Provided by CCOHS/produit par le CCHST

CCOHS Legislation Monthly Report

November 2004

Table of Contents
British Columbia
New Brunswick
Newfoundland and Labrador
Northwest Territories
Nova Scotia
Prince Edward Island


The CCOHS legislation monthly report helps you track the legislative changes occurring in Canadian jurisdictions up to November 2004. To assist you in tracking changes to this report from the previous month, the new text will appear in purple. Information contained in this report is restricted to environmental/health and safety legislation that is either available in the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series or represents new items. We welcome your comments on this service. You can contact us at

Each jurisdiction contains information on the following:

1. Legislation in progress/proposed

1A. Acts

Contains the names of current federal, provincial and territorial bills relevant to the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series. It is updated monthly. All bills are removed at the conclusion of a parliamentary session and a new series begins.

Note: If a bill has reached "Royal assent" this does not necessarily mean it is in force (effective). The notation NIF indicated Not in Force (i.e. will be proclaimed later).

Internet addresses containing proposed bills have been provided for those jurisdictions which supply this information. Please note that the bills are not official versions and that "first reading" bills may be amended.

1B. Regulations

List of proposals for amendments to current regulations or for new regulations. Some items may represent officially gazetted regulations which have yet to come into force. Summaries are included where available.

2. Amendments

Contains information about amendments which have come into force between September and November 2004. These amendments have been incorporated in the respective legislation by CCOHS staff. They will appear on subsequent issues of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation.

3. Repealed Legislation

Lists documents repealed by the respective jurisdictions and removed from the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series as of October 2004. The title of the repealed legislation is given and, in the case of regulations, the authority under which they were made (Governing Act).

4. New documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Documents that will be on the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD-ROM series. Please note that some items represent previously existing legislation to increase comprehensiveness while others are newly enacted legislation. Information is presented under the respective jurisdiction as follows: Title of the document, Governing Act (if necessary), and citation.



Section 1.A Acts

38th Parliament, First Session


(Pr.) = Private Member's Bill



Section 1.B Regulations

Agreement Respecting the National Air Pollution Surveillance (NAPS) Program Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): Proposed agreement is found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 31, 2004, Supplement.

Assessor's Rules of Procedure (Pesticide Residue Compensation Act): Proposed regulation is found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 5, 2003, p. 997.

Benzene in Gasoline Regulations (Miscellaneous Program): Proposed amendments which affect mainly the French language version are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 22, 2003, p. 3630.

Candles Regulations (Hazardous Products Act): Proposed new regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 22, 2003, p. 3647.

Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations (Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987): proposed replacement regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 15, 2003, p. 485.

Crewing Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 27, 2004, p. 921.

Energy Efficiency Regulations (Energy Efficiency Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 14, 2004, p. 297.

Explosives Regulations (Explosives Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 10, 2004, p. 1182.

Export and Import of Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed regulations to replace the Export and Import of Hazardous Wastes Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 30, 2004, p. 687.

Marine Transportation Security Regulations (Marine Transportation Security Act): Proposed regulations to replace the Marine Transportation Security Regulations (Cruise Ships and Cruise Ship Facilities) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 1036.

Migratory Birds Regulations (Migratory Birds Convention Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 21, 2004, p. 394.

Motor Carrier Safety Fitness Certificate Regulations (Motor Vehicle Transport Act): Proposed new regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 3, 2003, p. 1327.

Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments (Locking and Immobilization Systems) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 26, 2003, p. 2394.

Natural and Man-made Harbour Navigation and Use Regulations. New proposed regulations under the Canada Marine Act may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 11, 2003, p. 3245.

Navigation Safety Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 27, 2004, p. 883.

Nuclear Security Regulations (Nuclear Safety and Control Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 25, 2003, p. 3375.

Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Proposed Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 2004, p. 1450.

Order Adding a Toxic Substance [DDT] to Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 1031.

Order Adding Toxic Substances [Tetrachlorobenzenes (TeCBs) & Pentachlorobenze (QCB)] to Schedule 1 to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 24, 2004, p. 1278.

Order Amending Schedule 4 to the Canada National Parks Act can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 8, 2003, p. 3536.

Order Amending Schedules 1 to 3 to the Species at Risk Act may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 23, 2004, p. 2897.

Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations, 1998 (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 995.

Pest Control Product Safety Information Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 17, 2004, p. 2044.

Pest Control Products Adverse Effects Reporting Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 23, 2004, p. 2952.

Pest Control Products Sales Information Reporting Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 27, 2004, p. 839.

Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Dental X-ray Equipment): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 22, 2003, p. 3690. Proposed amendments to Part XI of Schedule II (Tanning Equipment) are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 13, 2004, p. 621.

Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 2, 2004, p. 2703.

Surface Coating Materials Regulations (Hazardous Products Act): Proposed regulation may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 14, 2003, p. 1875.

Total, Partial or Conditional Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998): Proposed regulations to replace the Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2003 may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 1017.

Vinyl Chloride Release Regulations, 1992 (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 1012.

Virtual Elimination List (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): The proposed Virtual Elimination List (Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD)) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 16, 2003, p. 2578.


Section 2.A Acts

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: The part of 2004, c. 15 amending CEPA is now proclaimed in force. The amendments authorize the Minister of the Environment to make interim orders under Part 8 (Environmental Matters Related to Emergencies) if the Ministers of Environment and Health believe that immediate action is required to deal with a significant danger to the environment or to human life and health. See section 193, new section 200.1, sections 201 and 202.

Section 2.B Regulations

Energy Efficiency Regulations (Energy Efficiency Act): SOR/2004-191 amendments increase the minimum energy efficiency of gas-fired and electric storage water heaters; increase the efficiency of clothes washers providing energy and water savings; introduce a new requirement for the efficiency of exit signs; introduce regulations for water chillers used to cool large buildings. Also, the amendment updates the methods for testing the energy efficiency for clothes washers, dishwashers, and storage water heaters. Test methods are revised to take into account equipment changes, to improve accuracy, and to ensure that the test method is representative of actual use of the equipment. For dishwashers, the method of calculating annual energy consumption for the EnerGuide label will change. The test procedure will include a modified test for "soil sensing" dishwashers. The following new editions of Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards are introduced: C191-00, B211-00, C360-03, C743-02, C860-01, P.3-04.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

4th Session, 25th Legislature


(Pr.) = Private member's bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Activities Designation Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Alta. Reg. 142/2004 in force November 1, 2004, amends subsection 2(3); replaces subsection 3(3) (definitions for Division 3 of Schedule 2); adds section 10.1 (transitional - Schedule 1, Division 3 activities); adds clause (b) to Schedule 2, Division 3 (construction, operation or reclamation of a pit).

Conservation and Reclamation Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Alta. Reg. 131/2004 replaces the definition of "borrow excavation" in section 1; it adopts two codes of practice - see new section 3.1 and Schedule and amendments to section 17. Effective November 1, 2004.

Oil and Gas Conservation Regulation (Oil and Gas Conservation Act): Alta. Reg. 202/2004 replaces subsection 11.110(1.) (dead weight gauge to be certified); amends and replaces various sections in Part 16.6 (Security), including adding sections 16.649 (liability assessment) and 16.650 (re-evaluation of liability assessment).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

British Columbia


Section 1.A Acts

Fifth Session, 37 th Parliament


Section 1.B Regulations

Drinking Water Protection Regulation (Drinking Water Protection Act): B.C. Reg. 300/2004 replaces section 14 (well floodproofing), effective November 1, 2005. See British Columbia Gazette, July 13, 2004, p. 843.

Occupational Health and Safety Regulation (Workers' Compensation Act): B.C. Reg. 312/2004 adds Part 28 - Agriculture, effective January 1, 2005. See British Columbia Gazette, July 13, 2004, p. 850. B.C. Reg. 381/2004 amends the regulation and B.C. Reg. 382/2004 replaces Part 7 - Noise, Vibration, Radiation and Temperature, both effective January 1, 2005. See British Columbia Gazette, August 10, 2004, p. 1068 and 1071.

Sewerage System Regulation (Health Act): B.C. Reg. 326/2004 replaces Sewage Disposal Regulation (B.C. Reg. 411/85), effective May 31, 2005. See British Columbia Gazette, July 13, 2004, p. 967.


Section 2.A Acts

Environmental Assessment Act: As a consequential amendment of 2003, c. 80, subsection 5(3)(b) is repealed.

