May 1999

The CCOHS legislation updating service provides information you need to keep you up to date on legislative changes in all Canadian jurisdictions up to May 1999. We welcome your comments on this service. You can contact us at


1. Legislation in progress/proposed

1A. Acts
1B. Regulations

2. Amendments

3. Repealed Legislation

4. New documents for the 99-3 issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD



The following list contains the names of current federal, provincial and territorial bills relevant to the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series. It is updated monthly. Items proclaimed in force will remain until the end of the current session.

Note: If a bill has reached "Royal assent" this does not necessarily mean it is in force (effective). The notation NIF in the Effective Date field indicates Not In Force (i.e. will be proclaimed later).

Internet addresses containing proposed bills have been provided for those jurisdictions which supply this information. Please note that the bills are not official versions and that "first reading" bills may be amended.

36th Parliament, 1st Session



TITLE: An Act to amend the Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act
AMENDS: Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (S.C. 1989, c. 3); Canada Labour Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 18/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 20
EFFECTIVE: on Royal Assent

TITLE: An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act (Maritime Liability)
AMENDS: Canada Shipping Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 12/05/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 6
EFFECTIVE: 90 days after Royal Assent (sections); other sections NIF


TITLE: An Act to provide for an integrated system of land and water management in the Mackenzie Valley, to establish certain boards for that purpose and to make consequential amendments to other Acts (New Act - short title: Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act).
AMENDS: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (S.C. 1992, c. 37); Northwest Territories Waters Act (S.C. 1992, c. 39)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 18/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 25
EFFECTIVE: 22/12/ 98 (except for Part 4 and ss. 160(2), 165(2) & 167(2)

TITLE: An Act respecting an accord between the Governments of Canada and the Yukon Territory relating to the administration and control of and legislative jurisdiction in respect of oil and gas
AMENDS: Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. O-7)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 12/05/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 5

TITLE: An Act for making the system of Canadian ports competitive, efficient and commercially oriented, providing for the establishing of port authorities and the divesting of certain harbours and ports, for the commercialization of the St. Lawrence Seaway and ferry services and other matters related to maritime trade and transport and amending the Pilotage Act and amending and repealing other Acts as a consequence
AMENDS: Canadian Environmental Assessment Act (S.C. 1992, c. 37); Canada Labour Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2); Navigable Waters Protection Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. N-22); Canada Shipping Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9) ; Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (S.C. 1989, c. 3)
REPEALS: Public Harbours and Port Facilities Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. P-29)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 10

BILL: C-14
TITLE: An Act respecting the safety and effectiveness of materials that come into contact with or are used to treat water destined for human consumption
AMENDS: Hazardous Products Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. H-3)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 30/10/97

BILL: C-15
TITLE: An Act to amend the Canada Shipping Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
AMENDS: Canada Shipping Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 16
EFFECTIVE: sections NIF.

BILL: C-19
TITLE: An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code (Part I) and the Corporations and Labour Unions Returns Act and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
AMENDS: Canada Labour Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 18/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 26
EFFECTIVE: 01/01/99

BILL: C-27
TITLE: An Act to amend the Coastal Fisheries Protection Act and the Canada Shipping Act to enable Canada to implement the Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 Relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks and other international fisheries treaties or arrangements
AMENDS: Canada Shipping Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9)
STATUS: 3rd Reading - 20/04/99

BILL: C-32
TITLE: An Act respecting pollution prevention and the protection of the environment and human health in order to contribute to sustainable development (Short title: Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1998)
AMENDS: Canada Shipping Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9); Manganese-based Fuel Additives Act (S.C. 1997, c. 11); Motor Vehicle Safety Act (S.C. 1993, c. 16)
REPEALS: Canadian Environmental Protection Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. 16 (4th. Supp.))
STATUS: 1st Reading - 12/03/98

BILL: C-44
TITLE: An Act to authorize remedial and disciplinary measures in relation to members of certain administrative tribunals, to reorganize and dissolve certain federal agencies and to make consequential amendments to other acts
AMENDS: Atomic Energy Control Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. A-16); Canada Labour Code (R.S.C. 1985, c. L-2); Canada Shipping Act (RS.C. 1985, c. S-9); Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. C-13); Canadian Transportation Accident Investigation and Safety Board Act (S.C. 1989, c. 3); National Energy Board Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. N-7)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 08/06/98

