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Array Success

Array Systems Computing Inc. benefits from CCC.

When Array Systems Computing Inc. (Array) needed solid contract terms, the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) was only too pleased to help. The result was a contract that satisfied the needs of Array and their customer, the Royal Swedish Navy.

On May 8, 2002, following a tough international competition, Toronto-based Array received a contract to provide a Sonar Acoustic Post Processing System (SAPPS) to Försvarets Materielverk (FMV), the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration, on behalf of the Royal Swedish Navy (RSN). The new system will be used in Sweden 's Naval Underwater Sensors Analysis Centre (NUSAC).

SAPPS is an evolutionary system that incorporates the latest advances in commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology. The SAPPS design benefits directly from the invaluable feedback and cooperation Array received from the Canadian Navy, users of a similar, earlier system. SAPPS will be used by NUSAC to analyze the acoustic and electromagnetic signatures of seagoing vessels of interest to the RSN. The highly flexible signal processor accepts records from all sources including surface ships, submarines, and fixed bottom sensors.

The innovative SAPPS design incorporates highly attractive features such as flexibility in use and scalability for future growth. Using SAPPS as a new technology baseline, Array intends to continue to evolve the system design into a new family of products and services in real-time digital signal processing (DSP) for the Canadian and export markets.

CCC's signature welcome

CCC played a critical role in Array's SAPPS contract by satisfying FMV's need for a performance guarantee. CCC's confidence in Array enhanced the company's already strong international credibility which, combined with an innovative design and a competitive price, resulted in the contract award. The deal highlights Array's prominent position within Canada 's vibrant high technology industry.

"This project evolved over the course of several months," says Project Officer Linda Watson. "We were able to help Array secure the contract by offering RSN our performance guarantee. The fact that CCC conducted its own due diligence on Array, which confirmed RSN's own positive evaluation, provided the buyer with an added measure of assurance. As we moved forward, we worked toward building a contract on the best possible terms and conditions."

Indeed, CCC's participation proved to be advantageous for both parties. Determining the viability of the project had been a concern for RSN but CCC's guarantee of contract performance, which CCC provided after conducting the process of due diligence, eliminated the need for RSN to manage this aspect from overseas. CCC's participation benefited Array in two ways. First, CCC's guarantee of contract performance eliminated the requirement for Array to provide a 100% performance bond. Second, CCC was able to negotiate advance payments from the buyer, which eliminated the need for Array to arrange pre-shipment financing.

Array is recognized as a leading developer of computer systems and software for complex real-time signal processing and simulation systems. The company provides leading-edge scientific software solutions and custom systems including synthetic aperture radar processors for airborne and ground based applications, conventional radar signal processing, acoustic signal processing, and high fidelity sonar training systems.

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