Provided by CCOHS/produit par le CCHST

CCOHS Legislation Monthly Report

January 2006

Table of Contents


The CCOHS legislation monthly report helps you track the legislative changes occurring in Canadian jurisdictions up to December 2005. To assist you in tracking changes to this report from the previous month, the new text will appear in purple. Information contained in this report is restricted to environmental/health and safety legislation that is either available in the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series or represents new items. We welcome your comments on this service. You can contact us at

Each jurisdiction contains information on the following:

1. Legislation in progress/proposed

1A. Acts

Contains the names of current federal, provincial and territorial bills relevant to the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series. It is updated monthly. All bills are removed at the conclusion of a parliamentary session and a new series begins.

Note: If a bill has reached "Royal assent" this does not necessarily mean it is in force (effective). The notation NIF indicated Not in Force (i.e. will be proclaimed later).

Internet addresses containing proposed bills have been provided for those jurisdictions which supply this information. Please note that the bills are not official versions and that "first reading" bills may be amended.

1B. Regulations

List of proposals for amendments to current regulations or for new regulations. Some items may represent officially gazetted regulations which have yet to come into force. Summaries are included where available.

2. Amendments

Contains information about amendments which have come into force between November 2005 and December 2005. These amendments have been incorporated in the respective legislation by CCOHS staff. They will appear on subsequent issues of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation.

3. Repealed Legislation

Lists documents repealed by the respective jurisdictions and removed from the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series as of December 2005. The title of the repealed legislation is given and, in the case of regulations, the authority under which they were made (Governing Act).

4. New documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Documents that will be on the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD-ROM series. Please note that some items represent previously existing legislation to increase comprehensiveness while others are newly enacted legislation. Information is presented under the respective jurisdiction as follows: Title of the document, Governing Act (if necessary), and citation.



Section 1.A Acts

38th Parliament, First Session


(Pr.) = Private Member's Bill



Section 1.B Regulations

Assessable Activities, Exceptions and Executive Committee Projects Regulations (Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act): Proposed regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, September 17, 2005, p. 3058.

Ballast Water Control and Management Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed new regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 11, 2005, p. 2129.

Boat and Fire Drill and Means of Exit Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed new regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 12, 2005, p. 820. The regulations also repeal the Boat and Fire Drill Regulations.

Canada Labour Standards Regulations (Canada Labour Code, Part III): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 19, 2005, p. 3837.

Canada Occupational Health and Safety Regulations (Canada Labour Code): Proposed addition of Part XIX - Hazard Prevention Program is found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 27, 2004, p. 3470.

Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing and Reverse Etching Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999). Proposed regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 6, 2004, p. 3156.

Commercial Vehicle Drivers Hours of Service Regulations, SOR/2005-313 (Motor Vehicle Transport Act): Final version regulations in force January 1, 2007 are available in the Canada Gazette, Part II, November 16, 2005, p. 2424.

Crewing Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 27, 2004, p. 921.

Decision Body Time Periods and Consultation Regulations (Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Act): Proposed regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, September 17, 2005, p. 3113.

Employment Equity Regulations (Employment Equity Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, September 10, 2005, p. 2978.

Energy Efficiency Regulations (Energy Efficiency Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 14, 2004, p. 297.

Exclusion List Regulations, 2005 (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): Proposed replacement regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, December 17, 2005, p. 4173.

Explosives Regulations (Explosives Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 10, 2004, p. 1182.

Feeds Regulations, 1983 (Feeds Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, December 11, 2004, p. 3674.

Mackenzie Valley Land Use Regulations (Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 19, 2005, p. 3855.

Migratory Birds Regulations (Migratory Birds Convention Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, December 24, 2005, p. 4293.

Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments to Standards 210.1 and 210.2 (User-ready Tether Anchorages for Restraint Systems and Lower Universal Anchorage System for Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions) are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 20, 2004, p. 3385. Subsections 115(2.2) to (2.4) of Schedule IV as enacted by SOR/2004-250 (vehicle identification number in bar code format) come into force September 1, 2008. See Canada Gazette, Part II, Dec. 1, 2004, No. 24, p. 1796. Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 26, 2005, p. 1023. Proposed amendments (Introduction of Technical Standards Documents) are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 1, 2005, p. 3256.

Motor Vehicle Restraint Systems and Booster Cushions Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 1, 2005, p. 3256.

Motor Vehicle Tire Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 26, 2005, p. 1023. Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 1, 2005, p. 3256.

Notice of Railway Works Regulations (Railway Safety Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette Part I, November 20, 2004, p. 3394.

Nuclear Security Regulations (Nuclear Safety and Control Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 4, 2005, p. 1980.

Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Proposed Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 2004, p. 1450.

On-Road Vehicle and Engine Emission Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 5, 2005, p. 3630.

Pest Control Product Safety Information Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 17, 2004, p. 2044.

Pest Control Products Adverse Effects Reporting Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 23, 2004, p. 2952.

Pest Control Products Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed replacement regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 12, 2005, p. 3747.

Pest Control Products Sales Information Reporting Regulations (Pest Control Products Act): Proposed Regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, March 27, 2004, p. 839.

Pleasure Craft Sewage Pollution Prevention Regulations (Canada Shipping Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, November 5, 2005, p. 3667.

Precursor Control Regulations (Controlled Drugs and Substances Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 11, 2005, p. 2111.

Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations, 2005 (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed additional toxic substances may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 9, 2005, p. 2432.

Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (Diagnostic X-ray Equipment) (Radiation Emitting Devices Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, October 8, 2005, p. 3312.

Regulations Respecting 2-Butoxyethanol (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Proposed regulations are found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, July 9, 2005, p. 2445.

Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): SOR/2005-305 amendments to take effect January 1, 2006 are found in the Canada Gazette, Part II, October 19, 2005, p. 2349.

Vinyl Chloride Release Regulations, 1992 (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, April 3, 2004, p. 1012.


Section 2.A Acts

Canada National Parks Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 27 (Bill C-56) a description of the Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve is added to Schedule 2.

Canada-Newfoundland Atlantic Accord Implementation Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 27 (Bill C-56), paragraph 4(b) is replaced.

Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: SOR/2005-345 adds the Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) specified in the Kyoto Protocol to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999: Carbon dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide (N2O), Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), Perfluorocarbons (PFCs), Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6). See items 74 - 79 in Schedule 1.

Energy Supplies Emergency Act: As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 13, effective January 1, 2006, section 38 is replaced (change in reference to an Act).

Hazardous Products Act: SOR/2005-343 adds item 19 to Part I of Schedule I (prohibition of sale or importation of ice hockey helmets not meeting Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standard Z262.1-M90), at the same time removing hockey helmets from Part II (item 43 repealed).

Section 2.B Regulations

Comprehensive Study List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): SOR/2005-335 repeals the definition "exploratory drilling" in section 2, and section 15 of the Schedule. This changes the type of environmental assessment required for the first exploratory drilling project in an offshore area from the comprehensive study type to the screening type.

Law List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): SOR/2005-314 amends items in Parts I and II of Schedule I regarding the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994.

Inclusion List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): SOR/2005-314 replaces section 54 to the Schedule regarding the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994.

Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): SOR/2005-342 amendments include the addition of an abbreviation to correct an omission in paragraph 6(1)(f); the correction of a subsection reference in subparagraph 6.2(1)(f)(ii); the reinstatement of the content of subparagraph 120(6)(a)(vii) of Schedule IV, inadvertently deleted in a previous amendment; the clarification of section 210.2 of Schedule IV; the correction of references in subsections 301.2(1.1) and (1.2) of Schedule IV, and the introduction of a revised version of Test Method 1106.

Motor Vehicle Tire Safety Regulations, 1995 (Motor Vehicle Safety Act). SOR/2005-342 amendments update paragraph 1(1)(d) of Schedule IV.

Off-Road Compression-Ignition Engine Emission Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): Sections 3 to 5 and 9 to 25 of the original SOR/2005-32 are in force January 1, 2006.

Sulphur in Diesel Fuel Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999): SOR/2005-305 amends the regulations to reduce emissions from diesel-powered engines and equipment used in off-road applications (such as construction, agricultural, and industrial equipment) and rail and marine applications (such as locomotives and marine vessels); limits are established for sulphur levels in diesel fuel produced, imported or sold for these uses. See sections 1- 6; Schedules 1 & 2.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 26th Legislature


(Pr.) = Private member's bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Calgary Restricted Development Area Regulations (Government Organization Act): Alta. Reg. 200/2005 replaces and adds various sections in Townships 22, 23, 24 and 25 in Schedule A.

Forest Resources Improvement Regulation (Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act): Alta. Reg. 167/2005 replaces Schedule 1 (Maximum Timber Dues Adjustment for Coniferous Timber).

Pipeline Regulation (Pipeline Act): Alta. Reg. 212/2005 makes a minor correction to a subclause in section 82(3)(e).


Section 3.A Acts

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations

British Columbia


Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 38 th Parliament


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Forest and Range Practices Act: The remainder of 2004, c. 36 as it applies to this Act is now proclaimed in force, replacing subsection 4(2) (forest stewardship plan) and clause 121(d).

Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act: More sections are repealed by 2004, c. 36.

Motor Vehicle Act: A section of the Supplement to R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318 is now proclaimed in force which repeals subsections 47(1) & (4) (pollution control devices on motor vehicles).

Section 2.B Regulations

Food Premises Regulation (Health Act): B.C. Reg. 308/2005 adds clause 2(d.1) (application to assisted living residence).

Water Regulation (Water Act): B.C. Reg. 549/2004, effective January 1, 2006, replaces section 1.1 (use of water for industrial purpose); amends section 7 (annual rentals); amends Schedule A: Part 2 (annual rentals payable in respect of a licence); substitutes item 11 and adds 11.1 in Part 3 (annual rentals for power purpose in respect of power generation projects).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

Fourth Session, 38th Legislature


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Electricians' Licence Act: Among other changes, 2005, c.11: amends definitions in section 1; replaces section 4 (general restriction on doing electrical work); adds sections 4.1 (electrical work restrictions re apprentices, persons in training, employees, miners), 4.2 (supervision ratios), 4.3 (eligibility for licence), 5.1 (limited licences); replaces section 16 (unlicensed persons); adds section 16.1 (application of compulsory certification designation). Effective January 1, 2006.

Workplace Safety and Health Act: 2005, c. 15 adds section 45.1 (needles and needlestick injuries in medical workplaces). Effective January 1, 2006.

Section 2.B Regulations

Manitoba Building Code (The Buildings and Mobile Homes Act): Man. Reg. 149/2005 adds section 1.0.1 (code continues until April 1, 2006).

Water and Wastewater Facility Operators Regulation (Environment Act): Man. Reg. 162/2005 makes several amendments, including: replacing subsection 5(1) (classification process); amending certification dates in sections 14 and 15; replacing section 18 (certification exams); amending section 25 (personal identification card); amending Schedule A, including replacing the tables in sections 5 and 10 regarding "Classification Criteria - Classification Points".


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

New Brunswick


Section 1.A Acts

Third Session, 55th Legislative Assembly


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Off-Road Vehicle Act: A section of 2003, c. 7 in force December 1, 2005, adds section 19.2 (motorized snow vehicle safety training course requirement for under sixteens).

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

Newfoundland and Labrador


Section 1.A Acts

Second Session, 45th General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Atlantic Accord Implementation Newfoundland and Labrador Act: 2005, c. 19 (Bill 31) adds subsection 4(2) to provide for the priority of application of the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement Act.

Endangered Species Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 5.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Environmental Protection Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, subsection 4(5) (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act) and section 4.1 (terms added to approvals, licenses, etc.) are added.

Forestry Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 3.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Health and Community Services Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 2.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Lands Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 2.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Motorized Snow Vehicles and All-Terrain Vehicles Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 2.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 2.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 3.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Water Resources Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 2.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).

Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Act: As a consequential amendment of 2004, c. L-3.1, now proclaimed in force, section 3.1 is added (term or condition of the Labrador Inuit Claims Agreement Act to have precedence over Act).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

Northwest Territories


Section 1.A Acts

Fourth Session, 15th Legislative Assembly


No relevant legislation.

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Workers' Compensation General Regulations (Workers' Compensation Act): R-029-2005 replaces section 1.2 (annual remuneration), effective January 1, 2006. R-117-2005 amends section 1.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change

Nova Scotia


Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 59th General Assembly


(Pr.) = Private member's Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

Occupational Diving Regulations (Occupational Health and Safety Act): New regulations in force May 1, 2006 are found in the Nova Scotia Gazette, Part II, September 30, 2005, p. 450.


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

Third Session, Second Legislative Assembly


No relevant legislation.

Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

Workers' Compensation General Regulations (Workers' Compensation Act): R-019-2005 amends section 1 and, effective January 1, 2006, replaces section 1.2 (annual remuneration).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

Second Session, 38th Parliament


(Pr.) = Private Member Bill

Section 1.B Regulations

Air Pollution - Local Air Quality (Environmental Protection Act): New regulation 419/05 regarding air pollution comes into force on November 30, 2005. It replaces Regulation 346. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 29, 2005, p. 2374.

Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Additional amendments to Part 4 of the Schedule are effective December 31, 2005 and March 1, 2006. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 8, 2005, subsections 1(2) & (3), p. 78.

Designated Substance - Benzene (Occupational Health and Safety Act): O. Reg. 105/04 changes the exposure limits to airborne benzene in subsections 4(1) & (2), effective December 31, 2005. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 19, 2004, p. 831.

Ethanol in Gasoline (Environmental Protection Act): New regulations are in force January 1, 2007. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 43, October 22, 2005, p. 1699.