BILL: C-48
TITLE: An Act respecting marine conservation areas
STATUS: 1st Reading - 11/06/98

BILL: C-49
TITLE: An Act providing for the ratification and the bringing into effect of the Framework Agreement on First Nation Land Management (Short title: First Nations Land Management Act)
STATUS: 3rd Reading - 08/03/99

BILL: C-57
TITLE: An Act to amend the Nunavut Act with respect to the Nunavut Court of Justice and to amend other Acts in consequence
AMENDS: Fisheries Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. F-14); Railway Safety Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. 32 (4thSupp.)); Territorial Lands Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. T-7)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/03/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 3
EFFECTIVE: 01/01/99

BILL: C-58
TITLE: An Act to amend the Railway Safety Act and to make a consequential amendment to another Act
AMENDS: Railway Safety Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. 32 (4thSupp.))
STATUS: Royal Assent - 25/03/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 9

BILL: C-62
TITLE: An Act respecting the water resources of Nunavut and the Nunavut Surface Rights Tribunal and to make consequential amendments to other Acts.
AMENDS: Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. A-12); Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (S.C. 1998, c. 25); Northwest Territories Water Act (S.C. 1992, c. 39); Canada Oil and Gas Operations Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. O-7); Yukon Waters Act (S.C. 1992, c. 40)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 04/12/98

BILL: C-77
TITLE: An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 and to make consequential amendments to other Acts
AMENDS: Motor Vehicle Transport Act, 1987 (R.S.C. 1985, c. 29, 3rd. Supp.); Energy Supplies Emergency Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. E-9)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 25/03/99

BILL: C-80
TITLE: Canada Food Safety and Inspection Act [short title]
AMENDS: Hazardous Products Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. H-3); Pest Control Products Act (R.S.C. 1985, c. P-9)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 22/04/99

3rd Session, 24th Legislature

BILL: 15
TITLE: Natural Heritage Act [new Act]
AMENDS: Public Lands Act (R.S.A. 1980, c. P-30)
REPEALS: Wilderness Areas, Ecological Reserves and Natural Areas Act (R.S.A. 1980, c. W-8)
STATUS: 2nd Reading - 10/03/99

3rd Session, 36th Parliament


BILL: 10
TITLE: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Motor Vehicle Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318; Petroleum and Natural Gas Act, R.S.B.C.1996, c. 351
STATUS: Royal Assent - 13/05/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 11
EFFECTIVE: s. 8 (Motor Vehicle Act) NIF; s. 17 (Petroleum and Natural Gas Act) in force on Royal Assent.

BILL: 12
TITLE: Mining Rights Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Mines Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 293)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 13/05/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 10
EFFECTIVE: 25/01/99

BILL: 14
TITLE: Workers Compensation (Occupational Health and Safety) Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Workers' Compensation Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 492); Fire Services Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 144)
REPEALS: Workplace Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 493)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 50
EFFECTIVE: Parts of s. 15 in force & s. 26 in force 01/09/98

BILL: 17
TITLE: Waste Management Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Waste Management Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 482)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 21
EFFECTIVE: on Royal Assent

BILL: 23
TITLE: Park Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Land Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 245)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/06/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 18
EFFECTIVE: on Royal Assent

BILL: 31
TITLE: Local Government Statutes Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Fire Services Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 144); Forest Land Reserve Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 158); Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 159); Health Act (R.S.B.C, 1996, c. 179); Land Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 245); Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318); Railway Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 395); Waste Management Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 482)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 34
EFFECTIVE: 23/09/98 (relevant sections)

BILL: 32
TITLE: Oil and Gas Commission Act
NEW ACT: Oil and Gas Commission Act (S.B.C. 1998, c. 39)
AMENDS: Petroleum and Natural Gas Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 361); Pipeline Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 364); Utilities Commission Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 473)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 39
EFFECTIVE: ss. 1-7, 11-16, 22-26 - 31/07/98; rest 23/10/98

BILL: 34
TITLE: Forest Statutes Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 159); Waste Management Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 482)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 29
EFFECTIVE: all relevant sections in force

