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GSA Schedules submission service - Pricing options

The basic package GSA Schedules submission package is CDN $18,500 plus GST. There are several payment options available to Canadian firms entering into a service agreement with CCC.

Prepayment discount

Total cost is $17,500 plus GST if you pay in full upon signing the service agreement.

Installment payment options

  1. Total cost is $18,500 plus GST payable in two equal installments, the first upon signing of service agreement and the second when submission is ready to be sent to GSA.

  2. Total cost is $18,500 plus GST payable in three installments, the first for $6,500 plus GST upon signing of service agreement, the second for $6,000 plus GST when submission is ready to be sent to GSA, and the third for $6,000 plus GST is due 60 days after submission is sent to GSA.

CCC will charge for disbursements related to your project, such as travel costs, photocopying, etc., at cost plus 10%.

If you request that CCC travel to support your submission to GSA, you agree to pay CCC travel costs. CCC travel costs are determined by the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat’s Travel Directive – Effective October 2002.

For more information visit http://www.tbs-sct.gc.ca/hr-rh/gtla-vgcl/index_e.asp

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