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High-Level Nuclear Waste Management

AECL’s expertise in High Level Waste Management has been derived from the research activity at Whiteshell and the Underground Research Laboratory on a deep geological repository for high level nuclear waste. AECL can provide expert consulting and some limited, small-scale R&D contract services and is one of the world’s few suppliers who actually has experience gained from an underground laboratory.

AECL retains a group of acknowledged experts in this specialized area. Countries such as France, Japan and the USA contracted various R&D studies that required the unique lab facilities presented by the Underground Research Laboratory. AECL has participated in the U.S. DOE’s Yucca Mountain project for over 10 years and maintains a permanent consultant at the DOE Nevada site.

Some of the specific services/products AECL can offer in this area include:

  • Disposal concepts for High Level Nuclear Waste
  • High-Level Waste Management Knowledge and Expertise
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