Provided by CCOHS/produit par le CCHST

Monthly Update

November 2001

Table of Contents
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island

The CCOHS legislation monthly report helps you track the legislative changes occurring in Canadian jurisdictions up to September 2001. Information contained in this report is restricted to environmental/health and safety legislation that is either available in the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series or represents new items. We welcome your comments on this service. You can contact us at

Each jurisdiction contains information on the following:

1. Legislation in progress/proposed

1A. Acts

Contains the names of current federal, provincial and territorial bills relevant to the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series. It is updated monthly. All bills are removed at the conclusion of a parliamentary session and a new series begins.

Note: If a bill has reached "Royal assent" this does not necessarily mean it is in force (effective). The notation NIF indicated Not in Force (i.e. will be proclaimed later).

Internet addresses containing proposed bills have been provided for those jurisdictions which supply this information. Please note that the bills are not official versions and that "first reading" bills may be amended.

1B. Regulations

List of proposals for amendments to current regulations or for new regulations. Some items may represent officially gazetted regulations which have yet to come into force. Summaries are included where available.

2. Amendments

Contains information about amendments which have come into force between September and October 2001. These amendments have been incorporated in the respective legislation by CCOHS staff. They will appear on subsequent issues of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation.

3. Repealed Legislation

Lists documents repealed by the respective jurisdictions and removed from the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series as of October 2001. The title of the repealed legislation is given and, in the case of regulations, the authority under which they were made (Governing Act).

4. New documents for the 2001-4 issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Documents that will be on the 2001-4 issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD-ROM series. Please note that some items represent previously existing legislation to increase comprehensiveness while others are newly enacted legislation. Information is presented under the respective jurisdiction as follows: Title of the document, Governing Act (if necessary), and citation.



Section 1.A Acts

37th Parliament, 1st Session




Section 1.B Regulations

Canada Industrial Relations Regulations (Canada Labour Code): Proposed replacement regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 20, 2001, p. 443.

Canada Labour Standards Regulations (Canada Labour Code): Proposed amendments to section 33 (immediate family) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 27, 2001, p. 255.

Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Canada Labour Code): A proposed amendment to section 9.40(f) is found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 20, 2001, p. 164.

Canada Oil and Gas Drilling Regulations (Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 7, 2001, p. 1307.

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. Proposals to add ozone and its precursors to the List of Toxic Substances in Schedule may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 9, 2001, p. 1979; four substances are proposed for the List in the June 23, 2001 edition, p. 2255.

Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulation (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 14, 2001, p. 1381.

Marine Liability Regulations (Marine Liability Act): Proposed regulations for the new Act may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Sept. 8, 2001, p. 3515.

Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (Fisheries Act): Proposed replacement regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 28, 2001, p. 2613.

Migratory Birds Regulations (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994): References to proposed amendments to Schedule I may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 3, 2001, p. 278. Also, proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 28, 2001, p. 1471 and in the June 16, 2001 edition, p. 2040.

Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions Safety Regulation (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, December 2, 2000, p. 3612. Also, proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 3, 2001, p. 787.

Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments (Lower Universal Anchorage Systems for Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 3 2001, p. 751. Also, proposed amendments (Lighting System, Retroreflective Devices and Headlamp Concealment Devices) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 24, 2001, p. 1054; proposed amendments (Electrolyte Spillage and Electric Shock Protection) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 2, 2001, p. 1865. A notice of intent to amend section 208, "Occupant Restraint Systems in Frontal Impact" may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 30, 2001, p. 2359.

National Energy Board Cost Recovery Regulations (National Energy Board Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 6, 2001, p. 28.

New Substances Fees Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed new regulation may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 30, 2001, p. 2411.

Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 19, 2001, p. 1744.

Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 11, 2001, p. 3010.

Safety Management Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 20, 2001, p. 190.

Steering Appliances and Equipment Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 19, 2001, p. 1746.