Environmental Management Act: The part of 2004, c. 30 (Bill 16) that amends the Act is now proclaimed in force. Among other changes it replaces the definition of "conservation officer" in section 1 and makes associated changes in sections 106 and 107; replaces subsections 112(2) & (3); replaces section 124 (time limit for prosecuting offence).

Forest Act: Provisions of 2004, c. 36 (Bill 33) now proclaimed in force, add sections 43.2 (applications for probationary community forest agreements) and 43.51 (direct award of probationary community forest agreement); repeal subsections 43.5(1) - (3) &(5).

Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act: As a consequential amendment of 2003, c. 80, subsection 194(1.1)(b) is amended (names of Acts).

Oil and Gas Commission Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 9, proclaimed in force November 1, 2004, section 9(1) is amended (reference to Water Act).

Private Managed Forest Land Act: The remaining sections of 2003, c. 80 are now proclaimed in force; section 2(1) is amended.

Water Act: Sections of 2001, c. 9 proclaimed in force November 1, 2004, among other changes: add section 1.1 (application of Act to ground water); add Part 4 (Water Management Plans, sections 62 to 67), Part 5 (Wells and Ground Water Protection, sections 68 to 82), Part 6 (General, sections 83 to 101, concerning entry warrants, powers of comptroller and regional water manager, orders, powers of engineers and officers, appeals to Environmental Appeal Board, offences); repeals sections 3, 31-32, 36-40, 41, 41.1-41.2, 45-46, 48-49. As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. 25 (Bill 31) now in force, the reference to the Greater Nanaimo Water District in section 7(f) is deleted.

Section 2.B Regulations

Administrative Review and Appeal Procedure Regulation (Forest and Range Practices Act): Among other changes, B.C. 353/2004 replaces subsection 2(2) (information required for review); adds subsection 9(4) (minister must give copy of request for review to); replaces sections 12 (agreement holder as party to the review) and 13 (minister must forward request for review to).

Agricultural Waste Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 2 and makes changes to the attached Code of Agricultural Practice for Waste Management (replaces references to "manager").

Antisapstain Chemical Waste Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 3 and makes housekeeping changes in other sections.

Asphalt Plant Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 13 and replaces references to "manager" with "director" in various sections.

Beverage Container Stewardship Program Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1 and makes other housekeeping changes in other sections.

Cleaner Gasoline Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 makes housekeeping changes in various sections.

Commercial Transport Regulations (Commercial Transport Act): B.C. Reg. 341/2004 removes a reference to an agreement in section 9.02.

Drilling and Production Regulation (Petroleum and Natural Gas Act): B.C. Reg. 390/2004 makes extensive change to the regulation, including: adding section 2.1 (exemptions for particular sites and installations from specified provisions of regulation); replacing sections 13 to 17 (well names &classifications, well authorizations); replacing sections 36 (surface and subsurface equipment), 37 (multi-zone or commingled wells), 45 (plugging requirements for wells and test holes), 47 (pulling casing), 50 (daily drilling reports), 55 (wellsite geology reports), 64 (oil storage); sections 3, 4, 37, 46, 54, 63 and 105 are repealed.

Environmental Appeal Board Procedure Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1 and amends subsection 3(4).

Environmental Data Quality Assurance Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 323/2004 replaces definitions in section 1; amends section 2; repeals section 3.

Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1.

Finfish Aquaculture Waste Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act; substitutes "director" for "manager" in various sections and the schedules; replaces section 2 (introducing waste into the environment); adds subsection 9(9) (report for monitoring and sampling); replaces subsection 10(1).

Forest Fire Prevention and Suppression Regulation (Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act): B.C. Reg. 325/2004 replaces Schedule 6 (Rates of Compensation).

Forest Recreation Regulation (Forest and Range Practices Act): B.C. Reg. 354/2004 replaces "designated forest official" with "official" in several sections.

Forest Service Road Use Regulation (Forest and Range Practices Act): B.C. Reg. 354/2004 amends subsection 6(1) and clause 12(1)(b) (reference to "official").

Gasoline Vapour Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): Among other changes, B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in subsection 1(1); substitutes "director" for "manager" in various sections; replaces section 8 (exemption from section 6 of the Act).

Land-Based Fin Fish Waste Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 amends definitions in section 1; references the new Environmental Management Act in section 2; amends section; replaces "manager" with "director" in various sections.

