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Future exporters

Thinking of exporting?

Are you ready to export?

A step-by-step guide to exporting

Small & medium exporters

Strengthen your credibility

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Improve your cash flow

Large enterprises

Redefine the competitive landscape

Make it easy for your customer

Save time and money

International buyers

Simplified access

Save time and money

Assistance to U.S. DoD procurement

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A Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting

The Step-by-Step Guide to Exporting is the one resource you shouldn't be without. It covers the entire process of exporting, from the time you start thinking about it until the time you're paid for delivery of your goods and services.

Table of Contents

  1. Beyond the Border : Getting Started
  2. Charting Your Route : Developing Your Export Plan
  3. Setting Out : Identifying Your Target Market
  4. Reaching the Customer : Developing Your Export Marketing Strategy
  5. Opening the Door : Entering Your Target Market
  6. Delivering the Goods : Identifying Shippers and Shipping
  7. Paying Your Way : Planning Your Export Financing
  8. The Fine Print : Understanding the Legal Side of International Trade
  9. Networking the World : E-Business for Exporters
  1. Appendix A : Your Exporting Checklist
  2. Appendix B : Team Canada Inc Members and Partners
  3. Appendix C : Glossary of International Trade Items

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