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Connect, Support, Create

The English-Language Arts Network (ELAN) is a not-for-profit organization that connects, supports, and creates opportunities for Quebec’s English-speaking artists and arts communities.

Celebrating 15 Years!

Through 2019-2020, we celebrate ELAN’s 15th anniversary as a non-profit serving English-speaking artists across Quebec …

This includes  the continued successes of projects like the ACE Initiative and ARTS2U, the introduction of new multi-year projects like ArtistsInspire Grants and Québec Relations, and, inspired by feedback from our members, the launch of the Creative Resilience mini-series on Arts & Health.


By joining ELAN with our Pay-What-You-Can membership, you become a part of the largest network of English-speaking artists in Quebec!


ELAN’s projects connect and support Quebec artists and communities to create incredible art.


ELAN regularly meets with government and community leaders about issues concerning funding, market access, community broadcasting, and diversity.

What We Do

Through our diverse projects, we create opportunities for artists to connect with industry leaders, explore unique partnerships, and connect the arts with community wellbeing.

We host a number of networking events throughout the year, such as our regular Schmoozers, to connect artists across communities and provide learning opportunities. We also work with funding bodies across all levels of government to share information on available funding for artists and encourage artists to apply.

Subscribe to ELANews

Stay up to date on ELAN’s projects, upcoming events, and community news with our monthly newsletter:

Latest News

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Québec Relations: Resources to help arts organizations find funding

The situation surrounding COVID-19 has undoubtedly caused major disruptions and a great deal of uncertainty for all of us in the English-speaking arts community. Now more than ever, arts organizations face the challenge of ensuring financial…
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ELAN's ArtEd Program: Connecting through the Arts

Carylye Elementary school’s World Globe, a vision of our earth, created with the guidance of artist Emily Read. Photo by Christina Mallozzi.   “Art gives us the opportunity to be kind, respectful and collaborative, and gives…
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Director's Message - April

Guy Rodgers attending the Creative Resilience Panel event.  Photography by Nasuna Ulin-Stuart   The show must go on... but maybe not in any way that we have ever experienced, or can currently imagine. The COVID-19 pandemic’s ultimate…
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In Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has struck with remarkable rapidity and is affecting every aspect of our lives: as artists, cultural workers, quarantined travelers, parents of young children, and caretakers of aging parents. To maintain the safety of…

2020-2021 provincial budget

The 2020-2021 provincial budget was announced last week and offered some much needed good news for artists. Overall, the culture and communications portfolio will receive an additional $1.4 billion in spending, which represents a 12.6% increase…
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Québec Relations: New searchable funding platform & webinar

Over the past year, ELAN’s Québec Relations project has identified a wide range of funding sources available within the provincial government that respond to the diverse needs of English-speaking arts organizations. Based on this extensive…

ELAN Events

ELAN Members can attend networking and professional development events throughout the year, including our popular bi-monthly Schmoozers.

We are constantly exploring new ways to build community and celebrate our members’ work! In 2019, we held our first ever Member Film Night with Beanduck Productions in August, which exhibited the short films of ten ELAN members at Casa del Popolo.


Community Feedback

We would like to invite our members and communities to provide feedback on our work. Please feel free to send us an email to

460 Sainte-Catherine West
Suites 706 & 708, 917 (Quebec Relations)
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3B 1A7
Phone: (514)-935-3312

Click here to view our Accessibility Audit.

ELAN is an official minority language organization within a country that recognizes two languages as official. ELAN is located in Tiohtiak:ke, the original name for Montreal in Kanien’keha:ka, the language of the Mohawk—also known as Mooniyang, which is the Anishinaabeg name given to the city by the Algonquin. While we are based in this city, our projects have also taken place in many regions across Quebec.

We acknowledge the colonial origin of English and French in Canada, and recognize that both languages benefit from official status throughout the land. The province that we know as Quebec is an amalgamation of the traditional territories of the Innu and Inuit nations, Algonquian nations, as well as the Mohawk nations of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. Kanien’keha:ka and Anishinaabeg are but two of the original languages of this province; Atikamekw, Cree, Inuktitut, and Innu-aimun are also among the many Indigenous languages spoken across Quebec as majority languages, all well before French and English.

ELAN acknowledges the important work being done by First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples to revive the traditional languages of these territories, and their advocacy for the official status of Indigenous languages.