Motor Vehicle Act Regulations: B.C. Reg. 341/2004 removes a reference to an agreement in subsection 6.14(8). B.C. Reg. 380/2004 amends the definition of "commercial motor vehicle" in section 37.01.

Motor Vehicle Emissions Control Warranty Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 amends definitions in section 1 and references the new Environmental Management Act.

Mushroom Composting Pollution Prevention Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 2; substitutes "director" for "regional waste manager" in the various sections of the schedule.

Oil and Gas Waste Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1; amends definitions in section 1; substitutes "director" for "manager" in various sections; amends subsection 6(3); makes other housekeeping changes.

Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 amends definitions in section 1; references the new Environmental Management Act in section 2; updates references to the Local Government Act in various places.

Organic Matter Recycling Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 makes various changes, including: referencing the new Environmental Management Act; substituting "director" for "manager" in various sections; updating references to the Drinking Water Protection Regulation; replacing section 3 in Schedule 5 (new laboratory manual cited).

Ozone Depleting Substances and Other Halocarbons Regulation(Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg.321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in subsection 1(1) and makes various other housekeeping changes.

Petroleum Storage and Distribution Facilities Storm Water Regulation(Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 changes include: repealing subsection 2(3); replacing "manager" with "director" in various sections; amending section 7; repealing Schedule 1.

Pipeline Regulation (Pipeline Act): B.C. Reg. 337/2004 updates the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard Z662 (Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems) to the 2003 edition.

Placer Mining Waste Control Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 replaces section 2 (exemptions).

Post-Consumer Residual Stewardship Program Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 clarifies language concerning "director" in various sections and updates a reference to a regulation in section 1.

Public Notification Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in subsection 1(1); amends definitions in subsection 1(1), including adding "hazardous waste treatment or disposal project"; replaces "manager" with "director" in several sections.

Pulp Mill and Pulp and Paper Mill Liquid Effluent Control Regulation(Environmental Management Act): Among other changes, B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in subsection 1(1) ; replaces "manager" with "director" in several sections; replaces subsections 2(2) to (6) (effluent discharge); repeals section 4 and Schedules 1 and 3.

Rebate of Waste Management Fees Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1.

Reviewable Projects Regulation (Environmental Assessment Act): B.C. Reg. 319/2004 replaces the definition of "biomedical waste" in section 12.

Special Waste Regulation (Environmental Management Act): Among other changes B.C. Reg. 319/2004 changes the name of the regulation to: "Hazardous Waste Regulation" and the corresponding terminology throughout the regulation; changes definitions in section 1, including adding "biomedical waste"; repeals section 1.1; replaces sections 2 (general) and 4 (plans); replaces "manager" with "director" throughout the regulation; replaces sections 46 (manifest requirements), 47 (loads from multiple consignors), 48 (storage of hazardous waste), 54 (transitional provision - hazardous waste storage permits issued under old Act); adds Schedule 8 (manifest form).

Spill Cost Recovery Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 2.

Spill Reporting Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1; replaces the definition of "spill" in section 1; changes a regulation name in the Schedule.

Storage of Recyclable Material Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 replaces "manager" with "director" in sections 4 and 5.

Sulphur Content of Fuel Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 amends section 3 (exemptions) and repeals the Appendix.

Vehicular Traffic on Industrial Roads Regulation (Industrial Roads Act): B.C. Reg. 335/2004 repeals various sections including the Schedules; replaced sections include: 8 (requirement to inspect), 12 (brakes), 17 (water supply to cool brake drums), 21 (operation, maintenance and alteration of equipment), 29 (lights), 33 (car crews), 35 (driver requirements), 36 (applicants for certificate of competency), 66 (accommodating other vehicles), 68 (speed restrictions).

Waste Management Act Municipal Sewage Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 replaces "manager" with "director" in various sections and in the Schedules; updates references to the new Environmental Management Act and some regulations; replaces conditions 15(2) &16(2) in Schedule 1. It also changes the title of the regulation to "Municipal Sewage Regulation".

Waste Management Permit Fees Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 changes the title of the regulation to "Permit Fees Regulation"; references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1; updates a reference to a regulation in clause 3(5)(b).

