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Board of Directors

Board committees

Corporate Officers


Corporate performance

Corporate plan

Annual report

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Board committees

CCC’s Board of Directors is led by an independent, non-executive Chair and conducts its oversight functions in concert with key Board committees as follows:

  • Audit: deals primarily with matters related to sound financial and risk management practices as well as accurate and ethical reporting and audit functions;
    John Duffy (Chair)
    Andrew Saxton
    Norman Turnbull
  • Governance: develops and implements practices and procedures to ensure that the Board of Directors and the Corporation operate effectively and in accordance with a high standard of corporate governance;
    Peter Wright (Chair)
    Andrew Saxton
    Norman Turnbull
    ex-officio: Alan Curleigh, John McBride
  • Human Resources: conducts candidate identification and recommendation for the positions of Board Chairperson, Directors and President; it also reviews together with the Chairperson the performance of the President, and reviews and recommends the appointment of corporate officers as well as compensation-related issues;
    David Stapley (Chair)
    Martine Corriveau-Gougeon
    ex-officio: Alan Curleigh, John McBride
  • Commercial Initiatives: oversees management’s development of new commercial business initiatives, particularly all capital projects and those potential contracts valued in excess of $100 million.
    Martine Corriveau-Gougeon (Chair)
    Alan Curleigh
    Ken Sunquist
    Peter Wright
    ex-officio: John McBride

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