Farming Operations (Occupational Health and Safety Act): New regulation 414/05 regarding farming operations comes into force on June 30, 2006. See the Ontario Gazette, issue 29, 2005, p. 2365.

General - Waste Management (Environmental Protection Act): More sections of O. Reg. 461/05 are to come into force in 2006, 2007, and 2009: March 31, 2006 - storage, mixing, and on-site processing approval requirements; January 1, 2007 - new generator requirements; August 31, 2007 - land disposal restrictions: inorganic wastes; December 31, 2009 - land disposal restrictions: organic and mixed wastes & wastes, treated to specified standard and removal of all underlying hazardous constituents. See the Ontario Gazette, 27 August, 2005, pg. 2751.


Section 2.A Acts

Highway Traffic Act: The sections of 2005, c. 26 (Bill 169) proclaimed in force, among other changes, re-enact sections 56 (demerit point system) and 57 (conduct review system) regarding attendance at an interview or group session with a Ministry official. Section 39.1 is added (picking up passengers for compensation prohibited without licence). Section 57.1 is amended so that the Ministry-approved courses that may be required of novice drivers need not be prescribed by regulation. New section 58.2 governs inspections for the purpose of ensuring compliance by licensed driving instructors and driving schools. New Part XVI (Pilot Projects, section 228) allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council by regulation to authorize or establish a pilot project for research, testing or evaluation purposes. Section 151 is replaced (highways designated for use of paved shoulder). New section 154.1 provides for regulations for high occupancy lanes.

Section 2.B Regulations

Control of Exposure to Biological or Chemical Agents (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Sections of O. Regs. 100/04 and 16/05 in force December 31, 2005, amend items in Part 4 of the Schedule (1,3 butadiene; carbon monoxide) and 1 item in Part 11 of the Schedule (benzene).

Designated Substance - Benzene (Occupational Health and Safety Act): The remainder of O. Reg. 105/04 is in force December 31, 2005, which changes the exposure values of benzene in section 4.

Endangered Species Regulation (Endangered Species Act): In Schedule 2, O. Reg. 601/05 replaces item 4 and adds items 22-24.

General Regulation (Nutrient Management Act): O. Reg. 294/04 added sections 6(3) & (4), which are repealed on January 1, 2006 by the same regulation.

Motor Vehicles (Environmental Protection Act): O. Reg. 587/05 adds clause 1.1(4)(c) and section 1.2 (false inspection reports).


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

Prince Edward Island


Section 1.A Acts

Third Session, 62nd General Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

Highway Traffic Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 40, now proclaimed in force, a department name is changed in subsection 264(5).

Public Health Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 40, now proclaimed in force, a ministerial name is changed in clause 1(e).

Section 2.B Regulations

Radiation Safety Regulations (Public Health Act): Regulation EC2005-621 amends section 1 and Schedule I to change ministerial and department names.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

1st Session, 37th National Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

Regulation respecting air quality (Environment Quality Act): Proposed regulations are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, November 16, 2005, p. 4873.

Regulation respecting the application of the Environment Quality Act (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 1, 2005, No. 22, p. 1631.

Building Code (Construction Code) (Building Act): Updates to CSA standards are proposed in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec of June 8, 2005, No. 23, p. 1717. Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, October 5, 2005, p. 4431.

Regulation respecting environmental impact assessment and review (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, May 25, 2005, No. 21, p. 1399 and June 1, 2005, No. 22, p. 1631.

Regulation respecting environmental standards for heavy vehicles (Environment Quality Act): The draft regulation is found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, May 11, 2005, p. 1155.

Regulation respecting forest royalties (Forest Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, December 7, 2005, p. 5131.

Regulation respecting mineral substances other than petroleum, natural gas and brine (Mining Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, November 2, 2005, p. 4755.

Regulation respecting motor vehicle traffic in certain fragile environments (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 1, 2005, No. 22, p. 1631.

Regulation respecting the storage of contaminated soils and contaminated soil transfer stations (Environment Quality Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 30, 2004, No. 26, p. 2049.

Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (An Act respecting occupational health and safety): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, August 3, 2005, p. 2914.

Regulation respecting occupational health and safety in mines (An Act respecting occupational health and safety): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, January 26, 2005, p. 453.

Regulation respecting pulp and paper mills (Environment Quality Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, June 1, 2005, No. 22, p. 1631.

Regulation respecting the tariff to determine costs of sampling, analysis, inspection or investigation (Environment Quality Act): Proposed regulations are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, July 7, 2005, p. 2281A.