Water Regulation (Water Act): B.C. Reg. 309/2004 changes a section reference in subsection 4(1). B.C. Reg. 347/2004 replaces section 23.1 (remission of annual rentals payable for orders under section 39 of the Act), adds section 23.2 (remission of annual rentals payable for water use plans). B.C. Reg. 348/2004 adds subsection 13(3).

Wood Residue Burner and Incinerator Regulation (Environmental Management Act): B.C. Reg. 321/2004 references the new Environmental Management Act in section 1 and updates section references in sections 2 and 3; replaces "manager" with "director" in several places; repeals rows in Schedule 1 and adds companies to Schedule 3.

Woodlot Licence Planning and Practices Regulation (Forest and Range Practices Act): B.C. Reg. 355/2004 replaces subsection 2(10) and adds subsections 17(3.1) & 17(5)(d) (meeting with first nation groups).


Section 3.A Acts

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

Second Session, 38th Legislature


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

New Brunswick


Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 55th Legislative Assembly


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

Newfoundland and Labrador


Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 45th General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Nfld. Reg. 123/04 adds subsection 187.1 (modifications to Canadian Standards Association standard Z275.2-92)(diving operations).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

Northwest Territories


Section 1.A Acts

Third Session, 15th Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

Nova Scotia


Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 59th General Assembly


(Pr.) = Private member's Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

First Session, Second Legislative Assembly


No Change

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 38th Parliament


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

Designated Substance - Benzene (Occupational Health and Safety Act): O. Reg. 105/04 changes the exposure limits to airborne benzene in subsections 4(1) & (2), effective December 31, 2005. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 19, 2004, p. 831.


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Construction Projects (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Sections of O. Reg. 85/04 are in force October 1, 2004: definitions in section 1, section 136.1, and sections 142.1 - 142. 8 (multi-point suspended scaffold).

General (Energy Efficiency Act): O. Reg. 44/04 provides that item 27 of the Schedule is replaced October 29, 2004. Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard C743 (water chillers) is updated to the 2002 edition.

General (Nutrient Management Act): O. Reg. 294/04 adds subsections 6(3) &(4) (agricultural operations not subject to the regulation).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

Prince Edward Island


Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 62nd General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 37th National Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

Burial of contaminated soils. Proposed amendments to the regulation respecting the burial of contaminated soils (Environment Quality Act) may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, March 27, 2003, No. 13A, p. 1317A.

Dam Safety Regulations (Dam Safety Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, July 14, 2004, p. 2303.

Quality of Drinking Water (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, July 14, 2004, p. 2308.

Regulation respecting forest management plans and reports (Forest Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 9, 2004, No. 23, p. 1731.

Regulation respecting the recovery and reclamation of used oils, oil or fluid containers and used filters (Environment Quality Act): New (final) regulations are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, March 24, 2004, p. 1125. The regulation comes into force 6 months after its publication.

Regulation respecting the storage of contaminated soils and contaminated soil transfer stations (Environment Quality Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 30, 2004, No. 26, p. 2049.

Regulation respecting threatened or vulnerable species and their habitats (Act respecting threatened or vulnerable species): Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, July 7, 2004, No. 27, p. 2265.

Regulation respecting wildlife habitats (An Act respecting the conservation and development of wildlife). Proposed amendments may be found in the Gazette officiele du Qu�bec, November 12, 2003, No. 46, p. 3317.

Transportation of Dangerous Substances (Highway Safety Code): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, September 15, 2004, p. 2633.


Section 2.A Acts

Building Act: O.C. 893-2004 brings into force (October 21, 2004 and January 1, 2006) sections 29 and 282 regarding elevators and elevating devices. See notes after these sections.

Section 2.B Regulations

Building Code [Construction Code] (Building Act): O.C. 895-2004 adds Chapter IV - Elevators and Other Elevating Devices (sections 4.01 to 4.09). Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards B44-00, B355-00, and B613-00 are used as the "Codes" for the regulation, with amendments (section 4.08). In addition, new Chapter VII - Passenger Ropeways (sections 7.01 to 7.08) incorporates CSA standard Z98-01, with amendments in section 7.07.

