and a French-language committee studies applications submitted in French.

The committee includes in its deliberations assessments of work (either by companies or by individual artists previously working independently), which are undertaken by independent assessors appointed by the Theatre Section. It is the responsibility of applicants to request the Theatre Section, in writing, to assess their work. The request must be made at least one month before the work’s premiere.

Applicants will be notified of the results, by mail, within three months of the deadline date. Results are not released over the telephone or by email.

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Application Form

Theatre Production Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund (pdf, 206 KB)
This form can only be printed and cannot be filled out on-line.

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Further information

This program summary provides an overview of the Theatre Production Project Grants: Artists and Community Collaboration Fund. For further details, contact the Theatre Section.

Telephone: 1-800-263-5588 (toll-free) or (613) 566-4414, ext. 4480

TTY (TDD) machine, for hearing-impaired callers: (613) 565-5194

Fax: (613) 566-4410 

Theatre Section
Canada Council for the Arts
350 Albert Street, P.O. Box 1047
Ottawa ON  K1P 5Vi

February 2006