BILL: 36
TITLE: Greater Vancouver Transportation Authority Act
AMENDS: Commercial Transport Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 58); Land Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 245; Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 318)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 30
EFFECTIVE: relevant sections in force

BILL: 40
TITLE: Environment Management Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Environment Management Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 118); Waste Management Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 482)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 24/06/98

BILL: 44
TITLE: Regulatory Streamlining Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act, 1998
AMENDS: Forest Land Reserve Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 158)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 42
EFFECTIVE: 31/07/98

BILL: 50
TITLE: Miscellaneous Statutes Amendment Act (No. 3), 1998
AMENDS: Land Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 245); Utilities Commission Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 473)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 30/07/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 37
EFFECTIVE: Relevant sections in force

BILL: 51
TITLE: Nisga Final Agreement Act
AMENDS: Environmental Assessment Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 119); Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 159); Land Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 245); Petroleum and Natural Gas Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 361); Water Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 483)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 26/04/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 2

BILL: 57
TITLE: Range Amendment Act, 1999
AMENDS: Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 159
STATUS: 1st Reading - 12/05/99

BILL: 60
TITLE: Fire Services Amendment Act, 1999
AMENDS: Fire Services Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 144
STATUS: 1st Reading - 18/05/99

BILL: 63
TITLE: Wildlife Amendment Act, 1999
AMENDS: Waste Management Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 482; Water Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 483.
STATUS: 1st Reading - 20/05/99

5th Session, 36th Legislature


No relevant legislation.

4th Session, 53rd Legislative Assembly


TITLE: An Act to amend the Beverage Containers Act
AMENDS: Beverage Containers Act (A.N.B. 1991, c. B-2.2)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 18/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 45

BILL: 12
TITLE: An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Act
AMENDS: Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. M-17)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 18/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 46
EFFECTIVE: 01/01/99

BILL: 27
TITLE: An Act to Amend the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act
AMENDS: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act (A.N.B. 1976, c. B-7.1)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 12/03/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 9
EFFECTIVE: 12/03/99

BILL: 47
TITLE: An Act to Amend The Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act
AMENDS: Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act (A.N.B. 1994, c. W-14)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 12/03/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 25
EFFECTIVE: 12/03/99

BILL: 52
TITLE: An Act to Amend the Motor Vehicle Act
AMENDS: Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.N.B. 1973, c. M-17)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 12/03/99
CITATION: 1999, c. 26
EFFECTIVE: 12/03/99

3rd Session, 43rd General Assembly

TITLE: An Act to Amend the Waste Material Disposal Act
AMENDS: Waste Material Disposal Act (R.S.N. 1990, c. W-4)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 18/03/98

TITLE: An Act to amend the Environment Act
AMENDS: Environment Act (S.N. 1995, c. E-13.1)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 27/04/98

TITLE: An Act to Amend the Highway Traffic Act
AMENDS: Highway Traffic Act (R.S.N. 1990, c. H-3)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 15/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 21
EFFECTIVE: 12/15/98; some sections NIF

BILL: 29
TITLE: An Act to amend the Highway Traffic Act (No. 2)
AMENDS: Highway Traffic Act (R.S.N. 1990, c. H-3)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 15/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 16
EFFECTIVE: 01/01/99

BILL: 42
TITLE: An Act to amend the Workers' Compensation Act
AMENDS: Workers' Compensation Act (R.S.N. 1990, c. W-11); Occupational Health and Safety Act (R.S.N. 1990, c. O-3)
CHANGE OF TITLE: From "Workers' Compensation Act" to "Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act"
STATUS: Royal Assent - 15/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 19
EFFECTIVE: 01/01/99

BILL: 53
TITLE: Waste Management Act [new Act]
REPEALS: Packaging Material Act (S.N. 1993, c. P-0.1)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 15/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. W-3.1

7th Session, 13th Legislative Assembly


No relevant legislation

1st Session, 57th General Assembly


BILL: 83
TITLE: An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Act
AMENDS: Motor Vehicle Act (R.S.N.S. 1989, c. 293)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 03/12/98
CITATION: 1998, c. 32

BILL: 90
TITLE: An Act to amend the Workers' Compensation Act
AMENDS: Workers' Compensation Act (S.N.S. 1994-95, c. 10)
STATUS: 3rd Reading - 30/04/99

