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Environmental Remediation Products

As a responsible licensed site holder at many locations AECL has had to address numerous environmental issues at its many sites. This has led to the development of several different processes, tools and techniques, which have or can be marketed commercially. As a result AECL can provide a suite of environmental solutions to its customers.

Some of the specific services/products AECL can offer in this area include:

  • CHEMIC – Trademarked groundwater remediation technology that removes a wide range of contaminants, including low levels of radio-activity, heavy metals and trace amounts of organics.
  • Wall & Curtain technology is a simple and highly effective way to protect natural wetlands from industrial effluents containing radioactive and non-radioactive contaminants.
  • Tritium handling - AECL is a leading world expert in the area of tritium, providing cradle to grave tritium technology expertise and services.
  • Sediment Probes – Probe for mapping radioactivity and groundwater upwelling on underwater sediments.
  • Soil Washing & Leachate Treatment – Ultra-sonic systems for mixed wastes provide lower cost clean-ups, enhanced process efficiency, reduced chemical usage and reduced risks to workers and the environment.
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