Tetrachloroethylene (Use in Dry Cleaning and Reporting Requirements) Regulation: Proposed new regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 18, 2001, p. 3130.

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Regulations (Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act, 1992): The new regulations may be found in the Supplement to the Canada Gazette, Part II, August 15, 2001. The regulations come into force one year hence.


Section 2.A Acts

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Regulations SOR/2001-300, 2001-302, and 2001-304 add 3 Acts and their corresponding regulations to Schedule 2. Regulations SOR/2001-301, 2001-303, 2001-305, 2001-306 and 2001-307 add 5 Acts and their corresponding regulations to Schedule 4.

Hazardous Products Act: Regulation SOR/2001-270 deletes and replaces items in Schedule I as a result of the new Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001.

Section 2.B Regulations

Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (Canada Labour Code, Part II): Regulation SOR/2001-321 makes a minor change to section 9.40(f) to provide additional clarity to the provision.

Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Regulation SOR/2001-293 amends various sections to replace references from the "IMO Code" to "IMDG Code" and adds sections 21 (prescribed pollutants) and 22 (discharge of marine pollutants). The amendments are required so that Canada can meets its international maritime obligations and ratify Annex III of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified.

Migratory Birds Regulations (Migratory Birds Convention Act): Regulation SOR/2001-323 amends sections 1 to update the definition of non-toxic shot to include tungsten-nickel-iron shot; amends section 14 (deposit of bait).

Pest Control Products Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Regulation SOR/2001-318 replaces section 3 (exemption of controlled products) and items 5 to 7 of Schedule II. The purpose is to substantially reduce regulatory duplication between the Pest Control Products Act (PCPA) and the Food and Drugs Act (FDA) by exempting disinfectant uses of a control product from the PCPA in order to consolidate their regulation under the FDA.

Safety Management Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Regulation SOR/2001-294 replaces section 3 (inspections and documents of compliance) and repeals sections 5 and 6. Other amendments, to be input on the effective date (July 1, 2002), extend the application of the regulations to all cargo ships, including mobile offshore drilling units (MODU) of 500 gross tonnage or more.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

*Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (S.C. 1999, c. 33)

Ocean Dumping Regulations, 1988 (SOR 89-500)

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

5th Session, 24th Legislature


No relevant legislation.

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Beverage Container Recycling Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Regulation 169/2001 extends the regulation expiry date to 2006 (section 22).

Conservation Easement Registration Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Regulation 172/2001 extends the regulation expiry date to 2006 (section 5).

Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations (Oil and Gas Conservation Act): Regulation 182/2001 adds Part 16.6, (Security) sections 16.640 to 16.648. When an approval is required in respect of an oilfield waste management facility, the applicant for the approval shall provide security in accordance with this Part. New Schedule 15 provides for the calculation of the amount of the security.

Tire Recycling and Management Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Regulation 170/2001 makes a minor change to section 6(4) and extends the regulation expiry date to 2006 (section 21).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

British Columbia


Section 1.A Acts


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Forest Land Reserve Act: As a consequential amendment of 2000, c. 7, now in force, a minor change is made in section 14(3).

Section 2.B Regulations

Gas Safety Regulation Gas Safety Act): Regulation 192/2001 adds section 100.1 (examination fees) and replaces section 7 of Schedule A (examinations and licences).

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (Workers Compensation Act): B.C. Reg. 58/2001 is amended by 202/2001 by changing the coming into force date. Regulation 58/2001 replaces section 4.82(3) (employer must ensure employee does not work indoors where smoking permitted, and exceptions); repeals section 4.83. Original in force date Sept. 10, 2001 changed to April 30, 2002 by Reg. 202/2001.

Operational Planning Regulation (Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act): Regulation 191/2001 adds section 15(2) (riparian assessment). Regulations 194/2001 and 204/2001 change the name of a ministry in various sections.

Weed Control Regulation (Weed Control Act): Regulation 189/2001 adds items to Part II of Schedule A.