3rd Session, 36th Parliament


BILL: 12
TITLE: Red Tape Reduction Act, 1999
AMENDS: Sch. A: Bees Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. B.6). Sch. B: Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8). Sch. F: Safety and Consumer Statutes Administration Act, 1996 (S.O. 1996, c. 19). Sch. L: Building Code Act, 1992 (S.O. 1992, c. 23); Planning Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P.13). Sch. M: Aggregate Resources Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. A-8); Niagara Escarpment Planning and Development Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. N.2); Oil, Gas and Salt Resources Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P.12); Public Lands Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. P.43). Sch. N: Mining Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. M.14). Sch. Q: Highway Traffic Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8).
STATUS: 1st Reading - 27/04/99

BILL: 16
TITLE: Endangered, Threatened and Vulnerable Species Act, 1999
REPEALS: Endangered Species Act (R.S.O. 1990, c. E.15)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 28/04/99

2nd Session, 60th General Assembly


BILL: 14
TITLE: An Act to amend the Environmental Protection Act
AMENDS: Environmental Protection Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. E-9)
STATUS: 2nd Reading - 15/12/98

BILL: 28
TITLE: An Act to Amend the Public Health Act
AMENDS: Public Health Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. P-30)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 30/03/99

BILL: 35
TITLE: An Act to Amend the Oil and Natural Gas Act
AMENDS: Oil and Natural Gas Act (R.S.P.E.I. 1988, c. O-5)
STATUS: 1st Reading - 30/03/99

1st Session, 36th National Assembly

No relevant legislation

4th Session, 23rd Legislative Assembly


BILL: 38
TITLE: Litter Control Amendment Act, 1999
AMENDS: Litter Control Act (R.S.S. 1978, c. L-22)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 06/05/99
EFFECTIVE: In force on Royal Assent

1st Session 29th Legislative Assembly

BILL: 22
TITLE: Oil and Gas Act [NEW ACT]
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/12/97
CITATION: 1997, c. 16

BILL: 39
TITLE: An Act to amend the Motor Vehicles Act
AMENDS: Motor Vehicles Act (R.S.Y. 1986, c. 118)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/12/97
CITATION: 1997, c. 14
EFFECTIVE: All sections now in force

BILL: 40
TITLE: An Act to amend the Workers' Compensation Act
AMENDS: Workers' Compensation Act (S.Y. 1992, c. 16)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/12/97
CITATION: 1997, c. 26
EFFECTIVE: 11/12/97

BILL: 43
TITLE: An Act to amend the Public Health Act
AMENDS: Public Health Act (R.S.Y. 1986, c. 136)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 11/12/97
CITATION: 1997, c. 18
EFFECTIVE: 11/12/97

BILL: 65
TITLE: An Act to amend the Motor Vehicles Act (No. 2)
AMENDS: Motor Vehicles Act (R.S.Y. 1986, c. 118)
STATUS: Royal Assent - 07/12/98
EFFECTIVE: ss. 2-5, 7-13, 15-21 & 24-30 in force 12/01/99




Benzene in Gasoline Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): The regulations recognize that there may be exceptional circumstances under which companies supplying gasoline may not be able to meet the July 1, 1999 implementation date for the reduction of benzene. The amendments allow refiners, blenders and importers to apply for a temporary alternative limit for benzene in gasoline. Proposed text may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 30, 1999, p. 219.

Canada Occupational Safety and Health Regulations (SOR/86-304): Proposed regulatory changes regarding the exposure of drivers of large trucks to high sound levels can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 20, 1998, p. 1442. Proposed amendments to Part II (Building Safety) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 30, 1999, p. 238.

Canadian Environmental Protection Act Schedules I & II: Recommendation to add tributyltetradecylphosphonium chloride. Text in Canada Gazette, Part I, May 15, 1999, p. 1395. This issue also includes proposed regulations for this substance.

Comprehensive Study List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 1999, p. 1313.

Energy Efficiency Regulations (Energy Efficiency Act): The proposed amendments will introduce minimum energy efficiency standards for 15 energy-using products and increase the existing energy efficiency standard for 2 products. Text in Canada Gazette, Part I, July 4, 1998, p. 1615.