Safety Code (Building Act): O.C. 896-2004 adds Chapter IV - Elevators and Other Lifts (sections 90 to 99). Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards B44-00 and B355-00 are used as the "Codes" for the regulation. It also adds Chapter V - Passenger Ropeways (sections 100 to 108), incorporating CSA standard Z98-01. Chapter IV comes into force on January 1, 2006.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 25th Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Gas Inspection Regulations (Gas Inspection Act, 1993): Among other changes, Sask. Reg. 90/2004 repeals sections 3 and 10; adds section 13.1 (maximum penalty); replaces section 16 (updates Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards).

Reservoir Development Area Regulations (Saskatchewan Watershed Authority Act): Among other changes Sask. Reg. 81/2004 replaces subsection 5(3) (development permit); replaces clauses 9(1)(d) & (e); amends the Blackstrap Reservoir Development Area in the Appendix.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 31st Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations


New Documents for the 2004-4 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Canadian Standards Association Standards / Association canadienne de normalisation Normes

New / Nouveau

B354.1-04 Portable elevating work platforms

B620-03 Citernes routi�res et citernes amovibles pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses

B621-03 S�lection et utilisation des citernes routi�res, des citernes amovibles, des citernes compartiment�es et des conteneurs pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses des classes 3, 4, 5, 6.1, 8 et 9

B622-03 S�lection et utilisation des citernes routi�res, des citernes routi�res � �l�ments multiples et des citernes amovibles pour le transport des marchandises dangereuses de la classe 2

C22.2 No. 96-03 Portable Power Cables

C22.3 n� 1-01 R�seaux a�riens

C191-04 Performance of electric storage tank water heaters for domestic hot water service

C360-03 Energy Performance, Water Consumption, and Capacity of Household Clothes Washers

C744-04 Standard for Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps

C802.3-01 Maximum Losses for Power Transformers

C814-96 Energy Performance of Ceiling Fans

C815-99 (R2004) Energy Performance of Drinking Water Coolers

C819-95 (R2001) Performance of General Service Fluorescent Lamps

C827-98 (R2003) Energy Performance Standard for Food Service Refrigerators and Freezers

C860-01 Performance of Internally Lighted Exit Signs

D250-03 School Buses

D409-02 Motor Vehicles for the Transportation of Persons with Physical Disabilities

M430-90 (R2000) Roof and Rock Bolts, and Accessories

P.3-04 Testing Method for Measuring Energy Consumption and Determining Efficiencies of Gas-Fired Storage Water Heaters

P4.1-02 Testing Method for Measuring Annual Fireplace Efficiency

P.8-1997 (R2004) Thermal Efficiencies of Industrial and Commercial Gas-Fired Package Furnaces

S473-04 Steel Structures

W47.1-03 Certification des compagnies de soudage par fusion de l'acier

Z94.3-02 Protecteurs oculaires et faciaux

Z142-02 Code r�gissant l'op�ration des presses : exigences concernant la sant�, la s�curit� et la protection

Z316.5-04 Fume hoods and associated exhaust systems

Z248-04 Code for tower cranes

Z240.10.1-94 (R2001) Site Preparation, Foundation, and Anchorage of Mobile Homes

Z605-03 Mobility Aid Securement and Occupant Restraint (MASOR) Systems for Motor Vehicles

Amended / Modifi�e

Z662-03 Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems

Z662-03 - Appendices Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems

Z662.1-03 Commentary on CSA Standard Z662-03, Oil and Gas Pipeline Systems - Special Publication

Reaffirmed / Confirm�e

B52-99 (R2004) Mechanical Refrigeration Code

B127.1-99 (R2004) Asbestos Cement Drain, Waste, and Vent Pipe and Pipe Fittings

B352.0-95 (R2004) Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines -- Part 1: General Requirements

B352.1-95 (R2004) Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines -- Part 2: Testing Requirements for ROPS on Agricultural Tractors

B352.2-95 (R2004) Rollover Protective Structures (ROPS) for Agricultural, Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines -- Part 3: Testing Requirements for ROPS on Construction, Earthmoving, Forestry, Industrial, and Mining Machines

Z107.56-94 Procedures for the Measurement of Occupational Noise Exposure

Z259.1-95 (R2004) Safety Belts and Lanyards

Canadian General Standards Board Standards / Office des normes g�n�rales du Canada Normes

New / Nouveau

No Change

Amended / Modifi�e

No Change

Reaffirmed / Confirm�e

No Change