Woodlot Licence Forest Management Regulation (Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act): Regulation 194/2001 changes the name of a ministry in various sections.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 37th Legislature


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Buildings and Mobile Homes Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) two minor amendments are made in sections 1 and 7 (reference to department).

Electricians' Licence Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) two minor amendments are made in sections 1 and 10 (references to department and minister).

Elevator Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) two minor amendments are made in section 1 (references to department and minister).

Gas and Oil Burner Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) a minor amendment is made in section 1 (reference to minister).

Highway Traffic Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) various sections are amended (reference to minister).

Mines and Minerals Act: 2001, c. 4 (Bill 8) adds section 179.1 (Manitoba Government will not assert its right to a one-half interest in minerals on reserve lands).

Public Health Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) a minor correction is made in section 28(l).

Steam and Pressure Plants Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 43 (Bill 49) various sections are amended (references to department and minister).

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

New Brunswick


Section 1.A Acts

3rd Session, 54th Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Motor Vehicle Act: More sections of 2001, c. 30 (Bill 66) are now in force amending subsection 297(2)(g) and the Schedule (references to convictions under section 140(1.1)(c)).

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

*Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. M-17)

Vehicle Dimensions and Mass Regulation (N.B. Reg. 94-62)

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

3rd Session, 44th General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Environmental Assessment Regulations (Environmental Assessment Act): Regulation 70/01 amends section 30 (primary forest access roads).

Waste Management Regulations (Waste Management Act): Regulation 67/01 amends sections 14(1) and 18(1) (beverage container deposit/refund).

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Regulations (Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act): Regulation 63/01 replaces section 16(1) ("educational institutions" for the purposes of the Act).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

Northwest Territories


Section 1.A Acts

4th Session, 14th Legislative Assembly


No relevant legislation.

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

Nova Scotia


Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 58th General Assembly


Private members bills:

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Trade Union Act: As a consequential amendment of 2000, c. 4, sections 43, 106 and 107 are amended, and sections 74 (industrial inquiry commission staff) and 75 (fees and expenses of member) replaced.

Workers' Compensation Act: As a consequential amendment of 2000, c. 4, section 269(1) is replaced (Program budget).

Section 2.B Regulations

Occupational Health and Safety First Aid Regulations (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Regulation 104/2001 amends first aid requirements in several sections of the regulation. From the Nova Scotia ministry:

"... any organization with federal approval to teach first aid will be considered qualified to teach in Nova Scotia. ...employers such as stores in shopping malls will be permitted to share first aid services. Other significant revisions include lifting the restriction on administering medication, clarifying which costs for first aid training are paid by the employer, and allowing employers to record accidents in a way that best suits their operation."


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Stationary Engineers Act (R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 440)

Stationary Engineers Regulations (N.S. Reg. 134/88)

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

No Change

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 37th Parliament


(Pr.) = Private Member's bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Highway Traffic Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 4 (Bill 12) section 104.1 is added (riding horse on highway).

Section 2.B Regulations

General - Air Pollution (Environmental Protection Act): Regulation 342/01 amends Schedule 1 (maximum concentrations of air contaminants) by changing and adding the following chemicals: acrylonitrile (new); chloroform (new); ethyl benzene; ethyl ether (new); n-Heptane (new); isopropyl benzene (new); methyl alcohol; methyl ethyl ketone; methyl isobutyl ketone (new); mineral spirits (new); propylene oxide (new); trichloroethylene; vinylidene chloride (new).

Hospital Management (Public Hospitals Act): Regulation 346/01 redefines "dental staff" and "dentist" and adds the definition of "oral and maxillofacial surgeon" in section 1; amends sections 11, 14, 16 and 25.

Motor Vehicles (Environmental Protection Act): Regulation 343/01 makes several changes to the regulation, including: adding, amending and repealing definitions in section 1; adding sections 1.1 (Drive Clean inspectors and repair technicians), 9.1 (repair cost limit for gasoline fuelled light vehicles), 9.2 (repairs not possible for gasoline fuelled light vehicles); replacing sections 2 (testing motor vehicles with respect to air emissions) and 7 (emission standards); Schedule 1 is replaced and Schedules 2 and 3 added.