Exclusion List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 1999, p. 1304.

Federal Halocarbon Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): The proposed regulations are an effort to ensure uniformity with respect to releases, recovery and recycling of ozone-depleting substances among federal facilities and also to ensure that ODS releases are minimized. The text of the proposed changes can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 29, 1998, p. 2202.

Inclusion List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 1999, p. 1291.

Law List Regulations (Canadian Environmental Assessment Act): Proposed amendments may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, May 8, 1999, p. 1309.

Migratory Birds Regulations (Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994): The proposed amendments creates a special season when hunters may take overabundant species of snow geese for conservation reasons. Text may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 30, 1999, p. 227.

Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations (Motor Vehicle Safety Act): A proposed amendment may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, June 27, 1998, p. 1562 affecting sections 10(1) and 15(2). Also, a proposed amendment affecting trailer cargo anchoring devices may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, September 5, 1998, p. 2364. Regulation 98-457 makes changes to the requirements governing tether anchorages that are contained in section 210.1. These are final version changes, effective September 1, 1999 (passenger cars) and September 1, 2000 (multipurpose passenger vehicles and trucks) and can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part II, Vol. 132, No. 20, p. 2630. Regulation SOR/98-595 adds section 905 to Schedule IV (Trailer Cargo Anchoring Devices). These are final version changes, effective September 1, 1999, and are found in the Canada Gazette, Part II, Vol. 132, No. 26, p. 3215. Proposals to amend two sections of the regulations, 105 and 121, can be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, February 6, 1999. The proposed amendments require, among other things, medium and heavy vehicles to be equipped with antilock brake systems (ABS). It also establishes requirements for stopping distance performance for these medium and heavy vehicles. In addition, the amendments extend the applicability of section 105 to vehicles equipped with an electric brake system.

Nuclear Safety and Control Act: The following proposed regulations may be found in the October 10, 1998 of the Canada Gazette, Part I (Vol. 132, no. 41): Class I Nuclear Facilities Regulations; Class II Nuclear Facilities and Prescribed Equipment Regulations; General Nuclear Safety and Control Regulations; Nuclear Non-proliferation Import and Export Control Regulations; Nuclear Security Regulations; Nuclear Substances and Radiation Devices Regulations; Packaging and Transport Regulations; Radiation Protection Regulations; Uranium Mines and Mills Regulations.

Onshore Pipeline Regulations, 1998 (National Energy Board Act): Proposed new regulations to replace the old Onshore Pipeline Regulations (SOR/89-303) may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, January 16, 1999, p. 131.

Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations, 1998 (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): New regulations concerning ozone depleting substances may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part I, August 29, 1998, p. 2217. They replace 3 current regulations: Chlorofluorocarbon Regulations, 1989, Ozone-depleting Substances Regulations, and the Ozone-depleting Substances Products Regulations.

Pest Control Products Regulations (C.R.C. 1978) (Pest Control Products Act): The proposed amendments are intended to reduce overlap by exempting disinfectant uses of some control products from the Pest Control Products Act in order to consolidate their regulation under the Food and Drugs Act (FDA). Text in Canada Gazette, Part I, December 6, 1997, page 3750.

Prohibition of Certain Toxic Substances Regulations (SOR/96-237) (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): Recommendation to add (4-Chlorophenyl)cyclopropylmethanone, O-[(4-nitrophenyl)methy]oxime to the list of toxic substances. Text in Canada Gazette, Part I, October 4, 1997, p. 3195.

Radiation Emitting Devices Regulations (C.R.C. 1978) (Radiation Emitting Devices Act): Proposed replacement of item 12 of Schedule I and entire Part XII of Schedule II (DIAGNOSTIC X-RAY EQUIPMENT). Text in Canada Gazette, Part I, November 8, 1997, p. 3529.

Sulphur in Gasoline Regulations (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): Proposed regulations may be found in the Canada Gazette, Part 1, October 31, 1998, p. 2989.