Regulation respecting the Safety Code for the construction industry - occupational health and safety (An Act respecting occupational health and safety): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, July 6, 2005, p. 2338.

Safety Code (Building Act): Proposed amendments are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, October 5, 2005, p. 4439.

Regulation respecting water quality in swimming pools and other artificial pools (Environment Quality Act): Proposed regulations are found in the Gazette officielle du Qu�bec, October 26, 2005, p. 4709.


Section 2.A Acts

Building Act: 2005, c. 22 (Bill 98), now proclaimed in force, establishes the R�gie du b�timent du Qu�bec as a mandatary of the State and reviews some of its governance rules. It separates the positions of chair of the board of directors and president and chief executive officer, and provides for the appointment of two vice-presidents not on the board of directors to assist the president and chief executive officer. The advisory committee is abolished the number of members on the R�gie's board of directors are increased from five to nine. See especially sections 88, 90-93, 100-101, 129.1.2, 130, 140.1, 142, 149.1, 155.1, 155.2; sections 103 to 109.5 are repealed. Some other sections of 2005, c. 22 are yet to be proclaimed in force.

Environment Quality Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 6 (Bill 62), effective January 1, 2006, sections 71, 76 to 82, and 84 to 85 are repealed; section 124 is amended.

Highway Safety Code: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 6 (Bill 62), effective January 1, 2006, section 498 is replaced (substances abandoned on highway or falling from vehicle); section 626 is amended (bylaws).

An Act respecting industrial accidents and occupational diseases: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 17 (Bill 103) section 429.17 is amended (disqualification of person representing a party), effective January 1, 2006. As a consequential amendment of 2001, c. 9, effective January 1, 2006, sections 62, 63, and 67 are amended (reference to Act).

An act respecting occupational health and safety: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 13 (Bill 108) section 42.1 is added (pregnant worker benefits), effective January 1, 2006.

An Act respecting the preservation of agricultural land and agricultural activities: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 6 (Bill 62), effective January 1, 2006, the definition of "public road" in section 1 is amended.

Watercourses Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. 6 (Bill 62), section 69.2 is amended (reference to new Act).

Section 2.B Regulations

Building Code [Construction Code] (Building Act): O.C. 1172-2005 amends sections 2.01, 2.11, and 2.14 in regard to Canadian Standards Association (CSA) standards; standard Z662-03 is now cited.


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

Section 4.B Regulations



Section 1.A Acts

Second Session, 25th Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

Waste Electronic Equipment Regulations (Environmental Management and Protection Act, 2002): New regulations come into force on February 1, 2006. See The Saskatchewan Gazette, October 21, 2005, regulation Chapter E-10.21 Reg 4, p. 1003.


Section 2.A Acts

The Fire Prevention Act, 1992: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, terminology changes are made in sections 2(h)(iii) and 7, and names of Acts changed in section 33.

The Forest Resources Management Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, an Act name is changed in sections 12, 59, and 99.

The Pest Control Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, clause 2(c) is repealed; section 12.1 is amended (conflict with by-laws); subsection 12.2(1) replaced; section 15 replaced (jurisdiction of rural officers); section 15.1 added (notification of appointment of officer).

The Pest Control Products (Saskatchewan) Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, the definition of "municipality" in section 2 is repealed.

The Prairie and Forest Fires Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, the definition of "rural municipality" in section 2 is repealed.

The Pipelines Act, 1998: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, an Act name is changed in subsection 14(1).

The Public Health Act, 1994: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, definitions in section 2 are amended relating to municipalities; subsection 14(1) is replaced; section 50 amended.

The Saskatchewan Water Corporation Act: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, sections 34, 35, 36, 38, 39 & 44 are amended regarding municipalities.

The Workers' Compensation Act, 1979: As a consequential amendment of 2005, c. M-36.1, sections 6 and 127 are amended regarding municipalities.

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change



Section 1.A Acts

First Session, 31st Legislative Assembly


Section 1.B Regulations

No Change


Section 2.A Acts

No Change

Section 2.B Regulations

No Change


Section 3.A Acts

No Change

Section 3.B Regulations

No Change

Division 4 New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Section 4.A Acts

No Change

Section 4.B Regulations

No Change


New Documents for the 2006-1 Issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD

Canadian Standards Association Standards / Association canadienne de normalisation Normes

New / Nouveau

No Change

Amended / Modifi�e

C744-04 Standard for Packaged Terminal Air-Conditioners and Heat Pumps

Reaffirmed / Confirm�e

No Change

Canadian General Standards Board Standards / Office des normes g�n�rales du Canada Normes

New / Nouveau

No Change

Amended / Modifi�e

No Change

Reaffirmed / Confirm�e

No Change