Safety Inspections (Highway Traffic Act): Regulation 330/01 replaces the definition of "historic vehicle" in section 1.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

Prince Edward Island


Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 61st General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Waste Resource Management Regulations (Environmental Protection Act): Regulation EC2001-529 clarifies the scope of "food scraps" in section 1; revises the required minimum thickness of a flexible membrane liner in section 8; clarifies the criteria for compost in section 57; and revokes section 58(3) (compost guidelines).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 36th National Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

Construction Code (Building Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, Oct 24, 2001, No. 43, p. 5774.

Dam Safety (Dam Safety Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, July 18, 2001, No. 29, p. 4011.

Environmental Impact Assessment and Review (Environmental Quality Act): Proposed amendments to the Regulation respecting environmental impact assessments and review may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, February 21, 2001, No. 8, p. 1229, March 7, 2001, No. 10, p. 1313, and June 6, 2001, No. 23, p. 2555.

Elimination of Residual Materials (Environment Quality Act): The proposed regulation may be found in the October 25, 2000 edition of the Gazette officielle du Québec, p. 5187.

Groundwater Catchment (Environmental Quality Act): Proposed replacement regulations for the Regulation respecting underground waters may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, June 13, 2001, No. 24, p. 2663.

Occupational health and safety in mines (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Proposed regulation to amend the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, July 25, 2001, No. 30, p. 4232.

Petroleum products (Act respecting petroleum products and equipment): Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, September 26, 2001, No. 39, p. 5053.

Pits and quarries (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments to the Regulation respecting pits and quarries may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, September 12, 2001, No. 37, p. 4924.

Rules of procedure relating to the conduct of public hearings (Environment Quality Act): Amendments to the regulation may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, March 7, 2001, No. 10, p. 1311.

Safety Code (Building Act): Draft regulations may be found in the Gazette officielle du Québec, October 24, 2001, No. 43, p. 5770. The purpose of the draft regulations is to establish the minimum standards applicable to the use of a plumbing system and an electrical installation by an owner to ensure the security of the public.


Section 2.A Acts

An Act respecting electrical installations: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 26 (Bill 31) section 34 is amended (reference to construction industry commissioner replaces Labour Court) and section 35.3 is repealed.

Environment Quality Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 35 (Bill 184) section 19.1 is amended.

Forest Act: Several sections of Bill 136 (2001, c. 6) are now in force. All the provisions of 2001, c. 6 are to come into force not later than April 1, 2005. An excerpt from the Gazette officielle du Québec outlines all the provisions of the Act, including those not yet in force.

"The object of this bill is to establish new rules governing sustainable forest management, to apply mainly in forests under state ownership.

Under the bill, the Minister of Natural Resources will, no later than September 2002, make public a division of Québec's territory into forest management units, which will constitute, from 1 April 2005, the basic forest management land units used in allocating supplies for wood processing plants. The boundaries of management units will be changed only in exceptional circumstances, and no management units will be established to the north of the limit determined by the Minister. For each forest management unit, the Minister will fix the annual allowable cut for each species or group of species, and the annual yield. The Minister may also assign other objectives for a management unit, including objectives for the protection or development of resources in the forest environment and objectives of increased yield, designed to increase the annual allowable cut in the long term.

The bill changes the rules governing timber supply and forest management agreements to take the new territorial divisions into account, and to link the harvesting rights granted to agreement holders to obligations designed to ensure that the yield and objectives for the management unit are attained. Where several agreements are granted for the same management unit, the agreement holders concerned will be required to submit joint plans, evaluations and reports. Each agreement holder will be bound to carry out only the work assigned to that holder in the annual management plan, but will be warrantor for all the work to be carried out under the plan as though bound as solidary surety. More specifically, the bill adds a new obligation to the contractual commitments of agreement holders that will require them to evaluate their activities using the methods determined by the Minister and to present the results of their evaluation in an annual report. The contributions paid into the forestry fund by agreement holders will be allocated to the financing of activities relating to forest management.