Under review:

Noise Regulation
Explosives Safety Regulation
Chemical Hazards Regulation (including occupational exposure limits)
General Safety Regulation

For more information contact:

Alberta Labour
Legislation Policy and Technical Support Services
(403) 427-2687
Fax (403) 427-5698


British Columbia Fire Code (Fire Services Act): The new Code replacing B.C. Reg. 403/92 adopts the National Fire Code of Canada 1995 with changes to be found in the B.C. Gazette of August 11, 1998, p. 569-582. Effective December 1, 1998.


First Aid Regulation (Workplace Safety and Health Act): The replacement First Aid Regulation (Man. Reg. 140/98) is to come into force 120 days after it is registered (August 14, 1998). Text in the Manitoba Gazette, No. 33, August 29, 1998.

Workplace Safety Regulation (Workplace Safety and Health Act): Amendments to the regulation affecting powered lift trucks is to come into force 120 days after it is registered (September 17, 1998). Text in Manitoba Gazette, No. 38, October 3, 1998.


Violence in the Workplace Regulations. Cabinet discussions scheduled for November 1997.


Draft Regulation - Environmental Impact Assessment and Review (Environment Quality Act): The draft regulation exempts the projects or programs for aerial spraying of the biopesticide Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki (B.t.k.) from the environmental impact assessment and review procedure provided for in the Act. From Quebec Gazette, Part 2, December 23, 1998, p. 4787.

Draft Regulation - Hazardous Materials (Environment Quality Act): The draft regulation amends sections 32 and 93 (standards relating to the layout of a heap storage area or a final disposal site of residual hazardous materials). From Quebec Gazette, March 25, 1998, p. 1384.

Draft Regulation - Interest (Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases): The draft regulation stipulates in what circumstances and on what terms and conditions the CSST or an employer may be required to pay interest. Text in the Quebec Gazette, Part 2, September 30, 1998, p. 4030.

Draft Regulation - Petroleum Products (Petroleum Products and Equipment): The draft regulation makes adjustments following the adoption of the amendments to the Act (1997, c. 64). It provides for the conditions for the issue of permits, for certification of inspectors and their obligations, the contents of the registers kept by permit holders and certified inspectors, and other provisions. Text in Quebec Gazette, Part 2, October 14, 1998, p. 4229.

Draft Regulation - Quality of the Work Environment (An Act respecting occupational health and safety): The regulation replaces the current Regulation respecting industrial and commercial establishments (R.R.Q. 1981, c. S-2.1, r.9) and the Regulation respecting the quality of the work environment (R.R.Q. 1981, c. S-2.1, r.15). The text may be found in the Quebec Gazette, Part 2, September 16, 1998, No. 38, p. 3777-3878.

Draft Regulation: Safety Standards for Road Vehicles (Highway Safety Code) replaces the Regulation respecting the inspection and safety standards for road vehicles and the Regulation respecting the mechanical inspection reciprocal agreement between the Government of Quebec and certain North American jurisdictions. It is intended to harmonize Quebec standards with those of other North American jurisdictions, to improve the mechanical inspection program, and to propose standards for installing compressed natural gas or propane fuel supply systems for vehicle engines. Text in Quebec Gazette, Part 2, June 17, 1998, No. 25, p. 2233.


The following list contains information about amendments which have come into force between May and June 1999, and have been incorporated in the respective legislation by CCOHS staff. The amended legislation will appear on the 99-3 issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series.



Domestic Substances List (Canadian Environmental Protection Act): SOR/99-197 adds 6 chemicals to Part I of the DSL. SOR/99-198 adds 13 chemicals to Part I, deletes 1 chemical from Part I, and adds 13 chemicals to Part II of the DSL. (It also deletes 9 chemicals from the Non-Domestic Substances List, Part I).



Water (Ministerial) Regulation (Water Act): Regulation 91/99 changes the date when sections 3 and 4 are to come into force from April to December, 1999, and changes the date references in section 3 as well.



Fire Services Act: 1997, c. 37 (Bill 16, 1997), now in force, makes a minor housekeeping change to section 6(3).

Forest Land Reserve Act: As a consequential amendment of 1998, c. 22 (Bill 21) sections 10, 23 and 37 are amended (reference to property assessment appeal board and former Assessment Act).

Health Act: 1997, c. 37 (Bill 16, 1997), now in force, makes a minor housekeeping change to section 57(d).

