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Proposal preparation service

Are you sure your commercial proposal is as advantageous as it could be?

Tap into the expertise of Canada ’s export contracting agency and build a proposal that will result in a profitable win. CCC offers you a complete bid or proposal review to ensure favourable payment milestones, clear terms of acceptance, dispute resolution mechanism availability, and overall acceptability of terms and conditions—all aimed at making your proposal a contract you can live with when you close the deal.

  • CCC has contracting professionals with years of experience who work with you to make sure your commercial proposal meets your customer’s requirements. They’ll advise you when it is strategically sound to submit a non-compliant bid and what strategies can be employed to your advantage after your bid has been submitted.

  • Years of experience in contracting with customers around the world have exposed our professionals to a vast range of contractual terms and conditions. Consequently, we can provide valuable insights into the implications of the terms and conditions on the table before you, and advise how they should be dealt with for your best advantage.

  • Take advantage of our contracting and legal professionals to craft a commercial proposal that responds to your customer’s needs.

What to expect

CCC will secure the buyer specification document or meet with buyer to scope out the specific project, we will also require a draft of your technical and commercial proposals to review.Your CCC project manager will review the customer ’s requirements to develop specific terms and conditions that enhance your bid’s proposal’s attractiveness, and will recommend ways to structure the sale that further enhance your competitiveness.

The proposal is reviewed against the different requirements that exist for international sales, and against and the timeframe and format required by the buyer. Recommendations are made on how to strengthen your offer.

What we need from you

To undertake the review, CCC will need a copy of the requirements document–usually a request for proposal or solicitation document. We will also require a draft proposal from you to build upon.

You’ll need to submit an application form with an administrative fee of $500 plus GST to open your file.

This service is offered for a variable fee based on the hours required to complete the CCC due diligence on your company. A service agreement will be put in place defining the scope of work and estimated cost for delivery.

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