Under the bill, agreement holders will be required to invite various individuals and groups to take part in the drafting of the general forest management plan, including the regional county municipalities whose territory contains any part of the management unit, the Native communities concerned, and managers of controlled zones and wildlife reserves, holders of outfitter's licences, and holders of sugar bush management permits on land included in the unit, and holders of leases of land intended for agricultural purposes within the unit. The general plan may, with regard to forest lands in which other forest users have expressed an interest, include a schedule and other conditions for the carrying out of forest management activities.

The bill maintains the five-year revision of the land and of timber volumes allocated under an agreement, but specifies that the revision will be conducted by management unit following the approval of the general plan. The bill adds new elements that will be taken into account by the Minister when revising a plan : the completion of all the forest management activities and their impact on the forest and the environment as well as any change or lack of improvement in the industrial performance achieved by the agreement holder in terms of use of timber resources. No increase in volume will be awarded if the Minister considers that the overall quality of the work carried out in the management unit is unsatisfactory. Where the annual allowable cut is to be reduced, the Minister is empowered to take into account the impact of the reduction on economic activity in order to apportion the reduction between agreement holders.

The bill introduces a new type of agreement, the forest management agreement, that will be granted to a legal person or body that does not hold a wood processing plant operating permit. The agreement holder will be subject to the same obligations as the holder of a timber supply and forest management agreement, with some changes. Several of the obligations will also apply to the holders of forest management contracts.

The bill includes a process for the classification of exceptional forest ecosystems, where all forest management and mining activities will be prohibited or subject to specific rules.

Under the bill, forest management permits may be issued to the holders of wood processing plant operating permits to enable them to harvest timber on a one-time basis where an allocated volume of timber has not been harvested or when timber must be salvaged following a natural disaster. The bill adds a new type of management permit for the harvest of shrubs and half-shrubs to supply a wood processing plant, and will allow certain holders of a permit for the cultivation and operation of a sugar bush to be issued an authorization to harvest a volume of timber to supply a wood processing plant, if the work concerned is likely to improve maple syrup and forest production."

In addition, as a consequential amendment of 1997, c. 77 now in force, section 170.5.2 is amended; as a consequential amendment of 2000, c. 15 now in force, sections 170.5 and 170.9 are amended.

Highway Safety Code: 2001, c. 21 (Bill 21) authorizes the person responsible for highway maintenance to set a rate of speed in a roadwork area that differs from the prescribed rate of speed (new sections 303.1 and 303.2); allows the driver of a service vehicle to travel on the shoulder of a highway during construction or maintenance work (new section 418.1); prohibits the use of scooters on public highways. Sections of 2001, c. 29 (Bill 38) in force amend and add various new sections (98.1, 187.3, 195.2) relating to alcohol ignition interlock devices, plus adding section 95.1 (suspension of taxi or emergency vehicle licence).

An Act respecting owners and operators of heavy vehicles: 2001, c. 27 (Bill 32) adds a paragraph to section 33 (inquiry by Commission of owner or operator of heavy vehicles) and repeals section 40.

Public Health Protection Act: 2001, c. 37 (Bill 15) adds Division IV.1 (sections 24.1 to 24.6) which introduces provisions enabling the Government to adopt a plan of action to protect the population from the West Nile virus; implementation of the measures in the plan providing for the use of pesticides is not subject to the provisions of any law, regulation or municipal by-law, other than the provisions of the Environment Quality Act, that would prevent or delay the implementation of the measures.

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

*Act respecting threatened or vulnerable species (R.S.Q., c. E-12.01)

Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable species (R.R.Q., E-12.01, r.0.2.2., O.C. 377-2000)

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 24th Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

2nd Session, 30th Legislative Assembly

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2001-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change