Land Act: 1997, c. 37 (Bill 16, 1997), now in force, makes a minor housekeeping change to section 67(3).

Motor Carrier Act: 1997, c. 37 (Bill 16, 1997), now in force, makes a minor housekeeping change to section 12(3). 1998, c. 42 (Bill 44) adds (3) & (4) to section 2 (regulatory exemptions regarding carrying a certificate or displaying a licence).

Motor Vehicle Act: 1997, c. 37 (Bill 16, 1997), now in force, makes a minor housekeeping change to section 79.

Petroleum and Natural Gas Act: As a consequential amendment of 1998, c. 22 (Bill 21), a minor housekeeping change is made to section 8(5).

Workers Compensation Act: As a consequential amendment of 1998, c. 9 (Bill 15), a minor housekeeping change is made to section 94(4).


Range Practices Regulation (Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act): Regulation 54/99, among other changes, adds sections 2.1 (Review of request for consent under Act) and 5.1 to 5.4 (authorization to cut or damage Crown timber; general wildlife measures; excavated and bladed trails; exemptions from sections of Act).



Boiler and Pressure Vessel Act: 1999, c. 9 (Bill 27) amends the Act in several sections to change the references from "Stationary Engineers Board" and "stationary engineers licence" to "Power Engineers Board" and "power engineers licence", or the equivalent.

Motor Vehicle Act: 1999, c. 26 (Bill 52) adds section 84.01 (learner's licence).

Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Commission Act: 1999, c. 25 (Bill 47) adds (2.1) to section 21 (parties to an appeal).


General Regulation (Motor Vehicle Act): Regulation 99-14 repeals section 7(10.1).

General Regulation (Topsoil Preservation Act): Regulation 99-30 amends the regulation in several places, including adding the definition "development or undertaking" in section 2, changing the definition of "topsoil" in section 2.



Botanical Ecological Reserve Regulations (Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Act): Regulation 33/99 replaces section 7 and amends the Schedule to permit certain activities in the Redfir Lake -- Kapitagas Channel Ecological Reserve.



Workers' Compensation Act: 1998, c. 28 (Bill 11) raises the dollar amount in the definition of "Year's Maximum Insurable Remuneration". 1998, c. 44 (Bill 25) adds (2.1) to section 2 (Nunavut appointments), makes minor changes to other sections, and adds TRANSITIONAL SERVICE AGREEMENT division, sections 82.1 - 82.4 (agreements with government of Nunavut).



Commercial Motor Vehicle Inspections (Highway Traffic Act): Regulation 275/99, among other changes, replaces sections 2 (24 hour inspections and exemptions) and 9 (vehicle component performance standards), and revokes Schedules 3, 4 and 5.

Industrial Establishments (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Regulation 284/99 replaces section 86 (requirements for drowning hazards).

Mines and Mining Plants (Occupational Health and Safety Act): Regulation 236/99, among other changes, replaces section 35 (procedures to take when a flow of flammable gas is encountered) and section 187 (which edition of CSA Standard B44 for Elevators depends on installation date). Other changes concern requirements to give notice to the joint health and safety committee or health and safety representative.



Quality of the Work Environment (Occupational Health and Safety): Regulation 459-99 replaces the second paragraph of section 5 (prohibition of crocidolite or amosite).


The following documents were repealed by the respective jurisdictions and are removed from the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation series as of May 1999. The title of the repealed legislation is given and, in the case of regulations, the authority under which they were made (GOVERNING ACT)


TITLE: Notice with Respect to Substances in the National Pollutant Release Inventory for 1998
GOVERNING ACT: Canadian Environmental Protection Act


TITLE: Special Waste Management Corporation Act
CITATION: S.A. 1982, s. S-21.5


TITLE: Forest Recreation Regulation
GOVERNING ACT: Forest Practices Code of British Columbia Act
CITATION: B.C. Reg. 171/95


The following documents will be on the 99-3 issue of the Canadian enviroOSH Legislation CD-ROM series. Older regulations and acts are still being added to the product to increase comprehensiveness. They are available now on the WWW service. The information will be presented under the respective jurisdiction in the following manner: Title of the document, Governing Act (if necessary), and citation.